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Fabrication and Characterization of Silicon Nanowires Heterojunction Solar Cell

Silicon nanowire arrays (SiNWs) are created utilizing the metal-assisted chemical etching method with an Ag metal as a catalyst and different etching time of 15, 30, and 60 minutes using n-Si (100). Physical properties such as structural, surface morphology, and optical properties of the prepared SiNWs are studied. The diameter of prepared SiNWs ranged from 20 to 280 nm, and the reflectance in the visible part of the wavelength spectrum was less than 1% for all prepared samples. The obtained energy gap of prepared SiNWs was around 2 eV, which is higher than the energy gap of bulk silicon. X-ray diffraction (XRD) has diffraction peaks at 68.70o for all prepared samples. The heterojunction solar cell was fabricated based on the n-SiNWs/ P3HT/PEDOT: PSS structure. The heterojunction solar cell produced for 60 minutes has the highest Jsc of 11.55 and a conversion efficiency of 0.93%. Based on SiNWs prepared for etching time of 15 min, the solar cell demonstrated Jsc and Voc of 2.73 mA/cm2 and 0.46 V, respectively, and a conversion efficiency of 0.34%.

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Publication Date
Thu May 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Evolutionary Algorithm for Improving the Quantity and Quality of the Detected Complexes from Protein Interaction Networks

One of the recent significant but challenging research studies in computational biology and bioinformatics is to unveil protein complexes from protein-protein interaction networks (PPINs). However, the development of a reliable algorithm to detect more complexes with high quality is still ongoing in many studies. The main contribution of this paper is to improve the effectiveness of the well-known modularity density ( ) model when used as a single objective optimization function in the framework of the canonical evolutionary algorithm (EA). To this end, the design of the EA is modified with a gene ontology-based mutation operator, where the aim is to make a positive collaboration between the modularity density model and the proposed

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

The present work investigates the effect of magneto – hydrodynamic (MHD) laminar natural convection flow on a vertical cylinder in presence of heat generation and radiation. The governing equations which used are Continuity, Momentum and Energy equations. These equations are transformed to dimensionless equations using Vorticity-Stream Function method and the resulting nonlinear system
of partial differential equations are then solved numerically using finite difference approximation. A thermal boundary condition of a constant wall temperature is considered. A computer program (Fortran 90) was built to calculate the rate of heat transfer in terms of local Nusselt number, total mean Nusselt number, velocity distribution as well as te

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Multistage and Numerical Discretization Methods for Estimating Parameters in Nonlinear Linear Ordinary Differential Equations Models.

Many of the dynamic processes in different sciences are described by models of differential equations. These models explain the change in the behavior of the studied process over time by linking the behavior of the process under study with its derivatives. These models often contain constant and time-varying parameters that vary according to the nature of the process under study in this We will estimate the constant and time-varying parameters in a sequential method in several stages. In the first stage, the state variables and their derivatives are estimated in the method of penalized splines(p- splines) . In the second stage we use pseudo lest square to estimate constant parameters, For the third stage, the rem

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Suitability of Tigris River Sediments from Tikrit, Northern Iraq, for Concrete Production and Road Construction Purposes

This study aims to assess the suitability of the sediments present in Tigris River, Tikrit city, northern Iraq for concrete production and road building purposes. Representative samples were collected from three selected stations at the study area using the channel modeling method. According to the grain size analysis, the sediments were classified as a type of poorly graded gravels (GP) depending on the unified soil classification system. The true specific gravity of the soil ranged between 2.28 and 2.568. The chemical analysis of the study samples revealed that gypsum content ranged between 0.82 and 1.69 %. Total soluble salts ranged 2.45- 3.87%, the organic matter content ranged 0.14- 0.76%, and the pH value was between 7.73 and 7.38%

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Genetic diversity of Capsicum annuum L. in local and imported samples in Iraq by using RAPD-PCR

Genetic variation was studied in 22 local and imported samples collected from local Iraqi market by using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR). Five randomly primers set were used in this study. These primers produced 292 bands. Molecular weights of these bands ranged between 1.8 Kb (1800 bp) to 150 bp. The percentage of polymorphic bands is 100%, with one distinguished band which is produced by using C52 primer. The other primers did not produce any distinguished band. The results of Dendrogram of the studied samples depended on RAPD-PCR results by using Jaccard coefficient for genetic similarity was distributed the samples into 8 groups. This Dendrogram revealed a higher similarity between Iraqi/Yousifia green bell pepper and Jo

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The economic implications of the housing problem In Iraq and ways to address it - a theoretical research

The problem of housing in Iraq is a long-rooted and rooted problem, and it needs a great effort to find out its causes and thus give essential points that contribute to alleviating and addressing it, and it is worth noting that research into the housing problem and the housing sector in Iraq is not done in isolation from other sectors and studies. As well as the economic policies pursued and the social and political conditions. It is known that the Iraqi economy is a unilateral (rentier) economy, that is, it depends almost entirely on exporting oil and obtaining revenues, and that the economic decision and economic policies followed in Iraq are greatly affected by several factors, including the economic, social and political fact

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Publication Date
Sun May 05 2024
Journal Name
Review Of Clinical Pharmacology And Pharmacokinetics - International Edition
Emergency department presentation and management of patients with acute decompensated heart failure at the Baghdad Teaching Hospital

Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) is a leading cause of hospital admission and many factors are known to precipitate decompensation. We aimed to assess the decompensating factors of heart failure and the management of patients admitted to the emergency department (ED). A total of 107 patients were examined, all diagnosed with ADHF in the ED of the Baghdad Teaching Hospital, from June 2017 to December 2017, and presenting with decom¬pensation (pulmonary oedema, peripheral oedema, and fatigue). The mean patient age was 62.5 ± 9.8 years (range: 43–85 years); the majority of them were in their 7th decade (37.4%), and men were slightly more than women. Hy¬pertension was the most commonly associated comorbidity (68.2%), follow

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 25 2020
Journal Name
Open Access Macedonian Journal Of Medical Sciences
The Efficacy and Prevalence of Montelukast Therapy in Cough-Variant Asthma Patients in Al-Kindy Teaching Hospital

BACKGROUND: Cough-variant asthma (CVA) is a type of asthma in which the main symptom is a dry, non-productive cough. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of Montelukast in CVA and to investigate the prevalence of Montelukast in CVA. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 30 patients with chronic cough at least 8 weeks using Montelukast at Al-Kindy Hospital over the period of January 2018‒March 2018. An interview using questionnaire was used to collect the data that were specifically prepared to meet the objective of study including age, sex, associated disease, exacerbation factors, and classical therapy. RESULTS: There was a reduction of the symptoms associated

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 06 2022
Journal Name
Future Oncology
The first Middle East and North Africa expert consensus recommendations for the management of advanced colorectal cancer

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Evaluation of training programs according to some physical abilities, functional indicators and achievement for men's 200m runners

The effectiveness of (200 m) of the events of extreme intensity and this is characterized by training in the anaerobic energy system prevailing in the result of this privacy as these are based on the physical abilities and functional indicators identified in this direction and hence the importance of research in the evaluation of training programs on the basis of physical abilities and some indicators of the functionality of the hostile 200 m . The study aimed to: 1. Evaluation of training programs according to physical abilities and some functional indicators of hostile men.The researchers used the descriptive analytical method to suit the nature of the research. The researchers selected them research sample by the deliberate method of the

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