The Bartholin gland cyst is a condition that occurs in approximately 2% of women, most of whom are of reproductive age. Although benign pathology, it is associated with significant patient discomfort. This disorder is caused by the obstruction and consequent dilation of the cyst duct. Definitive treatment involves the surgical removal of the entire cyst. Other alternative treatments include Marsupialization, Word catheter, and the use of CO2 laser. CO2 laser can be used either to vaporize or to excise the Bartholin gland cyst. The Objectives: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of (10600nm) CO2 laser in the treatment of Bartholin gland cyst. Patients, Materials & Methods: This study was done in laser medicine research clinics from July 2015 to the end of December 2015; 10 female patients whose ages ranged from 25 years to 50 years and who have Bartholin cyst. The details of the procedure were explained verbally to the patients and consent was written. Patients were examined and evaluated clinically and prepared for surgery. A CO2 continuous wave 1-40W laser emitted at 10600 nm. The laser is delivered via an articulated arm and laser is used to incise the cyst wall and vaporize the inner surface of the cyst. Results: The preliminary clinical findings included sufficient hemostasis, vaporization properties and precise incision margin with all of the surgical procedure. The postoperative advantages, i.e., lack of pain, bleeding, infection, good wound healing and overall satisfaction were observed. Conclusion: The clinical application of the CO2 (10600 nm) laser in surgical procedures can be considered practical, effective, easy to use and offers a safe, acceptable, and impressive alternative for conventional techniques of surgical treatment Bartholin gland cyst.