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Design and Implementation Tunable Band Pass Filter based on PCF-Air Micro-cavity FBG Fabry-Perot Resonator

A tunable band pass filter based on fiber Bragg grating sensor using an in-fiber Mach-Zender interferometer with dual micro-cavities is presented. The micro-cavity was formed by splicing together a conventional single-mode fiber and a solid core photonic crystal fiber (SCPCF) with simple arc discharge technique. Different parameters such as arc power, length of the SCPCF and the overlap gap between samples were considered to control the fabrication process. The ellipsoidal air-cavity between the two fibers forms Fabry-Perot cavity. The diffraction loss was very low due to short cavity length. Ellipsoidal shape micro-cavities were experimentally achieved parallel to the propagation axis having dimensions of (24.92 – 62.32) μm of width and (3.82 – 18.2) μm of length. The maximum tunability 0.73nm was achieved at minimum length of (SCPCF) in the range (1545.673-1545.546) nm. A micro- cavity with width and length as high as 62.32 um and 18.3 um have higher sensitivity 0.31 nm/cm than temperature sensitivities of 18 pm/°C.

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 20 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design of Tunable Optical Band Pass Filter based on in-Line PM-Mach Zehnder Interferometer

In this paper, tunable optical band-pass filters based on Polarization Maintaining Fiber –Mach Zehnder Interferometer presented. Tunability of the band-pass filter implemented by applying different mechanical forces N on the micro-cavities splicing regions (MCSRs). The micro-cavity formed by using three variable-lengths of single-mode polarization-maintaining fiber with (8, 16, 24) cm lengths, splice between two segments of (SMF-28) with (26, 13) cm lengths, using the fusion splicing technique.  Ellipsoidal shape micro-cavities experimentally achieved parallel to the propagation axis having dimensions between (12-24) μm of width and   (4-12) μm of length. A micro-cavity with width and length as high as 24 μm and 12 μ

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modeling and optimum design band pass filter for mid IR region

In this study, we design narrow band pass filter for window (3_5) ?m dependent on the needle optimization method , and a comparison with global designs published -Also, the effect of change parameter design on the optical performance of filter was studded and being able to overcome the difficulties of the design.In this study, the adoption of homogeneous optical properties materials as thin film depositing on a substrate of germanium at wavelength design (? = 4 ?m). For design this kind of filters we used advanced computer program (Matlab )to build a model design dependent both matrix characteristic and Needle technique. In this paper we refer to the type of Mert function , which is used for correct optical performance acces

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Wide-range tunable subwavelength band-stop filter for the far-infrared wavelengths based on single-layer graphene sheet

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design Active Filter Based on Genetic Algorithm

The  lossy-FDNR  based  aclive  fil ter has an  important   property among  many  design  realizations. 'This includes  a significant reduction in component count particularly in the number  of OP-AMP which consumes   power.  However  the·  problem  of  this   type  is the  large component spreads  which affect the fdter performance.

In  this  paper   Genetic   Algorithm   is  applied   to  minimize   the component  spread   (capacitance  and  resistance  p,read). The minimization of these spreads allow the fil

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Fractally Generated Microstrip Bandpass Filter Designs Based on Dual-Mode Square Ring Resonator for Wireless Communication Systems

A novel fractal design scheme has been introduced in this paper to generate microstrip bandpass filter designs with miniaturized sizes for wireless applications. The presented fractal scheme is based on Minkowski-like prefractal geometry. The space-filling property and self-similarity of this fractal geometry has found to produce reduced size symmetrical structures corresponding to the successive iteration levels. The resulting filter designs are with sizes suitable for use in modern wireless communication systems. The performance of each of the generated bandpass filter structures up to the 2nd iteration has been analyzed using a method of moments (MoM) based software IE3D, which is widely adopted in microwave research and in

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 05 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of optical bistability in a fully optimized laser Fabry-Perot system

The analytical study of optical bistability is concerned in a fully
optimized laser Fabry-Perot system. The related phenomena of
switching dynamics and optimization procedure are also included.
From the steady state of optical bistability equation can plot the
incident intensity versus the round trip phase shift (φ) for different
values of dark mistuning 


0 , o
   
 or finesse (F= 1, 5, 20,
100). In order to obtain different optical bistable loops. The inputoutput
characteristic for a nonlinear Fabry-Perot etalon of a different
values of finesse (F) and using different initial detuning (φ0) are used
in this rese

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Dynamic Response of a Nonlinear Fabry-Perot Etalon for Various Medium Response Times

     In this work, the switching nonlinear dynamics of a Fabry-Perot etalon are studied. The method used to complete the solution of the differential equations for the nonlinear medium. The Debye relaxation equations solved numerically to predict the behavior of the cavity for modulated input power. The response of the cavity filled with materials of different response time is depicted. For a material with a response time equal to = 50 ns, the cavity switches after about (100 ns). Notice that there is always a finite time delay before the cavity switches. The switch up time is much longer than the cavity build-up time of the corresponding linear cavity which was found to be of the order of a few round-trip ti

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Publication Date
Fri May 03 2024
Journal Name
Optical And Quantum Electronics
Design and analysis of a dual-core PCF biosensor based on SPR for cancerous cells detection

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Publication Date
Thu May 31 2018
On the Use of 6th-Order Tunable Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Varactor based Filter in Ultra-Wideband Low Noise Amplifier

The plethora of the emerged radio frequency applications makes the frequency spectrum crowded by many applications and hence the ability to detect specific application’s frequency without distortion is a difficult task to achieve.


The goal is to achieve a method to mitigate the highest interferer power in the frequency spectrum in order to eliminate the distortion.


This paper presents the application of the proposed tunable 6th-order notch filter on Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) Low Noise

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Design and Simulation of Hartley based Multi Orthogonal Band OFDM

Recent advances in wireless communication systems have made use of OFDM technique to achieve high data rate transmission. The sensitivity to frequency offset between the carrier frequencies of the transmitter and the receiver is one of the major problems in OFDM systems. This frequency offset introduces inter-carrier interference in the OFDM symbol and then the BER performance reduced. In this paper a Multi-Orthogonal-Band MOB-OFDM system based on the Discrete Hartley Transform (DHT) is proposed to improve the BER performance. The OFDM spectrum is divided into equal sub-bands and the data is divided between these bands to form a local OFDM symbol in each sub-band using DHT. The global OFDM symbol is formed from all sub-bands together using

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