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Well Performance Following Matrix Acidizing Treatment: Case Study of the Mi4 Unit in Ahdeb Oil Field
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The productivity of oil wells may be improved by determining the value of enhancing well productivity and the likely reasons or sources of formation damage after the well has been recognized as underperforming. Oil well productivity may be improved, but the economics of this gradual improvement may be compromised. It is important to analyze the influence of the skin effect on the recovery of the reserve.

   The acid treatment evaluated for the well AD-12, primarily for the zone Mi4;  using a license of Stimpro Stimulation Software to validate the experimental work to the field scale, this software is considered the most comprehensive instrument for planning and monitoring matrix acid treatments and utilizing actual data to provide a far better knowledge of the well's reaction, with methods that represent the reality of what is happening in the reservoir before, during, and after matrix acid treatments, through the post-treatment skin factor, which is the most frequently utilized statistic for analyzing stimulation treatments and relies on the geometry of the wormholed zone. Referring to the previous buildup tests for Ad-12, the skin value of -3.97 is approximately identical to or slightly larger than the skin value estimated by the acid treatment simulation using Stimpro. Moreover, when the simulator was performed, the invading fluid revealed two distinct depths of investigation inside the treated zone. While the fluid invasion in the bottom area has invaded deeply at a distance of 95 inches despite the top layer wormhole penetrating to a depth of 32 inches.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role Of Succession Planning In Human Capital Development In Organizations ( the Field of the research at the Oil Training Institute – Baghdad
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  To identify the importance of the role of succession planning in developing human capital in organizations in light of the accelerating and dynamic events and changes in the work environment, and the research problem indicated the seriousness of employees retiring or leaving their positions for any reason and the extent of its impact on the organization in creating gaps in leadership and problems In managing the talent injection because there will be a shortage of talent, which in turn will affect the general performance of the business in the researched institute, so the importance of research appears in trying to present a set of solutions through which some of the problems facing the organization in quest

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation the Turbidity Removal Efficiency of AL-Muthana Water Treatment Plant
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Turbidity is a visual property of water that expresses the amount of suspended substances in the water. Its presence in quantities more significant than the permissible limit makes the water undrinkable and reduces the effectiveness of disinfectants in treating pathogens. On this basis, turbidity is used as a basic indicator for measuring water quality. This study aims to evaluate the removal efficiency of AL- Muthanna WTP. Water turbidity was used as a basic parameter in the evaluation, using performance improvement evaluation and data from previous years (2016 to 2020). The average raw water turbidity was 26.7 NTU, with a minimum of 14 NTU, with a maximum of 48 NTU. Water turbidity value for 95% of settling daily reading data was

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation the Turbidity Removal Efficiency of AL-Muthana Water Treatment Plant
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Turbidity is a visual property of water that expresses the amount of suspended substances in the water. Its presence in quantities more significant than the permissible limit makes the water undrinkable and reduces the effectiveness of disinfectants in treating pathogens. On this basis, turbidity is used as a basic indicator for measuring water quality. This study aims to evaluate the removal efficiency of AL- Muthanna WTP. Water turbidity was used as a basic parameter in the evaluation, using performance improvement evaluation and data from previous years (2016 to 2020). The average raw water turbidity was 26.7 NTU, with a minimum of 14 NTU, with a maximum of 48 NTU. Water turbidity value for 95% of settling daily readi

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Biostratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous-Early Paleocene Succession in Selected Wells, Jambur Oil field, Kirkuk, Northern Iraq
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The Late Cretaceous-Early Paleocene Shiranish and Aliji formations have been studied in three selected wells in Jambur Oil Field (Ja-50, Ja-53, and Ja-67) in Kirkuk, Northeastern Iraq. This study included lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy. The Late Campanian-Maastrichtian Shiranish Formation consist mainly of thin marly and chalky limestone beds overlain by thin marl beds, with some beds of marly limestone representing an outer shelf basinal environment, the unconformable contact with the above Middle Paleocene-Early Eocene Aliji Formation contain layers of limestone with marly limestone and chalky limestone which represents an outer shelf basinal environment. Five Biozones in the Shiranish Formation were determined which are: 1

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Optimization of Separator Size and Operating Pressure for Three-phase Separators in the West Qurna1 Oil Field
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An optimization study was conducted to determine the optimal operating pressure for the oil and gas separation vessels in the West Qurna 1 oil field. The ASPEN HYSYS software was employed as an effective tool to analyze the optimal pressure for the second and third-stage separators while maintaining a constant operating pressure for the first stage. The analysis involved 10 cases for each separation stage, revealing that the operating pressure of 3.0 Kg/cm2 and 0.7 Kg/cm2 for the second and third stages, respectively, yielded the optimum oil recovery to the flow tank. These pressure set points were selected based on serval factors including API gravity, oil formation volume factor, and gas-oil ratio from the flow tank.    To impro

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the performance of pentacene based organic field effect transistor by using monolayer, bilayer and trilayer with different gate insulators
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In this paper, Pentacene based-organic field effect transistors (OFETs) by using different layers (monolayer, bilayer and trilayer) for three different gate insulators (ZrO2, PVA and CYEPL) were studied its current–voltage (I-V) characteristics by using the gradual-channel approximation model. The device exhibits a typical output curve of a field-effect transistor (FET). Source-drain voltage (Vds) was also investigated to study the effects of gate dielectric on electrical performance for OFET. The effect of capacitancesemiconductor in performance OFETs was considered. The values of current and transconductance which calculated using MATLAB simulation. It exhibited a value of current increase with increasing source-drain voltage.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the performance of pentacene based organic field effect transistor by using monolayer, bilayer and trilayer with different gate insulators
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In this paper, Pentacene based-organic field effect transistors (OFETs) by using different layers (monolayer, bilayer and trilayer) for three different gate insulators (ZrO2, PVA and CYEPL) were studied its current–voltage (I-V) characteristics by using the gradual-channel approximation model. The device exhibits a typical output curve of a field-effect transistor (FET). Source-drain voltage (Vds) was also investigated to study the effects of gate dielectric on electrical performance for OFET. The effect of capacitance semiconductor in performance OFETs was considered. The values of current and transconductance which calculated using MATLAB simulation. It exhibited a value of current increase with increasing source-drain voltage.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Materials In Civil Engineering
Moisture Susceptibility and Fatigue Performance of Hydrated Lime–Modified Asphalt Concrete: Experiment and Design Application Case Study
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Hydrated lime has been recognized as an effective additive used to improve asphalt concrete properties in pavement applications. However, further work is still needed to quantify the effect of hydrated lime on asphaltic concrete performance under varied weather, temperature, and environmental conditions and in the application of different pavement courses. A research project was conducted using hydrated lime to modify the asphalt concretes used for the applications of wearing (surface), leveling (binder), and base courses. A previous publication reported the experimental study on the resistance to Marshall stability and the volumetric properties, the resilient modulus, and permanent deformation at three different weather temperatures. This

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Publication Date
Sun May 19 2024
Journal Name
Basrah Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
Investigation on Field Performance of Plowing and Harvesting Potatoes in Southern Baghdad
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This field experiment, was conducted to investigate a comparison of two methods for harvesting potatoes: mechanical and handy when using moldboard and chisel plow for primary tillage and three different distances for planting tubers in the rows 15, 25, and 35 cm in silt clay loam soil south of Baghdad. The factorial experiment followed a randomized complete block design with three replications using L.S.D. 5 % and 1 %. Mechanical harvest recorded the best valid potato tubers at 88.78 %, marketable yield of 31.74 ton. ha-1, efficiency lifted 95.68 %, tubers damage index 28.41, speeding up the harvesting process and reducing time and effort. Handy harvest gave the least damage to potato tubers, 6.02 %, and unlifted potato tubers, 4.32 %. Howe

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Asphaltene Precipitation Investigation Using a Screening Techniques for Crude Oil Sample from the Nahr-Umr Formation/Halfaya Oil Field
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Many oil and gas processes, including oil recovery, oil transportation, and petroleum processing, are negatively impacted by the precipitation and deposition of asphaltene. Screening methods for determining the stability of asphaltenes in crude oil have been developed due to the high cost of remediating asphaltene deposition in crude oil production and processing. The colloidal instability index, the Asphaltene-resin ratio, the De Boer plot, and the modified colloidal instability index were used to predict the stability of asphaltene in crude oil in this study. The screening approaches were investigated in detail, as done for the experimental results obtained from them. The factors regulating the asphaltene precipitation are different fr

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