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Study of the Structural, Optical, and Morphological Properties of SnO2 Nanofilms under the Influence of Gamma Rays
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This study reports the fabrication of tin oxide (SnO2) thin films using pulsed laser deposition (PLD). The effect of 60Co (300, 900, and 1200 Gy) gamma radiation on the structural, morphological, and optical features is systematically demonstrated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and ultraviolet-visible light analysis (UV-Vis), respectively In XRD tests, the size of the crystallites decreased from 45.5 to 40.8 nm for the control samples and from 1200 Gy to 60Co for the irradiated samples. Using FESEM analysis, the particle diameter revealed a similar trend to that attained using XRD; in particular, the average diameters were 93.8 and 79.9 nm for the samples mentioned above. A similar profile was observed for the AFM analysis in which an increase in the radiation dose from 300 to 1200 Gy resulted in a decrease in the RMS values from 74.6 to 32.25 nm. Contrariwise, the calculated optical band gap demonstrated an increasing profile where optical band gaps of 3.08 and 3.18 eV were acquired for control and samples irradiated with 900 Gy. However, the attained optical band gap was further increased to 3.24 eV due to the 60Co gamma radiation increment to 1200 Gy.


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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Copper nanoparticles prepared by pulsed exploding wire
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In this work copper nanopowder was created at different liquid
medias like DDDW, ethylene glycol and Polyvinylpyrrolidone
(PVP). Copper nanopowder prepared using explosion wire process
and investigated the effects of the exploding energy, wire diameter,
the type of liquid on the particle size, and the particles size
distribution. The nanoparticles are characterized by x-ray diffraction,
UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and transmission electron
microscopy (TEM). The x-ray diffraction results reveal that the
nanoparticles continue to routine lattice periodicity at reduced
particle size. The UV-Visible absorption spectrum of liquid solution
for copper nanoparticles shows sharp and single surface Plasmon

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of lupine flour (L.f) and lupine protein concentrate (L.P.C) incorporation on chemical, nutritional and sensual qualities characteristics of biscuit (L.P.C) was prepared by isoelectric precipitation method. A standard recipe for biscuit preparation by wheat patent flour used as the control. Wheat flour in the control treatment was replaced with (L.f) and (L.P.C) at levels 10, 20 & 30%. Chemical composition of (L.f), (L.P.C) and biscuit treatments were studied. Results showed that protein contents were 35.35 & 75.80% for (L.F) and (L.P.C), respectively. While they amounted to 14.70, 16.16 & 18.61% for (L.f) incorporated biscuits and

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Database for Baghdad Soil Using GIS Techniques
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teen sites Baghdad are made. The sites are divided into two groups, one in Karkh and the other in Rusafa. Assessing the underground conditions can be occurred by drilling vertical holes called exploratory boring into the ground, obtaining soil (disturbed and undisturbed) samples, and testing these samples in a laboratory (civil engineering laboratory /University of Baghdad). From disturbed, the tests involved the grain size analysis and then classified the soil, Atterberg limit, chemical test (organic content, sulphate content, gypsum content and chloride content). From undisturbed samples, the test involved the consolidation test (from this test, the following parameters can be obtained: initial void ratio eo, compression index cc, swel

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Review in Sustainable Plastic Waste in Concrete
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Recently times, industrial development has increased, including plastic industries, and since plastic has a very long analytical life, it will cause environmental pollution. Therefore studies have resorted to reusing recycled plastic waste (sustainable plastic) to produce environmentally friendly concrete (green concrete). In this research, some studies were reviewed and then summarized into several things, including the percentage of plastic replacement from the aggregate and the effect of this percentage on the fresh properties of concrete, such as the workability and the effect of plastic waste on the hardening properties of concrete such as dry density, compressive, tensile and flexural strength.

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Jun 24 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Using Steel Slag for Stabilizing Clayey Soil in Sulaimani City-Iraq
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The clayey soils have the capability to swell and shrink with the variation in moisture content. Soil stabilization is a well-known technique, which is implemented to improve the geotechnical properties of soils. The massive quantities of waste materials are resulting from modern industry methods create disposal hazards in addition to environmental problems. The steel industry has a waste that can be used with low strength and weak engineering properties soils. This study is carried out to evaluate the effect of steel slag (SS) as a by-product of the geotechnical properties of clayey soil. A series of laboratory tests were conducted on natural and stabilized soils. SS was added by 0, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20% to the soil.

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Laser Peening on Aluminum Alloy 7049 Using Black Paint Surface Coating
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Black paint laser peening (bPLP) technique is currently applied for many engineering materials , especially for aluminum alloys due to high improvement in fatigue life and strength . Constant and variable   bending fatigue tests have been performed at RT and stress ratio R= -1 . The results of the present  work observed that the significance of the surface work hardening which generated high negative residual stresses in bPLP specimens .The fatigue life  improvement factor (FLIF)  for bPLP constant fatigue behavior was from 2.543 to 3.3 compared to untreated  fatigue and the increase in fatigue strength at 107 cycle was 21% . The bPLP cumulative fatigue life behav

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Dispersion in a Gas Filled Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Fiber
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Hollow core photonic bandgap fibers provide a new geometry for the realization and enhancement of many nonlinear optical effects. Such fibers offer novel guidance and dispersion properties that provide an advantage over conventional fibers for various applications. Dispersion, which expresses the variation with wavelength of the guided-mode group velocity, is one of the most important properties of optical fibers. Photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) offer much larger flexibility than conventional fibers with respect to tailoring of the dispersion curve. This is partly due to the large refractive-index contrast available in the silica/air microstructures, and partly due to the possibility of making complex refractive-index structure over the fibe

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Recycling waste papers in green cement mortars
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This work investigates the utilization of waste papers (natural and industrial) i.e (citrus aurantium and papers A4) mortars containing specified contents 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% of waste papers were prepared and cured. Mechanical characteristics such as compressive and bending strengths, hardness and water absorption were determined for the mortars mixed with the waste papers and compared with those obtained from the pure mortars. Results showed that the addition of waste paper leads to increase the hardness to (69 - 68.5) shore D for (natural and industrial) wastes materials respectively comparing with pure specimen 66 shore D. The compressed strength of the mortar cement specimen cured for 28 days from 13 MPa to (17-18) MPa for (natural and in

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Solving Oscillating Problems Using Modifying Runge-Kutta Methods
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     This paper develop conventional Runge-Kutta methods of order four and order five to solve ordinary differential equations with oscillating solutions. The new modified Runge-Kutta methods (MRK) contain the invalidation of phase lag, phase lag’s derivatives, and amplification error. Numerical tests from their outcomes show the robustness and competence of the new methods compared to the well-known Runge-Kutta methods in the scientific literature.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) using Hybrid Technique
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Image retrieval is used in searching for images from images database. In this paper, content – based image retrieval (CBIR) using four feature extraction techniques has been achieved. The four techniques are colored histogram features technique, properties features technique, gray level co- occurrence matrix (GLCM) statistical features technique and hybrid technique. The features are extracted from the data base images and query (test) images in order to find the similarity measure. The similarity-based matching is very important in CBIR, so, three types of similarity measure are used, normalized Mahalanobis distance, Euclidean distance and Manhattan distance. A comparison between them has been implemented. From the results, it is conclud

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