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On the use of Aluminium as a plasmonic material in polarization rotators based on a hybrid plasmonic waveguide

: The Aluminium (Al) material emerged as a plasmonic material in the wavelength ranges from the ultraviolet to the visible bands in different on-chip plasmonic applications. In this paper, we demonstrate the effect of using Al on the electromagnetic (EM) field distribution of a compact hybrid plasmonic waveguide (HPW) acting as a polarization rotator. We compare the performance of Al with other familiar metals that are widely used as plasmonic materials, which are Silver (Ag) and Gold (Au). Furthermore, we study the effect of reducing the geometrical dimensions of the used materials on the EM field distributions inside the HPW and, consequently, on the efficiency of the polarization rotation. We perform the study based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) using COMSOL software at an operation wavelength of 700 nm. This paper verifies that the Al could be used as an efficient plasmonic material in integrated single-photon sources for quantum key distribution systems.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
البحوث التربوية والنفسية
The effect of a training program for chemistry teachers on matching both sides of the brain together on the academic achievement of their students

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The role of municipal councils in achieving and localizing sustainable development in the local community (The municipality of Al-Shafa area in Ajloun governorate in Jordan as a model)

Ajloun Governorate is considered the smallest governorate in Jordan in terms of area, and its population density rises to 472.2 people/ km2 and is distributed among five municipalities. The Al-Shafa municipality is one of these municipalities. Al-Shafa is rich in its natural and human resources, and the first municipal council was established in it in 2001.

This study seeks to achieve the following general objective: inventory the natural and human resources that Al-Shafa enjoys, and highlight the role of Al-Shafa municipality in achieving and settling sustainable development for the local community. Certain content, which are: the comprehensive approach to geographical reality, the descriptive

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Monthly Carbone Monoxide (CO) Distribution Based on the 2010 MOPITT Satellite Data in Iraq

Carbon monoxide (CO) plays an important indirect greenhouse gases due to its influences on the budgets of hydroxyl radicals (OH) and Ozone (O3). The atmospheric carbon monoxide (CO) observations can only be made on global and continental scales by remote sensing instruments situated in space. One of instrument is the Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT), which is designed to measure troposphere CO and CH4 by use of a nadir-viewing geometry and was launched aboard the Earth Observing System (EOS) Terra spacecraft on 18 December 1999. Results from the analysis of the retrieved monthly (1ºх1º) spatial grid resolution, from the MOPITT data were utilized to analyze the distribution of CO surface mixing ratio in Iraq for th

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Česká A Slovenská Farmacie
Hyperferritinemia as a factor associated with poor prognosis in COVID-19 patients

Worldwide, hundreds of millions of people have been infected with COVID-19 since December 2019; however, about 20% or less developed severe symptoms. The main aim of the current study was to  assess  the  relationship  between  the  severity of Covid-19 and different clinical and laboratory parameters. A total number of 466 Arabs have willingly joined this prospective cohort. Out of the total number, 297 subjects (63.7%) had negative COVID-19 tests, and thus, they were recruited as controls, while 169 subjects (36.3%) who tested positive for COVID-19 were enrolled as cases. Out of the total number of COVID-19 patients, 127 (75.15%) presented with mild symptoms, and 42 (24.85%) had severe symptoms. The age range for the partic

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Ghrelin and Obestatin Levels as a Novel Marker in Iraqi Obese Children

Obesity is an escalating health problem in developing countries. One to ten children worldwide are overweight in a report showed by the International Obesity Task Force. Ghrelin, orexigenic peptide, has 28 amino acids, it is considered the greatest remarkable promotion in the last two decades for understanding the physiological changes of action regu­lating food intake and hunger. Obestatin is a 23-amino acid peptide nearly connected to ghrelin that secures from substitutio

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Critical Success Factors in Construction Projects (Governmental Projects as a Case Study)

The importance of the construction sector and its Great role in the provision of services and infrastructure, reduce poverty, improve living conditions and improve the economic situation in the country, impose attention to the way in which the projects implemented for its improvement and to get successful projects. The objective of this research was to determine the criteria for success as well as critical success and failure factors that have a significant impact on project success. A selected 75 engineer (department managers, project managers and engineers) are asked to fill  the questionnaire form, Sixty-seven valid questionnaire forms were analyzed statistically to get search results, which were as follows : Twe

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 25 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences

This research was aimed to evaluate activity of Rosemary volatile oil and Nisin A in vivo and on B. cereus isolated from some canned meat products in vitro. The results showed that the activity of Rosemary volatile oil (2000 µg/ml) and Nisin A (350 µg\ml) attained to 27 and 19 mm inhibitory zone diameter respectively in well diffusion method. The viable plate count from samples of canned meat treated with effective concentration of Rosemary volatile oil and Nisin A were examined. The samples with Rosemary volatile oil was not showed any CFU/g after 9 days of preservation while sample with Nisin A and control observed 49 and 45 CFU/g respectively. In vivo experiment on mice, two weeks after oral dose of Rosemary volatile oil (2000

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 20 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The impact of decentralization on regional development

As regional development, as a matter of course, poses a number of systemic, scientific and political problems. While the issue of development is primarily at the national level to the limits of World War II in the industrialized world and to the 1960s borders in most Third World countries, the increasing awareness of regional disparities has led to the regional issue Were taken into consideration in the early 1960s and 1970s in most industrialized and developing countries alike. The local issue was only introduced in the early 1980s. The awareness of regional disparities and the fact that the regions do not have the same potential and that some regions have the resources to enable them to develop, grow and develop, unlike other r

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 05 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effect of Addition Retention Bead and Repair Material on Transverse Strength of Repaired Acrylic Denture Resin

Objective: One of the most important practical deficiencies of present denture base materials is fracture, therefore many
attempts have been made to reinforce of the repaired denture base resin. A desirable objective for this service is to obtain
optimum strength for repairs, which can be achieved by making available a good bond between original and repaired
Methodology: The present study was carried out to evaluate and compare the transverse strength of acrylic specimens
repaired by two different materials (hot-cure and cold-cure acrylic resin). A total of 50 specimens were prepared by hot
(40) repair: (10) by hot with retention bead, (10) by cold with retention bead and (10) repair by hot only, (10) repair

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of the procedures of the Banking Compliance Controller on the decision to grant credit and default: Applied research in a sample of Iraqi banks


The Central Bank is the backbone of the banking system as a whole, and in order to maintain the banking system, one of the most important functions that the Central Bank performs is the function of supervising and controlling banks, with several tools and methods, and one of the most important of these tools is its creation of the function of a compliance observer, which obligated commercial banks to appoint a person in A bank that performs this function according to certain conditions and granting it some powers that would build a sound and compliant banking system. The function of the compliance observer is to follow up on the bank’s compliance with the instructions and decisions issued by

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