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Application of Finite Element Technique: A Review Study

The finite element approach is used to solve a variety of difficulties, including well bore stability, fluid flow production and injection wells, mechanical issues and others. Geomechanics is a term that includes a number of important aspects in the petroleum industry, such as studying the changes that can be occur in oil reservoirs and geological structures, and providing a picture of oil well stability during drilling. The current review study concerned about the advancements in the application of the finite element method (FEM) in the geomechanical field over a course of century.

Firstly, the study presented the early advancements of this method by development the structural framework of stress, make numerical computer solution for 2D thermal stress then stress analysis of the airplane. The second part focused on the most recent developments of FEM, and this method generates new techniques for solving these problems, such as the 1D, 2D, and 3D finite element models; the dynamic program method (DPM); the finite discrete element method (FDEM); and the finite element extended method (FEXM). The third part of this study presented the reservoir finite element simulation used for injection well testing inside unconsolidated oil sand reservoirs. Also improvement of the FE software program for the analyses, finite element extended approach to convert a 3D fault model were introduced. In addition, the study explored the development of a 3D and 4D model utilizing Visage for FEM analysis for geomechanics investigations, and the software eclipse for pressure drop prediction in carbonate reservoir weak formation and presented the Finite-Element Smoothed Particle Method (FESPM).

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Application of Biomimicry in Kinetic Facades

Biomimicry, as a way of thinking to go back to nature for inspiration, has its impact on many contemporary technological achievements. Some of them are used to design and construct kinetic facades in architecture, because of the importance role of facades in reducing sun radiation, that enter the building through using shading  systems and components. In light of this, research problem is determined: "Do technologies which are inspired by biomimicry effect shading in kinetic facades through its characteristics in materials and the mechanics. So the research identifies its goal as: "To identify the types of kinetic facades in buildings and their characteristics as materials and shading mechanism associated with the b

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 11 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Application of Nanotechnology in Iraqi Construction Projects

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Magna Scientia Advanced Research And Reviews
Application of Nanoparticle in the Veterinary Medicine

Nanotechnology is a modern and developed technology, which have great importance in many fields of medicine (diagnosis and treatment). Also, it used to prevent and solve many problems related to animal production and health. The Nanosystems are including metallic nanoparticles, liposomes, polymeric Nanospheres, polymeric micelles, carbon nanotubes, functionalized fullerenes, polymer-coated Nanocrystals, dendrimers and Nanoshells. Our review showed a details classification of nanoparticles and their uses. Nanoparticles have several features depended on the size, colossal surface. The development of antibiotics nanoparticle is very important and has an excellent impact in treating bacterial infections wherever the antibiotics nanopar

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Application of Fuzzy Logic in Servo Motor

 In this work the design and application of a fuzzy logic controller to DC-servomotor is investigated. The proposed strategy is intended to improve the performance of the original control system by use of a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) as the motor load changes. Computer simulation demonstrates that FLC is effective in position control of a DC-servomotor comparing with conventional one.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Robust Optimization with practical application

The purpose of this paper is applying the robustness in Linear programming(LP) to get rid of uncertainty problem in constraint parameters, and find the robust optimal solution, to maximize the profits of the general productive company of vegetable oils for the year 2019, through the modify on a mathematical model of linear programming when some parameters of the model have uncertain values, and being processed it using robust counterpart of linear programming to get robust results from the random changes that happen in uncertain values ​​of the problem, assuming these values belong to the uncertainty set and selecting the values that cause the worst results and to depend buil

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On treshold relation & thier application

in this paper the notion of threshold relations by using resemblance relation are introduced to get a similarity relation from a resemnblance relation R

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Reading Comprehension: Theory and Application

This study aims at discussing the theoretical and applicable parts of the reading comprehension to help the teachers of Arabic. This study shows that the students have a general weakness in reading comprehension. The researcher handles issues related to reading comprehension and to practicing exercises of the training strategies such as: dialogue, discussion, discussion questions, continuous training, group works. Such skills will be used to analyze a poem to see the level of the students’ reading comprehension and to develop the students’ skills. The study answers two questions:
1- What is the reading comprehension from a theoretical perspective?
2- How can we develop the skills of the reading comprehension from the practical

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Current Pharmaceutical Analysis
Analytical Methods for the Identification of Pigments in Tattoo Inks and Some of Their Physiological Side Effects: A Review

In this review, numerous analytical methods to distinguish pigments in tattoo, paint, and ink items are discussed. The selection of a method was dependent upon the purpose, e.g., quantification or identification of pigments. The introductory part of this review focuses on describing the importance of setting up a pigment-associated safety profile. The formation of different degradation chemical substances as well as impurity trends can be indicated through the chemical investigation of pigments in tattoo products. It is noteworthy that pigment recognition in tattoo inks can work as a preliminary method to identify the pigments in a patient's tattoo before being removed by laser therapy. Contrary to the stud

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Current Pharmaceutical Analysis
Analytical Methods for the Identification of Pigments in Tattoo Inks and Some of Their Physiological Side Effects: A Review

In this review, numerous analytical methods to distinguish pigments in tattoo, paint, and ink items are discussed. The selection of a method was dependent upon the purpose, e.g., quantification or identification of pigments. The introductory part of this review focuses on describing the importance of setting up a pigment-associated safety profile. The formation of different degradation chemical substances as well as impurity trends can be indicated through the chemical investigation of pigments in tattoo products. It is noteworthy that pigment recognition in tattoo inks can work as a preliminary method to identify the pigments in a patient's tattoo before being removed by laser therapy. Contrary to the stud

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Nano- And Electronic Physics
Photodetector Properties of Polyaniline/CuO Nanostructures Synthesized by Hydrothermal Technique

In this work, pure and copper mixed oxide PAni nanofiber thin films are successfully synthesized on silicon substrates by hydrothermal method and spin coating technique at room temperature with thickness of about 325 nm. The structural, surface morphological, optical and photoconductivity properties have been investigated. The XRD results showed that PAni films have crystalline nature, CuO and PAni/CuO nanostructure composites are monoclinic polycrystalline structure. The FESEM images of PAni clearly indicate that it has nanofiber-like structure, whereas the CuO film has spongelike shape. The surface morphology analysis of PAni/CuO composite shows that nanofiber caped with inorganic material which is CuO is a core-shell structure. Op

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