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Modeling of Plasma Affected Thermal Profile in Solids During Laser Materials Processing

A new scheme of plasma-mediated thermal coupling has been implemented which yields the temporal distributions of the thermal flux which reaches the metal surface, from which the spatial and temporal temperature profiles can be calculated. The model has shown that the temperature of evaporating surface is determined by the balance between the absorbed power and the rate of energy loss due to evaporation. When the laser power intensity range is 107 to108 W/cm2 the temperature of vapor could increase beyond the critical temperature of plasma ignition, i.e. plasma will be ignited above the metal surface. The plasma density has been analyzed at different values of vapor temperature and pressure using Boltzmann’s code for calculation of electron distribution function. This analysis has been used to determine the temporal distribution of the net heat flux, which reaches the solid surface. The net heat flux has been proved to vanish at high plasma density. Accordingly the temporal and spatial distributions of temperature profiles within the solid metal have been modeled depending upon the net heat flux which reaches the target surface.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Optics And Applications
Modeling and Analysis of a Miniaturized Ring Modulator Using Silicon-Polymer-Metal Hybrid Plasmonic Phase Shifter. Part II: Performance Predictions

The ring modulator described in part I of this paper is designed here for two operating wavelengths 1550nm and 1310nm. For each wavelength, three structures are designed corresponding to three values of polymer slot widths (40, 50 and 60nm). The performance of these modulators are simulated using COMSOL software (version 4.3b) and the results are discussed and compared with theoretical predictions. The performance of intensity modulation/direct detection short range and long rang optical communication systems incorporating the designed modulators is simulated for 40 and 100Gb/s data rates using Optisystem software (version 12). The results reveal that an average energy per bit as low as 0.05fJ can be obtained when the 1550nm modulator is d

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Optics And Applications
Modeling and Analysis of a Miniaturized Ring Modulator Using Silicon-Polymer-Metal Hybrid Plasmonic Phase Shifter. Part I: Theoretical Framework

This paper presents comprehensive analysis and investigation for 1550nm and 1310nm ring optical modulators employing an electro-optic polymer infiltrated silicon-plasmonic hybrid phase shifter. The paper falls into two parts which introduce a theoretical modeling framework and performance assessment of these advanced modulators, respectively. In this part, analytical expressions are derived to characterize the coupling effect in the hybrid phase shifter, transmission function of the modulator, and modulator performance parameters. The results can be used as a guideline to design compact and wideband optical modulators using plasmonic technology

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 14 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Information Technology & Decision Making
A Decision Modeling Approach for Data Acquisition Systems of the Vehicle Industry Based on Interval-Valued Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Set

Modeling data acquisition systems (DASs) can support the vehicle industry in the development and design of sophisticated driver assistance systems. Modeling DASs on the basis of multiple criteria is considered as a multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) problem. Although literature reviews have provided models for DASs, the issue of imprecise, unclear, and ambiguous information remains unresolved. Compared with existing MCDM methods, the robustness of the fuzzy decision by opinion score method II (FDOSM II) and fuzzy weighted with zero inconsistency II (FWZIC II) is demonstrated for modeling the DASs. However, these methods are implemented in an intuitionistic fuzzy set environment that restricts the ability of experts to provide mem

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Electrical Resistivity Synthetic Modeling and Field Survey for Subsurface Features Investigation of the Borsippa Archaeological Site, Babylon Governorate, Middle Iraq

The selection of proper field survey parameters of electrical resistivity can significantly provide efficient results within a reasonable time and cost. Four electrode arrays of 2D Electric Resistivity Imaging (ERI) surveys were applied to characterize and detect subsurface archaeological bodies and to determine the appropriate array type that should be applied in the field survey. This research is to identify the subsurface features of the Borsippa archaeological site, Babylon Governorate, Middle Iraq. Synthetic modeling studies were conducted to determine the proper array and parameters for imaging the shallow subsurface features or targets. The efficiency of many array types has been tested for the detection the buried archaeolog

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
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وقائع مؤتمر
نشاطات الملكة أبي-سمتي خلال حكم الملكين أمار-سين وشو-سين

تعد أبي- سمتي واحدة من أهم النساء التي لعبت دوراً هاماً في الحياة الاقتصادية في عصر أور الثالثة (2112-2004 ق.م)، فقد برزت خلال حكم زوجها الملك أمار-سين (2046-2038 ق.م) وحكم الملك شو-سين (2037-2029 ق.م) وكان لها دور أداري هام في النصوص الاقتصادية فقد ظهرت في عمليات الأستلام وتسليم الماشية والنفقات والمدخولات، فهي على مايبدو كانت مسؤولة عن حظيرة أو مؤسسة ما خلال حكم زوجها وأخيه ومن أشهر تلك الحظائر كانت (حظيرة دريهم) التي كانت تحت

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
مجلة اقتصاديات الاعمال للبحوث التطبيقية
(2002-2021) تقدير وتحليل دالة التكاليف لشركة ديالى العامة خلال المدة

The study aims to diagnose the levels of total costs borne by the Diyala State Company, then estimate and analyze the quantitative relationship between the different items of these costs, in addition to the impact of the productive activity on them. This was done by choosing the different variables affecting the costs and their different items for the company under study, and relying on the data issued by the company during the period (2002-2021), based on a methodology that combines the descriptive and econometric methods in order to estimate and analyze the cost function in the concerned company. According to the estimated function of the costs of the company under study, the study concluded that the value of production affects the total

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Capability of The Iraqi Banking Sector of Commitment to Implementing the Act: (FATCA)Through The Specialized Computerized Program

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) basically targets US citizens’ accounts hold at foreign banks and financial institutions blush, seems and non-financial sector by the Act:( retirement plan companies, investment funds, hedge funds and family investment companies.)

The non Compliance of Foreign of financial institutions act will lead to financial looses and harm regarding reputation, especially for the countries that rely on foreign relations in their financial and banking activities, in addition to deducting 30 % of their total incomes and sales coming from the USA. These institutions can avoid it by entering into agreement with the Internal Revenue Service's to be foreign financial institutions complied with the a

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Structural and optical properties of C60-ZnO thin films synthesized by spray pyrolysis technique with plasma treatment as antibacterial activity

Spray pyrolysis technique was used to make Carbon60-Zinc oxide (C60-ZnO) thin films, and chemical, structural, antibacterial, and optical characterizations regarding such nanocomposite have been done prior to and following treatment. Fullerene peaks in C60-ZnO thin films are identical and appear at the same angles. Following the treatment of the plasma, the existence regarding fullerene peaks in the thin films investigated suggests that the crystallographic quality related to C60-ZnO thin films has enhanced. Following plasma treatment, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) images regarding a C60-ZnO thin film indicate that both zinc oxide and fullerene particles had shrunk in the size and have an even distribution. In addition

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 26 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effect of Cadmium Selenide Thin Film Thickness on Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensing Properties prepared by Plasma DC-Sputtering Technique

     Cadmium Selenide (CdSe) thin films have been deposited on a glass substrate utilizing the plasma DC-sputtering method at room temperature at different deposition time in order to achieve different films thickness, and studied its sensitivity to the  carbon monoxide CO gas which are show high response as the film thickness increases, the DC-conductivity and photoconductivity are also studied and which are increased too as the film thickness increases, that indicates the good semiconducting behavior at room  temperature and light environments.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Pomegranate Peel Extract to Change the Adverse Effect of Ethephon by Enhancing its Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, and Anti-apoptotic Effects in Rats

Organophosphorus insecticide and growth regulator namely Ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid) are widely used as a ripening process accelerator and a cultivation duration inhibitor. Pomegranate extract (PPE) has recently been taken into consideration due to its pharmacological effects especially those associated with renal diseases. Thus, this study aims to investigate the possible protective effect of PPE against ethephon-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. In this study four groups of adult male rats were divided into control group, PPE 400 mg/kg group, Ethephon 250 mg/kg group, and finally, PPE + Ethephon group (treated with the same dose of PPE group and Ethephon group). In the current study, kidney function parameters (KIM-1, creatin

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