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Crystallization Process as a Final Part of Zero Liquid Discharge System for Treatment of East Baghdad Oilfield Produced Water
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This study investigated the application of the crystallization process for oilfield produced water from the East Baghdad oilfield affiliated to the Midland Oil Company (Iraq). Zero liquid discharge system (ZLD) consists of several parts such as oil skimming, coagulation/flocculation, forward osmosis, and crystallization, the crystallization process is a final part of a zero liquid discharge system. The laboratory-scale simple evaporation system was used to evaluate the performance of the crystallization process. In this work, sodium chloride solution and East Baghdad oilfield produced water were used as a feed solution with a concentration of 177 and 220 g/l. The impact of temperature (70, 80, and 90 °C), mixing speed (300, 400, and 500 rpm), feed concentration (177 and 220 g/l), and time (0.5-9.5 h) on the crystallization performance for oilfield produced water treatment were investigated on evaporation rate and recovery. The recovery increased with increasing temperature and mixing speed while decreasing with an increase in feed concentration. Pure water and salts were recovered from the concentrated produced water, the recovery of pure water at 80 °C, 400 rpm, and 220 g/l feed concentration was 82.22 and 81.35% after 5.5 h for NaCl solution (i.e., simulated oilfield produced water) and oilfield produced water, respectively.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of non-current assets impairment reporting on certain financial indicators application on Al-Mansour Pharmaceuticals- a private corporation
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   This research deals with the financial reporting for non-current assets impairment from the viewpoint of international accounting standards, particularly IAS 36 "Impairment of non-current assets." The research problems focus on the presence of internal and external indicators on impairment of non-current assets in many of companies listed in Iraqi stock exchange. So it is required to apply IAS 36 to reporting for the impairment loss of assets since this impairment impact certain financial indicators. These indicators help users in their decision-making and forecasting future financial situation and the ability of the company to achieve future profits or maintain current profits. The research aims to shedding lig

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
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Direction Structure of the Imaginary and Interpretation Controversy in the Theatre Reception "Mukashafat" Play -A Model: ثابت رسول جواد
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The current research deals with the argument of delusion and interpretation in the direction structure and its reflected impact in the reception activity and the amount of conceptual displacement it is subjected to in an aesthetic approach to abstract conceptual definitions of the reception activity , by the effect of this dialectic in the direction structure, which can be summed up by the following question: (What are the characteristics of the direction structure of the imaginary and what is the argument of interpretation in the theatre reception activity?) in order to stand on the aesthetic framework and conceptual definition of the direction structure in the controversy of interpretation and imagination, and its impact on the concept

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Regeneration of Pain, Touch, Cold, and Warmth, sensations in split thickness human skin grafts in adults (A clinical study)
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Back ground: Skin grafting is the most common form
of reconstructive surgery, and regeneration of
sensations in skin grafts is a complex process
influenced by many factors such as , the thickness of
the graft, the depth of the grafted bed, meshing of the
graft, the condition of the bed and the surrounding
area. So many studies performed on this subject, some
of them clinically based on subjective type of sensation
tests, and others histological to detect the presence of
nerve fibers in the grafted skin
Objectives: To detect return of sensations to split
thickness skin grafts by clinical methods.
Methods: From Oct. 1995 to Oct. 2010, a clinical
prospective study performed in Al wasity Hospital for

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 14 2024
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات وبحوث التربية الرياضية
Construction and Validation of a Cognitive Engagement Scale and Its Relationship with Ball Movement Sequence Performance in Rhythmic Gymnastics
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The research aims to: build and record a measure of cognitive participation among second-year female students at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Baghdad. The researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey style for the research sample. The sample was selected from female students and divided into: (10) female students for the survey sample, and (80) female students for the construction and codification sample. The data were statistically analyzed by the researchers using SPSS, the T-test for independent and correlated samples, Pearson's simple correlation coefficient, Cronbach's alpha, Chi-square, and Spearman-Brown. They were recruited for the samples. The study concluded that constr

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oral Health Knowledge and Behavior in Relation to Oral Hygiene and Gingival Condition among a Group of Industry Workers
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Background: In Iraqi communities, the workers considered the largest population groups, so increasing their dental education by increasing the care for their dental health knowledge and behavior is very important, the present study was aimed to evaluate the gingival health and oral hygiene in relation to knowledge and behavior among a group of a workers selected randomly from Al Fedaa company in Baghdad city. Materials and methods: A sample of 110 workers (65 men and 45 women) included in this study, a questionnaire used to evaluate their oral health knowledge and behavior. The gingival health condition of the workers was examined by using Loe and Silness index (1963), Silness and Loe index (1964) was used to asses plaque quantity, and Ramf

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Energy Production And Management
Reducing Energy Consumption in Iraqi Campuses with Passive Building Strategies: A Case Study at Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering
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University campuses in Iraq are substantial energy consumers, with consumption increasing significantly during periods of high temperatures, underscoring the necessity to enhance their energy performance. Energy simulation tools offer valuable insights into evaluating and improving the energy efficiency of buildings. This study focuses on simulating passive architectural design for three selected buildings at Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering (AKCOE) to examine the effectiveness of their cooling systems. DesignBuilder software was employed, and climatic data for a year in Baghdad was collected to assess the influence of passive architectural strategies on the thermal performance of the targeted buildings. The simulations revealed that the

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Publication Date
Tue May 07 2019
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Proteomic Analysis of Stromal and Epithelial Cell Communications in Human Endometrial Cancer Using a Unique 3D Co‐Culture Model
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Abstract<p>Epithelial and stromal communications are essential for normal uterine functions and their dysregulation contributes to the pathogenesis of many diseases including infertility, endometriosis, and cancer. Although many studies have highlighted the advantages of culturing cells in 3D compared to the conventional 2D culture system, one of the major limitations of these systems is the lack of incorporation of cells from non‐epithelial lineages. In an effort to develop a culture system incorporating both stromal and epithelial cells, 3D endometrial cancer spheroids are developed by co‐culturing endometrial stromal cells with cancerous epithelial cells. The spheroids developed by this method are phenot</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Biotechnology Research Center
Study the Effects of Methotrexate with and without Vitamin A on Some Biochemical and Histological Parameters in Male Rabbits
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The present study aims to evaluate the effects of methotrexate (MTX) with and without vitamin A (Vit. A) on some biochemical parameters and histological structure in male rabbits liver. Twenty male rabbits weighing 1250-1480 gm were divided into four equal number groups. The first group was given 2 ml distilled water as control group. The second group was given MTX (20 mg/kg), the third group was given Vit. A (5000 IU), while the fourth group was given MTX (20 mg/kg) +Vit. A (5000 IU) in alternative days. Following four weeks of treatment, lipid profile total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), [low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)]; in addition to thyroid hormones tr

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 03 2018
Journal Name
Chinese Journal Of Physics
A true random number generator based on the photon arrival time registered in a coincidence window between two single-photon counting modules
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True random number generators are essential components for communications to be conconfidentially secured. In this paper a new method is proposed to generate random sequences of numbers based on the difference of the arrival times of photons detected in a coincidence window between two single-photon counting modules

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Romantic Nightingale between Coleridge’s Divergence and Keats’ Adherence: A comparative Study between Coleridge’s ‘The Nightingale’ and Keats’ ‘Ode to a Nightingale’
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‘Ode to a Nightingale’(1819) is a typical poem of a Romantic poet like John Keats, but
‘The Nightingale’(1798) is an uncharacteristic poem of a Romantic poet like Coleridge.
The paper proposes a comparison between Coleridge’s ‘The Nightingale’ and Keats’
‘Ode to a Nightingale’.Coleridge’s poem diverges from the Romantic norm; it carries some
characteristics new to Romantic poetry like the realistic and objective portrayals of nature and
the nightingale, while Keats’ poem adhere to the characteristics of Romantic poetry; it
portrays nature and the nightingale subjectively and unrealistically. Coleridge’s poem is very
much influenced by the scientific approaches to environment, and natural his

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