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Risk-Based Inspection Due to Corrosion Consequences for Oil and Gas Flowline: A Review
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   The petroleum industry, which is one of the pillars of the national economy, has the potential to generate vast wealth and employment possibilities. The transportation of petroleum products is complicated and changeable because of the hazards caused by the corrosion consequences. Hazardous chemical leaks caused by natural disasters may harm the environment, resulting in significant economic losses. It significantly threatens the aim for sustainable development. When a result, determining the likelihood of leakage and the potential for environmental harm, it becomes a top priority for decision-makers as they develop maintenance plans. This study aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the risks associated with oil and gas pipelines. It also tries to identify essential risk factors in flowline projects, as well as their likelihood and severity, in order to reduce loss of life and increased expenditures as a result of safety issues. The monetary quantification was used to determine the leakage-induced environmental losses. Using a 5-by-5 probability-currency matrix, the level of environmental risk was evaluated the safety and risk-based inspection (RBI) is evaluated through the use of specific schedules to determine the likelihood of failure (LOF) and Consequence of Failure (COF). The risk level appears in the matrix, and appropriate maintenance steps should be taken to reduce risks, such as injecting corrosion inhibitors to protect the Pipelines, activating cathodic protection or coating. Overall, this research contributes to the prevention of petroleum product leakage due to the corrosion consequences in the transportation sector. Also, encourage non-environmental risk decision-makers to gain a better understanding of the risk level.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of Family Physicians' Practices upon the Quality of Family Medicine Health Care Services at Model Primary Health Care Centers in Baghdad City
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Objective(s): To evaluate the family physicians' practices and to measure its impact upon the quality of family
medicine health care in Baghdad City model primary health care centers.
Methodology: A descriptive study, using the evaluation approach, has evaluated the impact of family physicians'
practices upon quality of healthcare in Baghdad's Model Primary Health Care Centers of Family Medicine. It is
carried out during 15th of May – 20th of August 2017. The study is conducted at five model primary health care
centers of family medicine from two districts; AL-Rusafa and AL-Kurkh. Sample size is calculated to be (76)
family physicians. Convenient sample of (124) patients who are attending these primary health care cen

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Publication Date
Fri May 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Moisture Damage of Warm Mix Asphalt Concrete
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Implementation of Warm Mix Asphalt concrete (WMA) is getting global acceptance due to the restrictions for protecting the environment and the requirements to reduce fuel consumption. In this investigation, two WMA mixtures have been prepared in the laboratory using medium curing cutback (MC-30) and Cationic emulsion asphalt. Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) was also prepared for comparison. The cylinder specimens (63.5mm) in height and (101.6mm) in diameter were constructed from the mixtures and subjected to indirect tensile strength test to determine the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR). The cylinder specimens of (101.6mm) in height and (101.6mm) in diameter were also constructed from those mixtures and subjected to static compressive

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Complex of Lascoux in Partition (3,3,2)
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In this paper, the complex of Lascoux in the case of partition (3,3,2) has been studied by using diagrams ,divided power of the place polarization ) (k ij ,Capelli identites and the idea of mapping Cone .

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 04 2024
Journal Name
مجلة مركز بابل للدراسات الانسانية
The Rhetorical methods in Hebrew advertisements
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Advertisement is one of the Media most efficient persuasive communicative activities designed to marketing different ideas and products with the aim of influencing consumers' perception of goods and services. The present study sheds light on the most prominent rhetorical devices that constitute the persuasive structure of the Hebrew advertisements published in various media outlet. The study is conducted by means of analyzing the linguistic structure of the advertising texts and according to the analytic and descriptive approach to know the characteristics and the functions of the oratorical devices used in the advertising industry. The research elucidates that most of the advertisements are written in slang language, and this is due to th

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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A 2D geological model for Mauddud Formation in the Badra oil field is built using Rockworks 16 software. Mauddud Formation produces oil from limestone units; it represents the main reservoir in the Badra oil field. Six wells (BD-1, BD-2, BD-4, BD-5, P-15, and P-19) are selected to build facies and petrophysical (Porosity and Water saturation) models. Wells data are taken from the core and cutting samples and studied through the microscopic. The petrophysical data (effective porosity and water saturation) are derived from computer processes interpretation results that are calculated by using Interactive Petrophysics software. The 2D models are built to illustrate the vertical and horizontal distribution of petrophysical properties between we

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Publication Date
Fri May 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Geological Model of the Tight Reservoir (Sadi Reservoir-Southern of Iraq)
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A3D geological model was constructed for Al-Sadi reservoir/ Halfaya Oil Field which is discovered in 1976 and located 35 km from Amara city, southern of Iraq towards the Iraqi/ Iranian borders.

Petrel 2014 was used to build the geological model. This model was created depending on the available information about the reservoir under study such as 2D seismic map, top and bottom of wells, geological data & well log analysis (CPI). However, the reservoir was sub-divided into 132x117x80 grid cells in the X, Y&Z directions respectively, in order to well represent the entire Al-Sadi reservoir.

Well log interpretation (CPI) and core data for the existing 6 wells were the basis of the petrophysical model (

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 11 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Effect of Elevated Temperature on the Compressive Strength of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) Containing Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
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Fire is the most sever environmental condition affecting on concrete structures, thus investigating for fire safety in structural concrete is important for building construction. The slow heat transfer and strength loss enables concrete to be effective for fire resistance. Concrete structures withstand when exposed to fire according to: their thermal properties, rate of heating, characteristic properties of concrete mixes and their composition and on the duration of fire, and concerned as thermal property with other factors such as loss of mass which affected by aggregate type, moisture content, and composition of concrete mix. The present research goal is to study the effect of rising temperature on the compressive strength of the rea

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of Raw Water Turbidity at the Intakes of the Water Treatment Plants along Tigris River in Baghdad, Iraq using Frequency Analysis
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Different frequency distributions models were fitted to the monthly data of raw water Turbidity at water treatment plants (WTPs) along Tigris River in Baghdad. Eight water treatment plants in Baghdad were selected, with raw water turbidity data for the period (2008-2014). The frequency distribution models used in this study are the Normal, Log-normal, Weibull, Exponential and two parameters Gamma type. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate the goodness of fit. The data for years (2008-2011) were used for building the models. The best fitted distributions were Log-Normal (LN) for Al-Karkh, Al-Wathbah, Al-Qadisiya, Al- Dawrah and, Al-Rashid WTPs. Gamma distribution fitted well for East Tigris and Al-Karamah WTPs. As for Al-

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Performance Enhancement of the South Baghdad Thermal Station
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Aim of the research is the study of improving the performance of the thermal station south Baghdad and the main reasons for reduced its efficiency. South Baghdad power planet comprises (6) steam turbine units and (18) gas turbine units .The gas turbine units are composed of two groups: the first group is made up of gas units (1,2), each of capacity (123) MW. The design efficiency of gas turbine units is 32%. The actual efficiency data of steam units is 18.3% instead of 45% which is the design efficiency. The main reason for efficiency reduction of gas units is the rejected thermal energy with the exhaust gases to atmosphere, that are (450-510) ℃.The bad type of fuel used (heavy) fuel. Another reason for the low efficiency and has a neg

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Solving the Inverse Kinematic Equations of Elastic Robot Arm Utilizing Neural Network
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The inverse kinematic equation for a robot is very important to the control robot’s motion and position. The solving of this equation is complex for the rigid robot due to the dependency of this equation on the joint configuration and structure of robot link. In light robot arms, where the flexibility exists, the solving of this problem is more complicated than the rigid link robot because the deformation variables (elongation and bending) are present in the forward kinematic equation. The finding of an inverse kinematic equation needs to obtain the relation between the joint angles and both of the end-effector position and deformations variables. In this work, a neural network has been proposed to solve the problem of inverse kinemati

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