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Secure communications by chaotic carrier signal using Lorenz model
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In this paper, the generation of a chaotic carrier by Lorenz model
is theoretically studied. The encoding techniques has been used is
chaos masking of sinusoidal signal (massage), an optical chaotic
communications system for different receiver configurations is
evaluated. It is proved that chaotic carriers allow the successful
encoding and decoding of messages. Focusing on the effect of
changing the initial conditions of the states of our dynamical system
e.i changing the values (x, y, z, x1, y1, and z1).

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Photonics & Lasers In Medicine
The assessment of pathological changes in cerebral blood flow in hypertensive rats with stress-induced intracranial hemorrhage using Doppler OCT: Particularities of arterial and venous alterations/Die Beurteilung von pathologischen Veränderungen der Hirndurchblutung bei hypertensiven Ratten mit Stress-induzierten intrakraniellen Blutungen mittels Doppler-OCT: Besonderheiten von arteriellen und venösen Veränderungen
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Abstract<p>Hemorrhagic insult is a major source of morbidity and mortality in both adults and newborn babies in the developed countries. The mechanisms underlying the non-traumatic rupture of cerebral vessels are not fully clear, but there is strong evidence that stress, which is associated with an increase in arterial blood pressure, plays a crucial role in the development of acute intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), and alterations in cerebral blood flow (CBF) may contribute to the pathogenesis of ICH. The problem is that there are no effective diagnostic methods that allow for a prognosis of risk to be made for the development of ICH. Therefore, quantitative assessment of CBF may significantly advance the underst</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 20 2021
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Effect of Partial Substitution of Sr by Ba on the Structural Properties of Tl&lt;sub&gt;0.8&lt;/sub&gt;Ni&lt;sub&gt;0.2&lt;/sub&gt;Sr&lt;sub&gt;2-x&lt;/sub&gt;Br&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt;Ca&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;Cu&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;9-δ&lt;/sub&gt; System
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In this manuscript, the effect of substituting strontium with barium on the structural properties of Tl0.8Ni0.2Sr2-xBrxCa2Cu3O9-δcompound with x= 0, 0.2, 0.4, have been studied. Samples were prepared using solid state reaction technique, suitable oxides alternatives of Pb2O3, CaO, BaO and CuO with 99.99% purity as raw materials and then mixed. They were prepared in the form of discs with a diameter of 1.5 cm and a thickness of (0.2-0.3) cm under pressures 7 tons / cm2, and the samples were sintered at a constant temperature o

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semiotics and Communication
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Verbal Communication is linked with the social event no matter how different Communities in their cultures and styles of living and it's intuitions and political systems remain involved in its need . It is a dialogue , a pillar of human Communication , all Communication process conditional on the where a bouts of the shrine and the cycle of words . Semiotics is based on two principles important to Communicate : one : offer intended to report to the speaker . And the other : The recipient of the message a (know led gment of this intent . And learn to measure intent rely on two types of units ; first is the evidence for which is available for reporting the intent and the other : Signals . semiotics Communicate evidence bother as a channel

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Dynamics of Double Chaos
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stract         This paper includes studying (dynamic of double chaos) in two steps: First Step:- Applying ordinary differential equation have behaved chaotically such as (Duffing's equation) on (double pendulum) equation system to get new system of ordinary differential equations depend on it next step. Second Step:- We demonstrate existence of a dynamics of double chaos in Duffing's equation by relying on graphical result of Poincare's map from numerical simulation.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Al- Mustansiriyah Journal Science
Characteristics of Decametric Emission of Jupiter
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A statistical study was made to know the characteristics of Decametric (DAM) emission emitted from Jupiter's planet. These characteristics are the sporadic nature, time, type and the frequency. Period of 11 years was taken to study the first and year 2004 was taken to study the others. Data were provided from Radio Jove project, which gave information about the observer's location, date, time, type and the frequency. The results indicated that the DAM emission was sporadic, the time was between (00:01-05:31) hour, it was found that (Io-B) is the largest number, as compared with others , a large number emission occurred at frequency range (20-21) MHz. The results were compared with results of Radio Jove software, which indicated that the DAM

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Image encryption algorithm based on the density and 6D logistic map
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One of the most difficult issues in the history of communication technology is the transmission of secure images. On the internet, photos are used and shared by millions of individuals for both private and business reasons. Utilizing encryption methods to change the original image into an unintelligible or scrambled version is one way to achieve safe image transfer over the network. Cryptographic approaches based on chaotic logistic theory provide several new and promising options for developing secure Image encryption methods. The main aim of this paper is to build a secure system for encrypting gray and color images. The proposed system consists of two stages, the first stage is the encryption process, in which the keys are genera

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
The Effect of the Five Fingers Strategy and Traffic Signals Strategy on Physics First Grade Intermediate School Students' Achievement and Personal Intelligence
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The aim of this research is to know the effect of two strategies of active learning, the five fingers and traffic signals, on the first grade intermediate level student's achievement and personal intelligence. The research sample was chosen from the Al- Mansour intermediate school for boys, including (101) students divided into three groups chosen randomly which represented the first experimental group (32) students, the second experimental group (34) students, and the control group (33) students. To achieve the research aims, the research prepared a physics achievement test containing (26) items, and a personal intelligence test containing (20) items. The psychometric characteristics, of the tests were checked up the following results were

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Proposed A Permutation and Substitution Methods of Serpent Block Cipher
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     Block cipher technique is one of cryptography techniques to encrypt data block by block. The Serpent is one of AES candidates. It encrypts a 128-bit block by using 32 rounds of a similar calculation utilizing permutations and substitutions. Since the permutations and substitutions of it are static. Then this paper proposes dynamic methods for permutation, substitution and key generation based on chaotic maps to get more security. The proposed methods are analyzed and the results showed that they were able to exceed the weakness resulting from the use of static permutations and substitutions boxes in the original algorithm and also can reduce number of rounds and time usage compared with a classical Serpent block

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
An Autocorrelative Approach for EMG Time-Frequency Analysis
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As they are the smallest functional parts of the muscle, motor units (MUs) are considered as the basic building blocks of the neuromuscular system. Monitoring MU recruitment, de-recruitment, and firing rate (by either invasive or surface techniques) leads to the understanding of motor control strategies and of their pathological alterations. EMG signal decomposition is the process of identification and classification of individual motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) in the interference pattern detected with either intramuscular or surface electrodes. Signal processing techniques were used in EMG signal decomposition to understand fundamental and physiological issues. Many techniques have been developed to decompose intramuscularly detec

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
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In modern era, which requires the use of networks in the transmission of data across distances, the transport or storage of such data is required to be safe. The protection methods are developed to ensure data security. New schemes are proposed that merge crypto graphical principles with other systems to enhance information security. Chaos maps are one of interesting systems which are merged with cryptography for better encryption performance. Biometrics is considered an effective element in many access security systems. In this paper, two systems which are fingerprint biometrics and chaos logistic map are combined in the encryption of a text message to produce strong cipher that can withstand many types of attacks. The histogram analysis o

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