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Fabrication and Characterization of Silicon Nanowires Heterojunction Solar Cell

Silicon nanowire arrays (SiNWs) are created utilizing the metal-assisted chemical etching method with an Ag metal as a catalyst and different etching time of 15, 30, and 60 minutes using n-Si (100). Physical properties such as structural, surface morphology, and optical properties of the prepared SiNWs are studied. The diameter of prepared SiNWs ranged from 20 to 280 nm, and the reflectance in the visible part of the wavelength spectrum was less than 1% for all prepared samples. The obtained energy gap of prepared SiNWs was around 2 eV, which is higher than the energy gap of bulk silicon. X-ray diffraction (XRD) has diffraction peaks at 68.70o for all prepared samples. The heterojunction solar cell was fabricated based on the n-SiNWs/ P3HT/PEDOT: PSS structure. The heterojunction solar cell produced for 60 minutes has the highest Jsc of 11.55 and a conversion efficiency of 0.93%. Based on SiNWs prepared for etching time of 15 min, the solar cell demonstrated Jsc and Voc of 2.73 mA/cm2 and 0.46 V, respectively, and a conversion efficiency of 0.34%.

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Environmental Technology & Innovation
Biomineralization based remediation of cadmium and nickel contaminated wastewater by ureolytic bacteria isolated from barn horses soil

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 25 2021
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Chemistry
Indirect spectrophotometric determination of Mebendazole using n-bromosuccinimide as an oxidant and tartarazine dye as analytical reagent

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 28 2016
Journal Name
Separation Science And Technology
Using sewage sludge as a permeable reactive barrier for remediation of groundwater contaminated with lead and phenol

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improving the Performance of Construction Project Information and Communication Management Using Web-Based Project Management Systems (WPMSs)

This paper presents a brief study undertaken for improving the performance of information and communication management of construction projects through investing in information and communication technologies (ICT). The work aims at first to investigate and diagnose the problems, challenges, weaknesses, and inefficiencies related to information and communication management in projects in the construction industry of Iraq. Studying the diagnosed matters and the different solutions of ICT to improve project management performance is following the investigation process. The research presents a technological system suggested to process a lot of the diagnosed problems, challenges, weakness, and inefficiencies of the construction projects and t

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A relationship study of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, blood groups, and some related factors in Iraqi patients

Many studies of the relationship between COVID-19 and different factors have been conducted since the beginning of the corona pandemic. The relationship between COVID-19 and different biomarkers including ABO blood groups, D-dimer, Ferritin and CRP, was examined. Six hundred (600) patients, were included in this trial among them, 324 (56%) females and the rest 276 (46%) were males. The frequencies of blood types A, B, AB, and O were 25.33, 38.00, 31.33, and 5.33%, respectively, in the case group. Association analysis between the ABO blood group and D-dimer, Ferritin and CRP of COVID-19 patients indicated that there was a statistically significant difference for Ferritin (P≤0.01), but no-significant differences for both D-dimer and CRP.

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Publication Date
Mon May 30 2022
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Chemistry
Design ,Synthesis, Insilco Study and Biological Evaluation of New Coumarin-Oxadiazole Derivatives as Potent Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
The Egyptian Journal Of Hospital Medicine
The Impact of rs767455 and rs1061622 Polymorphisms ‎on ‎Treatment Outcomes in Iraqi Ankylosing Spondylitis ‎Patients Taking ‎Etanercept

Background: Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is inflammation of the sacroiliac joints and spine, associated with clinical symptoms such as pain and stiffness in the vertebral column, after which, in a considerable number of individuals, new bone growth occurs. Objective: The current research study attempted to find out whether the presence of SNPs in TNF receptor [TNFRSF1A (rs767455), TNFRSF1B (rs1061622)] encoding genes could influence patients' outcomes to etanercept in a specimen of Iraqi AS patients. Patients and methods: Sixty patients with established AS receiving only etanercept were selected to be enrolled in this research with a mean age of 40.75 ± 8.67 years, 51 patients of them were males and only 9 patients were females. Patients we

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 16 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Pharmaceutical Sciences
Depression, Anxiety and Stress Among a Sample of Chronic Hepatitis C Patients in AL-Najaf Province /Iraq

Previous studies in Euro-American countries have shown that patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection have increased levels of neuropsychiatric symptoms. While chronic hepatitis C virus infection has been reported in Arab countries such as Iraq, there is little studies about the neuropsychological burden associated with chronic hepatitis C among patients in the Arab region. The aim of the current study was to measure the prevalence and level of severity of depression, anxiety and stress among a sample of chronic hepatitis C patients in AL-Najaf province /Iraq. The current study was cross-sectional study carried out on (110) already diagnosed chronic viral hepatitis C patients who attended the Gastroenterology and Hepatology

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
A study Some Technical Indicators Under Impact Tillage Depth and Disk harrow Angle of the Compound Machine
Abstract<p>The research included studying the effect of different plowing depths (10,20and30) cm and three angles of the disc harrows (18,20and25) when they were combined in one compound machine consisting of a triple plow and disc harrows tied within one structure. Draft force, fuel consumption, practical productivity, and resistance to soil penetration. The results indicated that the plowing depth and disc angle had a significant effect on all studied parameters. The results showed that when the plowing depth increased and the disc angle increased, leads to increased pull force ratio, fuel consumption, resistance to soil penetration, and reduce the machine practical productivity.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Lab on-a-chip-based, an integrated microfluidic device lo-cost, rapid, and sensitive analysis of Augmentin

Microfluidic devices provide distinct benefits for developing effective drug assays and screening. The microfluidic platforms may provide a faster and less expensive alternative. Fluids are contained in devices with considerable micrometer-scale dimensions. Owing to this tight restriction, drug assay quantities are minute (milliliters to femtoliters). In this research, a microfluidic chip consisting of micro-channels carved on substrate materials built using an Acrylic (Polymethyl Methacrylate, PMMA) chip was designed using a Carbon Dioxide (CO2) laser machine. The CO2 parameters influence the chip’s width, depth, and roughness. To have a regular channel surface, and low roughness, the laser power (60 W), with scanning speed (250 m/s)

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