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Fusion Splicing for a Large Mode Area Photonic Crystal Fiber with Conventional Single Mode Fiber

In this paper the experimentally obtained conditions for the fusion splicing with photonic crystal fibers (PCF) having large mode areas were reported. The physical mechanism of the splice loss and the microhole collapse property of photonic crystal fiber (PCF) were studied. By controlling the arc-power and the arc-time of a conventional electric arc fusion splicer (FSM-60S), the minimum loss of splicing for fusion two conventional single mode fibers (SMF-28) was (0.00dB), which has similar mode field diameter. For splicing PCF (LMA-10) with a conventional single mode fiber (SMF-28), the loss was increased due to the mode field mismatch.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New Method for the On-Line Determination of Molybdenum Via New Microphotometric Home Mode Instrument, Using Hight Emitting Diode as a Variable Intensity Radiant Source with a Miniture Photosilicone Diode Detector for System: Molybdenum(VI)-Hydrogen Peroxide-Ammonium Solution

This research work aims to the determination of molybdenum (VI) ion via the formation of peroxy molybdenum compounds which has red-brown colour with absorbance wave length at 455nm for the system of ammonia solution-hydrogen peroxide-molybdenum (VI) using a completely newly developed microphotometer based on the ON-Line measurement. Variation of responses expressed in millivolt. A correlation coefficient of 0.9925 for the range of 2.5-150 ? with percentage linearity of 98.50%. A detection limit of 0.25 ? was obtained. All physical and chemical variable were optimized interferences of cation and anion were studied classical method of measurement were done and compared well with newly on-line measurements. Application for the use

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Survey Smoothly Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Accessing Wireless Networks: Convergence and Challenges

<p> Traditionally, wireless networks and optical fiber Networks are independent of each other. Wireless networks are designed to meet specific service requirements, while dealing with weak physical transmission, and maximize system resources to ensure cost effectiveness and satisfaction for the end user. In optical fiber networks, on the other hand, search efforts instead concentrated on simple low-cost, future-proofness against inheritance and high services and applications through optical transparency. The ultimate goal of providing access to information when needed, was considered significantly. Whatever form it is required, not only increases the requirement sees technology convergence of wireless and optical networks but

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Mathematical Model of Amplified Stimulated Raman Scattering and Fiber Raman Amplifier

The result of a developed mathematical model for predicting the design
parameters of the fiber Raman amplifier (FRA) are demonstrated. The amplification
parameters are tested at different pump power with different fiber length. Recently,
the FRA employed in optical communication system to increase the repeater distance
as will as the capacity of the communication systems. The output results show, that
high Raman gain can be achieved by high pumping power, long effective area that
need to be small for high Raman gain. High-stimulated Raman gain coefficient is
recommended for high Raman amplifier gain, the low attenuation of the pump and the
transmitted signal in the fiber lead to high Raman gain.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 24 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
All Fiber Chemical Liquids Refractive Index Sensor Based on Multimode Interference

A simple all optical fiber sensor based on multimode interference (MMI) for chemical liquids sensing was designed and fabricated. A segment of coreless fiber (CF) was spliced between two single mode fibers to buildup single mode-coreless-single mode (SCS) structure. Broadband source and optical signal analyzer were connected to the ends of SCS structure. De-ionized water, acetone, and n-hexane were used to test the performance of the sensor. Two influence factors on the sensitivity namely the length and the diameter of the CF were investigated. The obtained maximum sensitivity was at n-hexane at 340.89 nm/RIU (at a wavelength resolution of the optical spectrum analyzer of 0.02 nm) when the diameter of the CF reduced from 125 μm to 60 μ

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 10 2018
Journal Name
Commun.fac.sci.univ.ank.series A2-a3

The refractive index sensors based on tapered optical fiber are attractive for many industries due to sensing capability in a variety of application. In this paper, we proposed a refractive index sensor based on multicore fiber (MCF) sandwiched between two standard single mode fibers (SMF). The sensor consisting of three sections, SMF- MCF-SMF is structurally simple and can be easily produced by joining these parts. The MFC contains seven cores and these cores are surrounded by a single cladding. The sensing region is obtained by tapering the MCF section where the evanescent field is generated. The single mode propagating along the SMF is stimulated at the first joint and is coupled to the cladding modes. These modes interfere with the core

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Mechanical PropertiesInvestigation of Unidirectional Woven Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Matrix Composite

In this study, the mechanical properties of an epoxy and unidirectional woven carbon with fiberglass composite were experimentally investigated. When preparing the composite samples, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)standard was used. Tensile, impact and flexural test were conducted to investigate the mechanical properties of the new produced epoxy Unidirectional Woven Carbon and Epoxy Fiberglass composites. The outcome showed that the strength of the produced samples increased with the increase in the number of unidirectional woven carbon layers added. Two methods were utilized: (1) woven carbon composite with glass fiber (2) woven carbon composite). The two methods of composite were compared with each other.  The resul

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improvement of Soil by Using Polymer Fiber Materials Underneath Square Footing

The change in project cost, or cost growth, occurs from many factors, some of which are related to soil problem conditions that may occurs during construction and/or during site investigation period. This paper described a new soil improvement method with a minimum cost solution by using polymer fiber materials having a length of (3 cm) in both directions and (2.5 mm) in thickness, distributed in uniform medium dense .
sandy soil at different depths (B, 1.5B and 2B) below the footings. Three square footings has been used (5,7.5 and 10 cm) to carry the above investigation by using lever arm loading system design for such purposes.
These fibers were distributed from depth of (0.1B) below the footing base down to the investigated dep

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Interlaminar fracture toughness of some polymer blends reinforced by fiber glass

The interlaminar fracture toughness of polymer blends reinforced by glass fiber has
been investigated. Epoxy (EP), unsaturated polyester(UPE), polystyrene (PS),
polyurethane (PU) and their blends with different ratios (10%PS/90%EP),
(20%PS/80%EP), (20%PU/80%EP) and (20%PU/80%UPE) were chosen as a matrices A
sheet of composites were prepared using hand lay -up method, these sheet were cut as the
double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen to determine interlaminar fracture toughness of
these composites .Its found that, blending of EP,UPE with 20% of PU will improve the
interlaminar fracture toughness ,but the adding of 10% PS, 20%PS to EP will decrease
the interlaminar toughness of these composites.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Determine, Predict and Map Soil pH Level by Fiber Optic Sensor
Abstract<p>Soil pH is one of the main factors to consider before undertaking any agricultural operation. Methods for measuring soil pH vary, but all traditional methods require time, effort, and expertise. This study aimed to determine, predict, and map the spatial distribution of soil pH based on data taken from 50 sites using the Kriging geostatistical tool in ArcGIS as a first step. In the second step, the Support Vector Machines (SVM) machine learning algorithm was used to predict the soil pH based on the CIE-L*a*b values taken from the optical fiber sensor. The standard deviation of the soil pH values was 0.42, which indicates a more reliable measurement and the data distribution is normal.</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Studying and Analyzing Operating Conditions of Hollow Fiber Membrane Preparation Process

Polymeric hollow fiber membrane is produced by a physical process called wet or dry/wet phase inversion; a technique includes many steps and depends on different factors (starting from selecting materials, end with post-treatment of hollow fiber membrane locally manufactured). This review highlights the most significant factors that affect and control the characterization and structure of ultrafiltration hollow fiber membranes used in different applications.        Three different types of polymers (polysulfone PSF, polyethersulfone PES or polyvinyl chloride PVC) were considered to study morphology change and structure of hollow fiber membranes in this review. These hollow fiber membranes were manufactured with different proce

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