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Well Performance Following Matrix Acidizing Treatment: Case Study of the Mi4 Unit in Ahdeb Oil Field
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The productivity of oil wells may be improved by determining the value of enhancing well productivity and the likely reasons or sources of formation damage after the well has been recognized as underperforming. Oil well productivity may be improved, but the economics of this gradual improvement may be compromised. It is important to analyze the influence of the skin effect on the recovery of the reserve.

   The acid treatment evaluated for the well AD-12, primarily for the zone Mi4;  using a license of Stimpro Stimulation Software to validate the experimental work to the field scale, this software is considered the most comprehensive instrument for planning and monitoring matrix acid treatments and utilizing actual data to provide a far better knowledge of the well's reaction, with methods that represent the reality of what is happening in the reservoir before, during, and after matrix acid treatments, through the post-treatment skin factor, which is the most frequently utilized statistic for analyzing stimulation treatments and relies on the geometry of the wormholed zone. Referring to the previous buildup tests for Ad-12, the skin value of -3.97 is approximately identical to or slightly larger than the skin value estimated by the acid treatment simulation using Stimpro. Moreover, when the simulator was performed, the invading fluid revealed two distinct depths of investigation inside the treated zone. While the fluid invasion in the bottom area has invaded deeply at a distance of 95 inches despite the top layer wormhole penetrating to a depth of 32 inches.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Anesthesia on Thyroid Hormones and Cortisol Levels Following Major Urological Surgery
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This study was designed to evaluate the effect of anesthesia on thyroid hormones (T3, T4, rT3), thyrotropin(TSH), and cortisol levels in patients undergoing major urological surgery. The study included fifty patients scheduled for elective major urological surgery where 70% of the patients underwent general anesthesia, while30% underwent regional anesthesia. All patients were in stable control general conditions. The study showed that the thyroid hormones, thyrotropin and cortisol levels were affected with general anesthesia more than regional. The levels of these hormones responded to anesthetics and surgical stresses. This response was thought to be mainly mediated by afferent neurogenic impulses from the area of injury. Therefore, ab

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 28 2021
Journal Name
Albahith Alalami
The image of foreign oil companies operating in Iraq tothe public of Basra city / survey study
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The research seeks to identify the image of foreign oil companies operating in Iraq among the public of Basra, and the research aims to clarify the mental image of foreign oil companies among the Iraqi public, and to identify the extent to which the Iraqi public benefit from the social responsibility programs offered by foreign oil companies and their contribution to improving the standard of living and services for the population. Nearby areas and society as a whole, the research is classified within descriptive research, and the researcher used the survey method for the Iraqi public in Basra governorate, which includes the areas in which these companies are located, and he used the scale tool to find out, so he distributed 600 que

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A study of Land Zoning in the base of Traffic Noise Pollution Levels using ArcGIS: Kirkuk City as a Case Study
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This study is an approach to assign the land area of  Kirkuk city [ a city located in the northern of Iraq, 236 kilometers north of  Baghdad  and 83 kilometers  south of  Erbil [ Climatic atlas of  Iraq, 1941-1970  ]  into different  multi zones by using Satellite image and Arc Map10.3,  zones of different traffic noise pollutions. Land zonings process like what achieved in this paper will help and of it’s of a high interest point for the future of Kirkuk city especially urban

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of strategic leadership in knowledge management processes "Diagnostic Study in the Office of the Ministry of Oil - Project Department"
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The research deals with the important and modern two subjects, strategic leadership which have six demotions and knowledge management
(four demotions') . the gools & the research is to know the relation & the effect them in the oil ministry (project department) , the sample was (50) persons who works in the department the questionnaire was the tool of data gathering .

The research divided to four parties, the first  to the theotical review of the research variables, the second to the research methrology, the third to analysis and discoed the empirical results the last to the conclusions and recommendations .

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Indicative supervision on the monetary business organizations (Banks) Case study: Iraq
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Indicative supervision represents the comparison between direct intervention (acquisition, nationalism) and participation through rules.

The last financial crisis reflected our needs for different approaches of supervision consist with our goals, but the crisis reveals also number of sounds requested and pressured toward direct control (Intervention via forces) through government acquisition and nationalization.

This study attempts to deal with crisis lessons, in the field of choice between indicative and direct supervision which government authorities used to reduce the bad effect on the monetary firms.

Iraqi banks suffered from high levels of direct co

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 30 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study of Performance of Air Filters in Public Shelters
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Analysis of third intermediate chemistry book following sustainable development standards
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The current research seeks to Analyze third intermediate chemistry book following sustainable development standards for academic year (2016-2017). To do this, a list of sustainable development standards that should be included in chemistry book was designed based on the previous studies. The first version of the list consisted of (50) sub-case divided into three standards (social, economic, and environmental) which was exposed to group of experts in teaching chemistry and teaching methods. The list has modified to (43) sub-case. The researcher followed the implicit and explicit meaning in his analysis: one for recording and repetition and the other for frequency. The result showed that third intermediate chemistry book has achieved (20)

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Total Quality Management in Insurance: Companies Field Study in Iraqi Insurance Company
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Total quality management is considered a modern management concept that achieved success in all fields of various industrial and service sectors in advanced countries . One of these sectors is insurance. This concept aims at improving and developing the performance of insurance service continually . It is the gate that can enable radical change in the organization culture inside the company to transform it from using the traditional management style into using the modern style which achieves high quality standard of insurance service . As a result many insurance companies headed to applying the principles of total quality management in their companies . This study aims at raising the standard of the performance of the Iraqi Insurance Com

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology (ijciet)
Performance assessment of biological treatment of sequencing batch reactor using artificial neural network technique.
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Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model's application is widely increased for wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) variables prediction and forecasting which can enable the operators to take appropriate action and maintaining the norms. It is much easier modeling tool for dealing with complex nature WWTP modeling comparing with other traditional mathematical models. ANN technique significance has been considered at present study for the prediction of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) performance based on effluent's (BOD5/COD) ratio after collecting the required historical daily SBR data for two years operation (2015-2016) from Baghdad Mayoralty and Al-Rustamiya WWTP office, Iraq. The prediction was gotten by the application of a feed-forwa

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Cogent Engineering
Influence of recycled concrete aggregate treatment methods on performance of sustainable warm mix asphalt
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his study aimed to investigate the usability of Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) in warm mix asphalt (WMA) as the implementation of sustainable construction technology. Five replacement rates (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) were tested for the coarse fraction of virgin aggregate (VA) with 3 types of RCA: untreated RCA, HL-treated RCA, and HCL-treated RCA. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses were performed to investigate the surface morphology for both treated and untreated RCA. The optimum asphalt cement content for every substitution rate was determined using Marshall mix design method. Thereafter, asphalt concrete specimens were prepared using the optimum asphalt cement content, followed by the evaluation of their performance prope

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