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Fatigue and Tensile Characteristics for Composite Materials Used in Prosthetic Socket
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In this research, the use of natural materials like wool and cannabis as intermediate reinforcement for prosthetic limbs due to their comfort, affordability, and local availability was discussed. As part of this study on below-the-knee (BK) prosthetic sockets, two sets of samples were made using a vacuum method. These sets were made of natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites with lamination 80:20: group (Y) had 4 perlon, 1 wool 4 perlon, and group (G) had 4 perlon, 1 cannabis 4 perlon. The two groups were compared with a socket made of polypropylene. Tensile testing was used to determine the mechanical characteristics of the socket materials. The Y group has a yield stress of 17 MPs, an ultimate strength of 18.75 MPa, and an elastic modulus of 4.021 GPa, while for the G group, these values are 12.75 MPa, 18.84 MPa, and 4.076 GPa, respectively. The fatigue test was used to evaluate the failure characteristics of the socket. An F-socket was utilized to test the interface compression between both the limb and the socket. For the Tekscan sensor, the calculated pressure in the medial region is 350 K Pa, while it is 330 KPa in the posterior region. Solid Works software was used to draw a prosthetic socket for the numerical study. The failure safety agent for the composite material for group Y was 1.26. The finite element method (ANSYS Workbench 14.5) was used to look at the fatigue characteristics to detect the maximum stress, safety factor, and total deformation.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Digital Image Authentication Algorithm Based on Fragile Invisible Watermark and MD-5 Function in the DWT Domain
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Using watermarking techniques and digital signatures can better solve the problems of digital images transmitted on the Internet like forgery, tampering, altering, etc. In this paper we proposed invisible fragile watermark and MD-5 based algorithm for digital image authenticating and tampers detecting in the Discrete Wavelet Transform DWT domain. The digital image is decomposed using 2-level DWT and the middle and high frequency sub-bands are used for watermark and digital signature embedding. The authentication data are embedded in number of the coefficients of these sub-bands according to the adaptive threshold based on the watermark length and the coefficients of each DWT level. These sub-bands are used because they a

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 17 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The effect of using Gaussian, Kurtosis and LogCosh as kernels in ICA on the satellite classification accuracy
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This study focusses on the effect of using ICA transform on the classification accuracy of satellite images using the maximum likelihood classifier. The study area represents an agricultural area north of the capital Baghdad - Iraq, as it was captured by the Landsat 8 satellite on 12 January 2021, where the bands of the OLI sensor were used. A field visit was made to a variety of classes that represent the landcover of the study area and the geographical location of these classes was recorded. Gaussian, Kurtosis, and LogCosh kernels were used to perform the ICA transform of the OLI Landsat 8 image. Different training sets were made for each of the ICA and Landsat 8 images separately that used in the classification phase, and used to calcula

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Ethical Behavior and its Relationship to Social Media Uses among Female Students at Preparatory Schools in Baghdad
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The current study aims to assess the ethical behavior among female students who are using a social media network in addition to describe the variables of interest (social media use and ethical behavior) among participants, in which to find out the effects of social media on the ethical behavior of high school female students. A quantitative approach was adopted to collect the relevant data for the study, six schools included in this study from the six directorates of education in Baghdad city. Subsequently, SPSS software was applied to analyze the relevant data of the study. To achieve the research objectives, a questionnaire was composed of three sections: Part I: deals with the student's demographic information. Part II: deals with inf

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of systems and information technology on stock market activity: Case study in Iraq stock market
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Financial markets play an important role in the economy, as it contributes to the financial and economic system of the state stability, as it reduces the adoption of the companies on the loans granted by the banks, as financial markets contribute to attracting and channeling savings to small savers who will be able to buy a number of shares proportional to their savings, It also provides them the place of exchange, and play technology and information systems an important role in facilitating exchanges and increased market activity, in this research touched on the importance of information technology in effect on the activity of the financial markets. Research is divided into three demands of the first concept of eating and the importance

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of some agronomic technical in morphologe traits, yield compound and oil of rape seed c.v. pactol
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A field trial was conducted at Abu-Ghraib research station , Baghdad , Iraq . The objectives were to study the effect of nitrogen fertilizer and planting space on the performance of rape seed. A split-plot in a randomized complete of block design with three replications were used. Five levels of nitrogen fertilizer ( 120,160,200,240,280 Kg / ha ) were assigned to main plots, where as planting space in sub-plots. The result obtained confirmed that 280,240 kg / ha nitrogen maximized seed yield 1.830 , 1.773 ton/ha, oil yield,0.843,0.824 ton/ha .Results showed that planting space 30 cm produced the highest seed yield 1.90 ton / ha and oil yield , 0.884 ton / ha . Interactions between nitrogen fertilizer and p

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of electronic audit in raising of the independence and professional efficiency of the internal auditor
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The research aims to shed light on the role of E-Audit in raising Independence and professional competence of the external auditor, the study has been applied on a sample of the branches of the Rafidain Bank n have been addressed research topic beside the theoretical, as put forward by the literature of accounting, audit and that the contents of the section first, either the practical side was required to test the hypotheses use form questionnaire, which was distributed to a sample of the external auditors and bankers research sample. He has applied for his part in the search for a standard of independence and professionalism of the external auditor and the factors influencing these standards, and the most import

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Morphological study of sex organs and pollen grain of chosen wild species from Solanaceae family in Iraq
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In this study four species from Solanaceae family was conducted. These four species belong to four different genera (Solanum L. ? Physalis L. ?Withania Pauq. ? Lycium L.) The study included morphological characters of sex organs and their pollen grains for these Iraqi wild plants.The results showed that the position of epipetalous stamens , the shape of anther, their dimensions ,and the length of filaments are important taxonomical characters .On the others hand the shape of their ovaries and stigmas are also important characters in distinguish between these four species .Pollen grains are similar in their general shapes and polarities, they have three germinal furrows and germinal apertures, so they are minor in distinguish between these f

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 09 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Study the effect of Thymus vulgaris on the weight of Liver and Kidneys in Albino male rats
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Relation between Serum Leptin, Lipid Profiles and other biomarkers levels in patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy
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Background: In advanced diabetes mellitus, serum levels of the most hormones are altered due to several interplaying mechanisms. Objective: To assess the relation of serum leptin and lipid profile in type 2 diabetic nephropathy. Patients and Method: Serum leptin levels and its relation to lipid profile were estimated in 62 patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy attending the National Diabetes Center in Al- Mustansiriya University, and (26) healthy individuals considered as control group. The diabetic patients were classified into three groups, (24) pathients with normoalbuminuria (21) patients with microalbuminuria and (17) patients with macroalbuminuria. Fasting plasma glucose, serum creatinine, Hb A1c %, lipid profile (Total c

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Compatibility between Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma harzianum in disease control of Fusarium tomato wilt under greenhouse condition .
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This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of 6 isolates of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma harzianum and there combination against Fusarium tomato wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum F.sp. Lycopersisi under green house condition .The isolates of bacteria (B3) and Trichoderma (T1) were found to be highly effective in reducing the disease incidence to 13.3% , 21% respectively , compared to control treatment (40%).Furthermore, disease severity was reduced to 28 and 30% respectively in comparison to control (90%) .Colonization of the roots (cfu /g fresh root weight )by the two isolates whether alon or together was extremely high . The combination treatment had a high ability in reducing disease incidenece and sev

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