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Assessment of Sustainable Urban Expansion with Land Use and Land Cover Changes for Al-Hillah City Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

In the current study, remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems were used to detect changes in land use / land cover (LULC) in the city of Al Hillah, central Iraq for the period from 1990 - 2022. Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI visualizations, correction and georeferencing of satellite visuals were used. And then make the necessary classifications to show the changes in LULC in the city of Al Hillah. Through the study, the results showed that there is a clear expansion in the urban area from 20.5 km2 in 1990 to about 57 km2 in 2022. On the other hand, the results showed that there is a slight increase in agricultural areas and water. While the arid (empty) area decreased from 168.7 km 2 to 122 km 2 in 2022. Long-term urban planning, which is based on LULC analysis, is an effective tool for decision makers to study future patterns in urban expansion in parallel with the expected rise of the population in Iraq in the coming years. . Therefore, it is necessary to use equivalent systematic plans to take into account the theory of urban and population expansion of cities by providing the best places for the population to be concentrated in appropriate ways in the future.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Land Magnetic survey along a profile from Akaz to Rutba town and its applications

A land magnetic survey was carried out along regional profile, which is located at the north part of the Iraqi western desert. It starts from al –Qaam City (at north) toward Rutba City (at south) with a total length of 238km. The survey was carried out along the paved road between the two cities, About 113 measuring points were done with inter-station distance of 2 km (for 198 km) and 2 to 5km (for 40km). Two proton magnetometers were used in this survey. One of them is used for base station monitoring, which was fixed as of Salah Aldin field (Akkas). Its readings were used for diurnal corrections. All magnetic measurements were corrected for normal and topographic corrections. The readings were reduced to a certain base level. The resu

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Publication Date
Sat May 16 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Quantitative analysis of the economic characteristics of the land transport network

Highway network could be considered as a function of the developmental level of the region, that it is representing the sensitive nerve of the economic activity and the corner stone for the implementation of development plans and developing the spatial structure. The main theme of this thesis is to show the characteristics of the regional highway network of Anbar and to determine the most important effective spatial characteristics and the dimension of that effect negatively or positively. Further this thesis tries to draw an imagination for the connection between highway network as a spatial phenomenon and the surrounded natural and human variables within the spatial structure of the region. This thesis aiming also to determine the natu

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Physics And Chemistry Of The Earth, Parts A/b/c
The impact of climate change on land degradation along with shoreline migration in Ghoramara Island, India

Sea level rise (SLR) due to climate change is affecting the coastline, causing shoreline changes, the degradation of mangrove forests, and the destruction of coastal resources. This is the cause of a huge amount of mangrove degradation in many parts of the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna delta. A total of 90% of people have been forced to migrate from the island due to extreme weather conditions. In this study, remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) techniques were used for LULC change and shoreline shift analyses of Ghoramara Island. LULC classification was carried out using thirty years of Landsat datasets with intervals of ten years (1990 and 2000) and intervals of five years (2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020). The classific

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Emergency of Edge city between Regeneration and Acclimatization Urban

           In the nineteenth century, a new type of cities appeared, known as new cities located on the edges of major cities, and these cities began to  decentralization, urban studies turned to this type of cities to find out the most important reasons for the emergence of new cities and find out what those cities will become . Therefore, we will discuss in this research how the urban emergence of these cities (edge cities) occurs, so the research formulates its problem : The need to know the stages that edge cities go through, ending with their emergence, and the mechanisms that cities take within their context  ( regeneration or adaptation ), Assuming that edge cities are a

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Analysing Iraqi Railways Network by Applying Specific Criteria Using the GIS Techniques

The railways network is one of the huge infrastructure projects. Therefore, dealing with these projects such as analyzing and developing should be done using appropriate tools, i.e. GIS tools. Because, traditional methods will consume resources, time, money and the results maybe not accurate. In this research, the train stations in all of Iraq’s provinces were studied and analyzed using network analysis, which is one of the most powerful techniques within GIS. A free trial copy of ArcGIS®10.2 software was used in this research in order to achieve the aim of this study. The analysis of current train stations has been done depending on the road network, because people used roads to reach those train stations. The data layers for this st

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 08 2019
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Estimating total dissolved solids and total suspended solids in Mosul dam lake in situ and using remote sensing technique

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
The Compact city and urban image of the traditional city center
Abstract<p>The traditional city suffers from the decline of the urban image due to urban development and homogeneity with the urban context of the city, and because of the lack of determinants governing the urban image, it is that the center of the city of traditional Kadhimiya suffers from a break in the urban image, Therefore, the research included how to build a distinctive urban image of the center of the traditional city of Kadhimiya and achieve the visual pleasure and comfort of the recipient and the urban image here means is an image not picture which are related to several aspects, including physical, social and psychological as well as the collective memory of individuals and their rela</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oral health in relation to nutritional status among 10 years old primary school children in Al-Hillah city/ Iraq

Background: Oral health and nutrition are in interdependent relationship that good nutritional health enhancing good oral health. Nutrition can affect the development and integrity of oral cavity and the progression of oral disease. The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of the gingival health condition in relation to the nutritional status, among 10 years old primary school children in urban and rural area in Al-Hillah city. Material and method: Eight hundred ninety one (891) students, aged10 years old, selected randomly from different primary schools, in urban and rural area in Al-Hillah city, were included in this study. Oral examination including of plaque index assessment, which was done according to the criteria

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Environmental Earth Sciences
Urban geochemistry assessment using pollution indices: a case study of urban soil in Kirkuk, Iraq

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 05 2013
Journal Name
Wit Transaction On Ecology And The Environments, Wit, Press No. 11
Remote sensing of water quality index for irrigation usability of the Euphrates River

irrigation use at many stations along the Euphrates River inside the Iraqi lands and to try to correlate the results with the satellite image analyses for the purpose of making a colored model for the Euphrates that can be used to predict the quality classifications of the river for irrigation use at any point along the river. The Bhargava method was used to calculate the water quality index for irrigation use at sixteen stations along the river from its entrance to the Iraqi land at Al-Qaim in Anbar governorate to its union with the Tigris River at Qurna in Basrah governorate. Coordinates of the sixteen stations of the Euphrates River were projected at the mosaic of Iraq satellite image which was taken from LANDSAT satellite for bands 1, 2

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