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Study the Effect of Annealing on Optical and Electrical Properties of ZnS Thin Film Prepared by CO2 Laser Deposition Technique
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In this work, ZnS thin films have been deposited by developed laser deposition technique on glass substrates at room temperature. After deposition process, the films were annealed at different temperatures (200ºC , 300 ºC and 400ºC ) using thermal furnace.The developed technique was used to obtain homogeneous thin films of ZnS depending on vaporization of this semiconductor material by continuous CO2 laser with a simple fan to ensure obtaining homogeneous films. ZnS thin films were annealed at temperature 200ºC, 300 ºC and 400ºC for (20) minute in vacuum environment. Optical properties of ZnS thin film such as absorbance, transmittance, reflectance, optical band gap, refractive index extinction coefficient and absorption coefficient have been investigated. From this measurements, the bandgaps energies at room temperature, 200ºC , 300 ºC and 400ºC were found to be 3.7eV, 3.6eV, 3.4eV and 3.3eV respectively. The band gap decreased as the annealing temperature increased. The two point probe method was used for the investigation of electrical properties of the ZnS films such as current voltage characteristics and sheet resistance properties. From these measurements it was found that current decreased as the temperature increased, thus, the annealed films were found to be more resistance than the as-grown films.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Structure and Optical Properties of Ag doped CdO Thin Film Prepared by Pulse Laser Deposition (PLD)
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At a temperature of 300 K, a prepared thin film of Ag doped with different ratios of CdO (0.1, 0.3, 0.5) % were observed using pulse laser deposition (PLD). The laser, an Nd:YAG in ?=1064 nm, used a pulse, constant energy of 600 mJ ,with a repetition rate of 6 Hz and 400 pulses. The effect of CdO on the structural and optical properties of these films was studied. The structural tests showed that these films are of a polycrystalline structure with a preferred orientation in the (002) direction for Ag. The grain size is positively correlated with the concentration of CdO. The optical properties of the Ag :CdO thin film we observed included transmittance, absorption coefficient, and the energy gap in the wavelength range of 300-1100

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effects of multi- Deposition on the structural and optical properties of CdS nanocrystalline thin film prepared by CBD technique.
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Cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanocrystalline thin films have been prepared by chemical bath deposition (CBD) technique on commercial glass substrates at 70ºC temperature. Cadmium chloride (CdCl2) as a source of cadmium (Cd), thiourea (CS(NH2)2) as a source of sulfur and ammonia solution (NH4OH) were added to maintain the pH value of the solution at 10. The characterization of thin films was carried out through the structural and optical properties by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and UV-VIS spectroscopy. A UV-VIS optical spectroscopy study was carried out to determine the band gap of the nanocrystalline CdS thin film and it showed a blue shift with respect to the bulk value (from 3.9 - 2.4eV). In present w

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the effect of thermal annealing on some physical properties of thin Cu2SiO3 films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
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The Cu2SiO3 composite has been prepared from the binary compounds (Cu2O, and SiO2) with high purity by solid state reaction. The Cu2SiO3 thin films were deposited at room temperature on glass and Si substrates with thickness 400 nm by pulsed laser deposition method. X-ray analysis showed that the powder of Cu2SiO3 has a polycrystalline structure with monoclinic phase and preferred orientation along (111) direction at 2θ around 38.670o which related to CuO phase. While as deposited and annealed Cu2SiO3 films have amorphous structure. The morphological study revealed that the grains have granular and elliptical shape, with average diameter of 163.63 nm. The electrical properties which represent Hall effect were investigated. Hall coeffici

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of annealing temperature and laser pulse energy on the optical properties of CuO films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
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In this work; copper oxide films (CuO) were fabricated by PLD. The films were analyzed by UV-VIS absorption spectra and their thickness by using profilometer. Pulsed Nd:YAG laser was used for prepared CuO thin films under O2 gas environment with varying both pulse energy and annealing temperature. The optical properties of   as-grown film such as optical transmittance spectrum, refractive index and energy gap has been measured experimentally and the effects of laser pulse energy  and annealing temperature on it were studied. An inverse relationship between energy gap and both annealing temperature and pulse energy was observed.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Pump-Probe Technique to Study of the All-Optical Switching Properties of Copper Phthalocyanine Thin Film prepared via Pulsed laser deposition
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Abstract<p>Z-scan has been utilized for studying the non-linear properties and optical limiting behaviors of the dye Copper Phthalocyanine thin films. The refractive index is negative, which indicates a self-defocusing behavior and non-linear absorption coefficient (<italic>β</italic>) of CuPc is a positive sign is a result of RSA. The optical switching behaviors of dye have been researched with the use of the method of the pump-probe with 9ns Q-Switched Nd: YAG laser at pump beam equal to 532 nm and a probe beam equal to 630nm Diode laser. The thin films of copper Phthalocyanine also reflect a significant limiting of the optical power of CW laser with an adequate threshold of the opt</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Structural and optical properties of CdO and CdO0.99Cu0.01 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition technique
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Structural and optical properties of CdO and CdO0.99Cu0.01 thin
films were prepared in this work. Cadmium Oxide (CdO) and
CdO0.99Cu0.01semiconducting films are deposited on glass substrates
by using pulsed laser deposition method (PLD) using SHG with Qswitched
Nd:YAG pulsed laser operation at 1064nm in 6x10-2 mbar
vacuum condition and frequency 6 Hz. CdO and CdO0.99Cu0.01 thin
films annealed at 550 C̊ for 12 min. The crystalline structure was
studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) method and atomic force
microscope (AFM). It shows that the films are polycrystalline.
Optical properties of thin films were analyzed. The direct band gap
energy of CdO and CdO0.99Cu0.01 thin films were determined from
(αhυ)1/2 v

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal For Light And Electron Optics
Optical properties of Ag-doped nickel oxide thin films prepared by pulsed-laser deposition technique
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In this work, pure and Ag-doped nickel oxide (NiO) thin films were deposited on glass substrates with different dopant concentrations (0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 wt.%) by pulsed-laser deposition (PLD) technique at room temperature. These films were annealed at temperature of 450 °C. The structural and optical properties of the prepared thin films were studied. It was found that annealing process has lead to increase the transmittance of the deposited films. Also, the transmittance was found to increase with doping concentration of silver in the deposited NiO films. The optical energy gap was decreased from 3.5 to 3.2 eV as the doping concentration was increased to 0.4 %.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Annealing Effect on Some Optical Properties of Cr2O3 Thin Films Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis Technique
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Cr2O3 thin films have been prepared by spray pyrolysis on a glass substrate. Absorbance and transmittance spectra were recorded in the wavelength range (300-900) nm before and after annealing. The effects of annealing temperature on absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant and optical conductivity were expected. It was found that all these parameters increase as the annealing temperature increased to 550°C.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Zinc (Zn) -Doped on the Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of (Cdo)1-Xznx Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique
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Pure cadmium oxide films (CdO) and doped with zinc were prepared at different atomic ratios using a pulsed laser deposition technique using an ND-YAG laser from the targets of the pressed powder capsules. X-ray diffraction measurements showed a cubic-shaped of CdO structure. Another phase appeared, especially in high percentages of zinc, corresponding to the hexagonal structure of zinc. The degree of crystallinity, as well as the crystal size, increased with the increase of the zinc ratio for the used targets. The atomic force microscopy measurements showed that increasing the dopant percentage leads to an increase in the size of the nanoparticles, the particle size distribution was irregular and wide, in addition, to increase the surfac

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Structural and optical properties of BaTiO3 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
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BaTiO3 thin films have been deposited on Si (111) and glass substrates by using pulsed laser deposition technique. The films were characterized by using X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscope and optical transmission spectra. The films growth on Si after annealing at 873K showed a polycrystalline nature, and exhibited tetragonal structure, while on glass substrate no growth was noticed at that temperature. UV-VIS transmittance measurements showed that the films are highly transparent in the visible wavelength region and near-infrared region for sample annealing on glass substrate. The optical gap of the film were calculated from the curve of absorption coefficient (αhν) 2 vs. hν and was found tobe 3.6 eV at substrate temperature 5

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