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Kinetics and Energetic Parameters Study of Phenol Removal from Aqueous Solution by Electro-Fenton Advanced Oxidation Using Modified Electrodes with PbO2 and Graphene
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The Electro-Fenton oxidation process is one of the essential advanced electrochemical oxidation processes used to treat Phenol and its derivatives in wastewater. The Electro-Fenton oxidation process was carried out at an ambient temperature at different current density (2, 4, 6, 8 mA/cm2) for up to 6 h. Sodium Sulfate at a concentration of 0.05M was used as a supporting electrolyte, and 0.4 mM of Ferrous ion concentration (Fe2+) was used as a catalyst. The electrolyte cell consists of graphite modified by an electrodepositing layer of PbO2 on its surface as anode and carbon fiber modified with Graphene as a cathode. The results indicated that Phenol concentration decreases with an increase in current density, and the minimum Phenol concentration obtained after 6 h of electrolysis at 8 mA/cm2 is equal to 7.82 ppm starting from an initial concentration about 155 ppm. The results obtained from the kinetic study of Phenol oxidation at different current density showed that the reaction followed pseudo first-order kinetics regarding current density. Energetic parameters like specific power consumption and current efficiency were also estimated at different current density. The results showed that an increase in current density caused an increase in the specific power consumption of the process and decreased current efficiency.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The role of public relations in educating the Palestinian public about the issue of prisoners under the occupation An applied study on the employees of the Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Prisoners Affairs
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The issue of Palestinian prisoners inside the prisons of the Israeli occupation is considered
a humanitarian issue par excellence، as it affects every Palestinian family as a
result of the absence of a husband، wife or son.
Almost no Palestinian house is vacant without one or more prisoners، and even women،
children and the elderly are not spared from these arrests.
The problem of the study was to identify the role of public relations in the Ministry
of Detainees and Ex-Prisoners Affairs in educating the Palestinian public about the
issue of prisoners، the nature of this role and the means used to bring support and
solidarity with this important and sensitive issue through the applied study on the

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 02 2016
Journal Name
Australian Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences
Full synchronization of 2$\times$ 2 optocouplers network using LEDs
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The synchronization of a complex network with optoelectronic feedback has been introduced theoretically, with use of 2×2 oscillators network; each oscillator considered is an optocoupler (LED coupled with photo-detector). Fixing the bias current (δ) and increasing the feedback strength (Ԑ) of each oscillator, the dynamical sequence like chaotic and periodic mixed mode oscillations has been observed. Synchronization of unidirectionally coupled of light emitting diodes network has been featured when coupling strength equal to 1.7×10-4. The transition between non-synchronization and synchronization states by means of the spatio-temporal distribution has been investigated.

Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Simulation of Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Using Potential Field Model
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In this paper, 3D simulation of the global coronal magnetic field, which use observed line of sight component of the photosphere magnetic field from (MDI/SOHO) was carried out using potential field model. The obtained results, improved the theoretical models of the coronal magnetic field, which represent a suitable lower boundary conditions (Bx, By, Bz) at the base of the linear force-free and nonlinear force free models, provides a less computationally expensive method than other models. Generally, very high speed computer and special configuration is needed to solve such problem as well as the problem of viewing the streamline of the magnetic field. For high accuracy special mathematical treatment was adopted to solve the computation comp

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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De-waxing of lubricating oil distillate (400-500 ºC) by using urea was investigated in the present study. Lubricating oil distillate produced by vacuum distillation and refined by furfural extraction was taken from Al-Daura refinery. This oil distillate has a pour point of 34 ºC. Two solvents were used to dilute the oil distillate, these are methyl isobutyl ketone and methylene chloride. The operating conditions of the urea adduct formation with n-paraffins in the presence of methyl isobutyl ketone were studied in details, these are solvent to oil volume ratio within the range of 0 to 2, mixer speed 0 to 2000 rpm, urea to wax weight ratio 0 to 6.3, time of adduction 0 to 71 min and temperature 30-70 ºC). Pour point of de-waxed oil and yi

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Improving Wear Properties of 392 Al Alloy Using Centrifugal Casting
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The microstructure and wear properties of 392 Al alloy with different Mg contents were studied using centrifugal casting. All melted alloys were heated to 800 ºC and poured into the preheated centrifugal casting mold (200-250 ºC) at different mould rotational speeds (1500, 1900 and 2300 r.p.m).  It is clear from the results obtained that wear rate was dependent on the Mg content, applied load and mould rotational speed. Furthermore, wear test showed that the minimum wear rate was found in the inner layer of produced rings at mould rotational speed of 1900 r.p.m and Mg content of 5%.


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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Estimation of The Zenith Path Delay using RTK-DGPS measurements
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In this paper, the method of estimating the variation of Zenith Path Delay (ZPD) estimation method will be illustrate and evaluate using Real Time Kinematic Differential Global Positioning System (RTK-DGPS). The GPS provides a relative method to remotely sense atmospheric water vapor in any weather condition. The GPS signal delay in the atmosphere can be expressed as ZPD. In order to evaluate the results, four points had been chosen in the university of Baghdad campus to be rover ones, with a fixed Base point. For each rover position a 155 day of coordinates measurements was collected to overcome the results. Many models and mathematic calculations were used to extract the ZPD using the Matlab environment. The result shows that the ZPD valu

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 08 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Information Technology And Computer Science
Adaptive Modeling of Urban Dynamics during Armada Event using CDRs
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Pore Structure Characterization of Shale Reservoir Using Nitrogen Adsorption-Desorption
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This research paper aimed to quantitively characterize the pore structure of shale reservoirs. Six samples of Silurian shale from the Ahnet basin were selected for nitrogen adsorption-desorption analysis. Experimental findings showed that all the samples are mainly composed of mesopores with slit-like shaped pores, as well as the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda pore volume ranging from 0.014 to 0.046 cm3/ 100 g, where the lowest value has recorded in the AHTT-1 sample, whereas the highest one in AHTT-6, while the rest samples (AHTT-2, AHTT-3, AHTT-4, AHTT-5) have a similar average value of 0.03 cm3/ 100 g. Meanwhile, the surface area and pore size distribution were in the range of 3.8 to 11.1 m2 / g and 1.7 to 40 nm, respectively.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
The effect of using Nano iron oxide in radiological shielding
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Abstract<p>In this study, some attenuation parameters of gamma shields were studied. This shields consisting of composite materials of Unsaturated polyester as a base material and Nano iron oxide (Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>) and, micro iron (Fe) as reinforcement materials at different percentages (1, 3,5,7and 9)wt%, and with different thickness (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5and 4) cm. The results showed that the use of nanoparticles is better than the microparticales in the field of radiation shielding. It has been shown that the values of attenuation parameters of gamma it bitter in the case of nanoparticles than case of the use of micro material.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology &amp; Applied Science Research
Investigating the Ability of producing Sustainable Blocks using Recycled Waste
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The primary objective of this study is to manage price market items in the construction of walls for affordable structures with load-bearing hollow masonry units using the ACI 211.1 blend design with a slump range of 25-50 mm that follows the specification limits of IQS 1077. It was difficult to reach a suitable cement weight to minimum content (economic and environmental goal), so many trail mixtures were cast. A portion (10-20%) of the coarse aggregates was replaced with concrete, tile, and clay-brick waste. Finally, two curing methods were used: immersion under water as normal curing, and water spraying as it is closer to the field conditions. The recommendation in IQS 1077 to increase the curing period from 14 to 28 days was tak

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