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Immuno-hematological and biochemical changes in diabetic retinopathy patient`s blood after treatment by Nd-YAG laser
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Diabetic retinopathy is one of most important complications of diabetes mellitus that can be treated by Nd:YAG laser. Laser is used in ophthalmic practice for photocoagulation and photodisruption. The purpose of this study is to evaluate changes in immunological ,hematological and biochemical values after treatment of diabetic retinopathy by laser. Blood samples from 10 patients suffering from diabetic retinopathy were taken before and after laser treatment to coagulate retina to prevent leakage and hemorraghe to avoid deterioration of vision.In group one (4 patients = 40%), blood tests were done one day after treatment. In group two (6 patients =60%) tests were done 7 days after treatment with laser. The study showed no clear changes in the values of biochemical tests(except glucouse is already high) and hemtologyical tests (except PT, PTT, clotting time and bleeding time for those patients taking l00mg acetylsalicylic acid or warfarin) after irradiation with laser, probably because that main organs that affecting these tests or the elements that involve in these tests have not been irradiated directly. The main changes were in mmunoglobulin values which increased as noticed in both groups, because all light- induced biological effects depend on the parameters of irradiation, the results suggest that the laser irradiation may play two principal roles in immunological changes. First, is stimulation of cellular proliferation, and stimulation of cellular differentiation that is responsible for different types of immunoglobulin.The other suggestion is that laser is acting as a triggering factor which induces systematic effects through the circulation when laser interacts with living cells so it has systemic effects through circulating blood.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    Geodiversity is the variety within abiotic natural elements that include: rocks, minerals, landforms, soil types, and water resources. Recently ecologists and naturalists recognized that there is close relationship between geodiversity and ecosystems. Huwaiza marsh is located south eastern Iraq within Lower Mesopotamian plain. The main rock bed units which crop out north east of the studied area comprises many types of rocks: conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone, siltstone and claystone belong to Bai Hassan, Mukdadiya and Injana Formations. The general elevation of the area ranges around 5 meters (a. s. l.) near the marsh and increase northeast to more than 100 meters (a. s. l.) and the Land forms are: cuesta, oxbow lakes

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 12 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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The current research aims to identify the risk management and its impact on the quality of service in the Salahalddin Sewerage Directorate, This is due to the great impact that the service provided by this institution plays in preserving health and the environment in the community, which has faced many administrative challenges, problems and issues as a result of the rapid and continuous environmental changes, and therefore, the adoption of administrative concepts such as risk management and knowledge of their impact on the quality of the municipal service is necessary to reach this service To the required levels. To achieve the research objectives, two main hypotheses have been formulated, the first of which is to find the extent of the li

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Active Compounds in Equisetum arvense L. and their Inhibitory Effects on Growth of Some Pathogenic Bacteria
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This research has been performed on the vegetative parts of the

Horsetail Equisetum arvense L.  v.ilich  grows    naturally  in  Haj Umran , north    of   Iraq , to determine and estimate some   active chemical    compounds ,  besides   studyi ng  their inhi bitory  effe(;tS upon    some  urinary  tracts infections (UTI) bacteria    through  the

investigation on the  inhibitory effects of water and ethanolic extracts of this plant .

The results revealed presr.:nr.:t: of some active chemical compounds   such as: tannins, saponins, resins,

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Rigid Trunk Sewer Deterioration Prediction Models using Multiple Discriminant and Neural Network Models in Baghdad City, Iraq
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Ability of kaolin clays in Adsorption of Toluene 0-Nitro Toluene and 2,4-Dinitro Toluene Part 1
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This  study was concerned with the adsorption of Toluene ,0·

nitro Toluene and 2,4.dinitro Toluene on The surface of kaolin clay.

The  adsorption isotherms  were of types( S3,S4 ) according  to Giles classification and were in a good correlation with Freundlich equation  in the range of cuncenlraliuns studied. The re5ult indicated that adsorption capacity increase with the increase of equilibrium concentration. The effect of the nwnber of substituted nitro groups in the adsorption extent of toluene was found to decrease in the following order:·

Toluene   > 2,4-dinitro toluene  > 0-nitro toluene

Adsorption on  kaolin surface were examined as afunction

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Synergistic Effect of Potassium Clavulanate in Combination withCefamandol and Ceftazidime on B- Lactamase, Extracted From Resistant E.coli
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The aim of this study was to evaluate in-vitro activity of Cefamandol and Ceftazidime, in combination with potassium clavulanate against 10 uropathogenic E.coli isolated from patients with chronic complicated urinary tract infections (UTIs), these isolates were identified by the Api identification systems.The antimicrobial susceptibility tests were determined by Kirby-Bauer method and the minimum inhibitory concentrations of Cefamandol and Ceftazidime, were determined, by tube method. These isolates were resistant to Ampicillin (Amp), Amoxicillin (Amo), Carbenicillin (Cb), Ticarcillin (Tic), Amoxicillin\ Potassium Clavulanate {Augmentin}, (Amo\CA), Ticarcillin\ Potassium Clavulanate {Timentin} (Tic\CA), Cefamandol (Cfm) and Ceftazidime (

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Measurement of plasma fibrinogen and D-dimer in a sample of Iraqi patients with solid malignant tumors
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Background: Multifactor affect the pathogenesis of thrombosis in solid malignancy; however, a significant role is attributed to the cancer cells ability to interact with and activate the host hemostatic system. [1] 

Hemostasis is highly correlated to tumor growth, angiogenesis and metastasis, modulation of these pathways reflects interesting and promising treatment options in the future. [1]

Most patients with cancer frequently suffer from chronic compensated DIC and have abnormal laboratory coagulation tests without clinical manifestations of thrombosis, which is a subclinical hypercoagulable state that can be detected by varying degrees of activation of blood clotting. The results of laboratory tests in th

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analysis of Traditional and Fuzzy Quality Control Charts to Improve Short-Run Production in the Manufacturing Industry
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Quality control charts are limited to controlling one characteristic of a production process, and it needs a large amount of data to determine control limits to control the process. Another limitation of the traditional control chart is that it doesn’t deal with the vague data environment. The fuzzy control charts work with the uncertainty that exists in the data. Also, the fuzzy control charts investigate the random variations found between the samples. In modern industries, productivity is often of different designs and a small volume that depends on the market need for demand (short-run production) implemented in the same type of machines to the production units. In such cases, it is difficult to determine the contr

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of hot water and ethanol extract of Nigella sativa in immune system of Albino Mice
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The result showed that hot water and ethanol extracts of Nigella sativa contain alkaloids ,saponins, flavonoids,tannins,glycosides,terpins and steroids. Albino mice were administered orally with 0.1 of the extract at dose of 100 mg/kg, body weight the results showed high level of white blood cell ,total and differential count of WBC,phagocytosis index, mitotic index, Arthus and delayed type hypersensitivity. The result, also showed high level of hemoglobin (Hb) and the packed cell volume (PCV) the alcoholic extract has been found more efficient than hot water extract on mice.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Ecology and geographical distribution for the species of the genus Salvia L. of labiatae in Iraq
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The study included general survey of some districts of Iraq in order to determinate new distribution areas for 33 species of the genus salvia L. ,new collections obtained , new locations for many species recorded. Observed specimens in most Iraqi herbaria were studies and identified. ,the flowering period were also studied

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