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Enhancement of Episiotomy Healing Using (790-805) nm Diode Laser as a Supplementary Treatment
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To show the impact of 790-805 nm diode laser irradiations on wound healing as a supplementary treatment in women underwent episiotomies, and to assess the laser parameters that were used .Material and methods: Eighteen female patients were included in this study; all of them underwent mediolateral episiotomy. Ten patients received laser therapy- diode laser (K Laser) (790-805) nm in CW mode of operation (and eight patients were the control group. Spot size of 8mm, time for exposure for each spot was 30 seconds. The power used was 0.6 W .The power density for each spot of treatment was 1.19 W/cm2 per session (non contact mode of application of laser therapy).The group studied received 2 sessions of laser radiation, day 4, and day 8 after labour and the women of both groups were followed on day 4,8,14 and 28 post delivery in terms of pain, tenderness, redness, oedema, and discharge. After the 1stexposurethe patients had been assessed on day 8 of delivery; and their assessment showed that pain was present in 20% of the patients, tenderness in 30%, redness and oedema in 20% and 10% with discharge; which was less than the control group that had pain in 62.5% tenderness in 50%, redness and oedema in 50%, and discharge in 25%. After the 2nd exposure (patients were assessed on day 14 post-delivery) pain, tenderness and redness present only in 10%, while in the control group: pain, tenderness, oedema and discharge in 25%, and redness in 37%. Biostimulation is a method that can be used to enhance wound healing if used with appropriate parameters. Diode laser (790-805) nm can be used for enhancing episiotomy healing as a supplementary therapy when used in the CW mode with 0.6 w power and 1.19 w/cm2 power density for 30 seconds for each spot.

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Publication Date
Sat May 30 2020
Journal Name
Neuroquantology Journal
The Effect of Re-Use of Lossy JPEG Compression Algorithm on the Quality of Satellite Image
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In this study, an analysis of re-using the JPEG lossy algorithm on the quality of satellite imagery is presented. The standard JPEG compression algorithm is adopted and applied using Irfan view program, the rang of JPEG quality that used is 50-100.Depending on the calculated satellite image quality variation, the maximum number of the re-use of the JPEG lossy algorithm adopted in this study is 50 times. The image quality degradation to the JPEG quality factor and the number of re-use of the JPEG algorithm to store the satellite image is analyzed.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Saturation of Sandy Soil on the Displacement Amplitude of Soil Foundation System under Vibration
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In this study, the response and behavior of machine foundations resting on dry and saturated sand was investigated experimentally. A physical model was manufactured to simulate steady state harmonic load at different operating frequencies. The effect of relative density, depth of embedment, foundation area as well as the imposed harmonic load was investigated. It was found that the amplitude of displacement of the foundation increases with increasing the amplitude of dynamic force and operating frequency meanwhile it decreases with increasing the relative density of sand, degree of saturation, depth of embedment and contact area of footing. The maximum displacement was noticed at 33.34 to 41.67 Hz. The maximum displacement amplitude respons

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research
The effects of alkaloid extracted of Solanum nigrum leaves on the biological performance of Dialerodus citri
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination of Magnitudes and Orientation of the Paleostress of Bekhme Structure in Shaqlawa area, Northerneastern Iraq
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This study presents determination of the paleostress magnitudes and orientation of Bekhme Structure in Shaqlawa area northeastern Iraq. Paleostress Analysis of slip-fault measurements is performed using Right dihedral, Lisle diagram and Mohr Circles methods. Depending on Mohr Circles, Bott law and vertical thickness, the magnitudes of the paleostress at the time of the tectonic activity were determined. Firstly, Georient Software was used to estimate the orientation of the paleostresses (σ1, σ2 and σ3). Secondly, using the rupture –friction law, taking into account depth of the overburden and the vertical stress (σv) was calculated to determine the magnitude of the paleostresses (σ1=4500 bars, σ2=1

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of Properties of Various Heat Storage Fluids used with Evacuated Tube of Solar Water Heater
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The aim of this work was to capture solar radiation and convert it into solar thermal energy by using a storage material and the heat transfer fluid like oil and water and comparison between them, we used the evacuated tube as a receiver for solar radiation, The results showed that the oil better than water as storage material and the heat transfer fluid and the effective thermal conductivity material and good for power level, rates and durations of charge and discharge cycles.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The question of demand: definition, divisions, and examples from the controversy of the scholars of jurisprudence.
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research summary

Praise be to Allah، and prayers and peace be upon His Messenger and His chosen one، his family، companions and his family and his family.

After that، this is a study on the question of the claim، as one of the controversial questions that are the mainstay of debates، and I looked at it: the limit of the question of the claim، its importance، its impact، its aspects of corruption، its sections، and the representation of its sections of the fundamentalist controversy;

The research was according to the following plan:

Introduction، in which she mentioned: the importance of the research topic and the reason for its selection، its questions، its l

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 11 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The purposes of faith and its fruits in the light of the letters of light Prepare
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What is meant by objectives: the purpose, secrets, judgment, and interests that the legislator set for each of its rulings is a doctrine and a law.

Faith is belief with certainty in God Almighty, and what is required of him in his divinity, lordship, names and attributes, belief in his angels, books, messengers, the Last Day and destiny, both good and bad.

And the purposes of faith are the wisdom and secrets contained in the Islamic faith and which achieve human well-being and happiness in the immediate and the future. And that the purposes of belief and faith are the essence of religion, rather it constitutes a basic pillar on which the basis of the intentional consideration as a whole, because the structure of worship i

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Dryness on the Prevalence of Few Cases of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in North Iraq
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     This is a contribution to study the complex effect of rainfall on the incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis in an endemic area (AL-Mohalabiya) in Ninava province in the north region of Iraq.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study of The Effect of Concentration on The Efficiency of The Sensitive N749-TiO2 Solar Cell
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In this research, we studied the effect of concentration carriers on the efficiency of the N749-TiO2 heterogeneous solar cell based on quantum electron transfer theory using a donor-acceptor scenario. The photoelectric properties of the N749-TiO2 interfaces in dye sensitized solar cells DSSCs are calculated using the J-V curves. For the 〖(CH_3)〗_3 COH solvent, the N749-TiO2 heterogeneous solar cell shows that the concentration carrier together with the strength coupling are the main factors affecting the current density, fill factor and efficiency. The current density and current increase as the concentration increases and the strength coupling increases as the N749-TiO2 heterogeneous in solar cell. However, the efficiency is more sens

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