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Laser Biostimulation Effect on Human Sperm Motility
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Background: Sperm motility disorder is an important cause of infertility in male, and one of the causes of reduced motility of the sperm is the disorders of the mitochondria because it provides the required energy for sperm motility, Laser biostimulation or low-level laser therapy has a positive effect on the mitochondria and led to increasing the synthesis of ATP. Method: Twenty fresh human semen samples were used in this research study, each sample was separated into two portions, one was used as control which is not exposed to the laser beam and the other was irradiated with the wavelength of 410 nm diode laser with an output power of 100 mW and an exposure time of 60 seconds, then the measurement of the progressive motility, non-progressive motility, and the immotile sperm were assessed after 5,15,30 min of irradiation for every control and the irradiated samples. Results: the progressive and non-progressive motility of the sperm was significantly increased following irradiation compared to the control samples also the number of immotile sperm was significantly decreed after irradiation. Conclusion: We observed that a low-power laser of 410 nm wavelength could cause sperm motility to increase for a short time.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2010
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Prevalence of bacterial infection and their sensitivity in patients undergoing an infertility eval
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Background: Infection with sexually
transmitted diseases is broad and includes
bacterial, viral and protozoa infection.
Large number of infected people goes
untreated because of symptomatic or
unrecognized infections.
Patients and methods: Forty five
patients was complaining from infertility
(primary or secondary), consulting
Kammal El-Sammari Hospital for
infertility from May - 2008 to February -
2009. Control group consisted of twenty
fertile women that consulting private clinic
for checking. Four swabs were taken from
each woman in two groups. Two swabs
were taken from posterior fornix of the
vagina (High vaginal swab) and the last
two were taken from endocervical canal.
First swab

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 31 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Using Zinc in Management of Subfertile Male Patients: a Clinical Trial
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Background: The use of minerals in treatment of different diseases is as old as man himself. zinc is the most famous trace mineral related to male sexual function. Oligoasthenozoospermic subfertile patients were treated with zinc sulphate for three months.

Objectives: Aim of the research is to investigate the role of Zinc and if it affects the abnormalities of some semen parameters and to study the possible role of pharmaceutical preperations of zinc in amelioration of male subfertility as well as to assess the ability of Zinc to induce changes in the serum and semen zinc levels in addition to the levels of reproductive hormones (FSH and Testosterone).

Type of the study:

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Nano M. and nano IM. sets in nano topological spaces
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studied, and its important properties and relationship with both closed and open Nano sets were investigated. The new Nano sets were linked to the concept of Nano ideal, the development of nano ideal mildly closed set and it has been studied its properties. In addition to the applied aspect of the research, a sample was taken from patients infected with viral hepatitis, and by examining the infected people and using closed and open (nano mildly. and nano ideal mildly) sets, the important symptoms that constitute the core of this dangerous examining the infected people and using closed and open (nano mildly. and nano ideal mildly) sets, the important symptoms that constitute the core of this dangerous disease.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
قلق المستقبل عند الشباب وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات
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At the present time, human lives in a changable world. Complexity of life effects human who became unable to achieve his goals. For him, goals are no longer able to provide him with calm and psychological safty. Anxiety about indefinite future and any changes which transend his ablity to cooperate with affeets his life in general aspeets.

     All these things bring him a very sever tention, then he becomes extremace in his cooperation with these situations. He tends to live a lone in order to be a way from sequenees of changes. Starting from this urgent point, future compnses the core in youth's life, then so many theories and studies affirm this point, and the necessity for mahing sc

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2007
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Trace Elements in Serum and Seminal Plasma and Their Relationship to Infertility in Iraqi Males
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Background: Environmental chemicals are thought to
adversely affect human reproductive function.
Objective : To estimate the concentration of cadmium(Cd)
, lead ( Pb ) and Zinc ( Zn ) in serum and seminal plasma
among infertile men .
Methods: A sample of 70 infertile men was investigated.
The relationship of trace elements concentration in serum and
seminal plasma was studied in relation to sperm density,
motility and sperm count.
Results: Except for Zinc the concentration of (Pb) and (Cd)
were generally higher in serum than in seminal plasma. The
mean concentration of (Zn) in seminal plasma was more than
25 times higher than in serum There were no statistical
significant differences observed in the

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Kinetic diversity of the camera in the structure of the cinematographic scene: وفاء سعدي صالح
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  Highlighting the role of the movement and its dramatic dimensions, as an artistic product, whether at the level of cinema or television in general, and the stages of its influence within the structure of the cinematographic scene in particular, had an effective role in the continuation of the structure of the event according to its dramatic and aesthetic process, and from this the research problem crystallized in the following question: What is How the kinetic diversity of the camera in the structure of the cinematographic scene is achieved to achieve the maximum possible benefit by extrapolating all opinions in line with the objectives of the research, the research presented and two topics and the introduction were divided, which

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2006
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Sections of monotheism and its types according to Sufism
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Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, who has made His way for His servants who know in the depths and who are devoted to Him at all times and times, so He has delivered to Himself their pain from two exiles, and His prayers and peace are the perfect trust in the presence of the pearl of charity of existence. Possessor of great intercession and praiseworthy status until the day of meeting and eternity, and upon his family and companions, the people of tomorrow, steadfastness, generosity, and generosity, and after that

For a long period of time, I have been asking myself: Why did he attack so many contemporary books, especially Sufism? Why this unlimited financial expenditure on printing, binding, beautifying and enticing readers?

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الفكر التربوي عند الامام السيوطي
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This research shows the following points:

1-Features of the life of Imam Suyuti

2-First, the goals of public education: Educational Thought at the Imam Suyuti through Second, Third, special education goals: classification of science, Fourth, meaning he has the mind, Fifth: World Literature, VI: Literature learner

3-was informed of the Islamic Educational Thought Media, worked as science and teaching.

4-wrote in the human soul and away from the world and its desires, and how to deal with this self-way educational so based on a book of the year, and longer Mqamath of the most important books in the field of the human soul, edema tradition because he sees that the mind found in order to think about the verses

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
تطور مظاهر السلوك العدواني عند الاطفال من وجهة نظر معلميهم
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أهمية البحث والحاجة اليه :

الحمد لله رب العالمين القائل (( وانك لعلى خلق عظيم )) (سورة القام :4)  وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد القائل " انما بعثت لأتمم مكارم الاخلاق " مسند احم: رقم الحديث 8595.

ان الاهتمام بالمشكلات السلوكية من اهم ركائن التربية والتعليم وتأتي تأتي اهميتها من ان التعيم يعين التغيير في سلوك الفرد نحو الافضل تحت تأثير الظروف والخبرات والمعارف والمهارات ال

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2015
Journal Name
Witchcraft and Women’s Spaces; A cultural Materialism Study of John Updike’s The Witches of Eastwick
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Witch stories are part of American popular culture, and this culture is extremely influenced by a continuing reliance on its past. The modern obsession of Americans with witches, whether real or metaphorical, is related to politics especially when it came to issues of gender politics. This article exposes a modern image of the female character seen from a male author point of view. John Updike, influenced by the changes that happened to women within second wave of feminism, attempted to write The Witches of Eastwick (1984). Actually, he presented women who did have a sort of careers. His witches are professional active and dynamic. What do witches stand for in American Culture? Why did Updike choose to write

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