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Removal of Vanadium and Nickel Ions from Iraqi Atmospheric Residue by Using Solvent Extraction Method
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Iraqi crude Atmospheric residual fraction supplied from al-Dura refinery was treated to remove metals contaminants by solvent extraction method, with various hydrocarbon solvents and concentrations. The extraction method using three different type solvent (n-hexane, n-heptane, and light naphtha) were found to be effective for removal of oil-soluble metals from heavy atmospheric residual fraction. Different solvents with using three different hydrocarbon solvents (n-hexane, n-heptane, and light naphtha) .different variables were studied solvent/oil ratios (4/1, 8/1, 10/1, 12/1, and 15/1), different intervals of perceptual (15, 30-60, 90 and 120 min) and different temperature (30, 45, 60 and 90 °C) were used. The metals removal percent were found depending on the yield of asphaltene. The solvent-oil ratio had important effects on the amount of metal removal. The metals removal was increased at increasing temperatures from 30 to 90 0C increases the metal ion precipitated. The highest Ni precipitated was 79.23 ppm using heptane at 90 0C while for V the highest value was 64.51 ppm using also heptane at 90 0C, while the mixing time decreased metals removal. With increasing asphalt yield, the removal of metal was more selective. Among the solvents used in the extraction treatment method, the highest Ni precipitated was 76 ppm using hexane at 150 ml solvent and showed the most promising results. Increasing mixing time increases metals removal for V, the highest value was 65.51 ppm using either heptane or light naphtha.

   The highest Ni precipitated was 78 ppm using heptane at 120 min while for V the highest value was 67 ppm using either heptane or light naphtha after 120 min.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between organizational justice and empowerment and their impact on achieving organizational commitment (field study in the Department of Labor and Vocational Training)
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The research has deal with the relationship between organizational justice and empowerment and their impact on the achievement of organizational commitment in the office of Labour and Vocational Training. To study the research problem which is represented a sense that employees with low levels of organizational justice and empowerment and the reflection on the organizational commitment of the employees, so that Has been collecting data and information relating to research by designing a questionnaire, were distributed to a sample of (50) people in the office mentioned, and the results of the study to confirm the research hypotheses. and the key results of the research was the presence of correlation relationships and the effect o

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and analyzing the effect of labor productivity and capital on manufacturing industries in Iraq and some Arab countries for the period 1990-2000
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يلعب القطاع الصناعي التحويلي في أي قطر دوراً هاماً في تحقيق التنمية الصناعية، اذ تتحد تاثيراته فيها على طبيعة الدور المرسوم له وعلى مدى فاعلية هذا القطاع الحيوي الذي يعد اتجاه نحو التعاظم المضطرد لمستويات الانتاجية " Levels of productivity"والتنويع الانتاجي والتدفق المستمر للتجديد التكنولوجي من اهم دلائله.

ويعد مؤشر الانتاجية بصفة عامة وانتاجيتي العمل وراس المال بصفة خاصة من الم

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 09 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Effect of Sodium sulfite treatment on the trypsin inhibitors activity, protein isolate and protein solubility of complete and dehulling white bean seeds Phaseolus vulgaris.: Effect of Sodium sulfite treatment on the trypsin inhibitors activity, protein isolate and protein solubility of complete and dehulling white bean seeds Phaseolus vulgaris.
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The study aimed to increase the biological value of white bean. The effect of different concentrations 0.01 ,0.02,0.03,and 0.04 M of sodium sulfite solutions for 1hr at 70 ºC on the trypsin inhibitors activity, protein isolate and protein solubility of complete and dehulling white bean flour were studied.Trypsin inhibitors activity were reduced by 42.97, 58.69, 68.59 and 69.58% in complete white bean flour at 0.01 ,0.02, 0.03, 0.04 M respectively, while the corresponding values were 50.43, 61.00, 75.61 and 85.66% respectively in dehulling white bean flour .Protein isolate value was 13.41% and protein solubility was 2.2% in control sample, Furthermore, the using of chemical treatment showed that protein isolate was reduced gradually and

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the effect of the mixture aquatic extract of Peganum harmala seeds and Pericarp of Punica granutum on viability of protoscolices of Echinococcus granulosus in vitro and in vivo
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This study included the preparation of the mixture aquatic extracts of Peganum harmala seeds and Pericarp of Punica granutum at concentration (10+50) ?(15+55)? (20+60) mgml .To study the influence of the mixture on the percentage of vitality of the protoscolices of E. granulosus In vitro, as the vitality of protoscolices had caused complete death when the using concentration at time 120,90,60 minute respectively. Also study the effect of mixture in white mice with infectious protoscolices In vivo and study the change occurred in the averages of the weights of the liver and spleen and the averages of its distension In vivo in processed group with mixture at concentration (15+55) , (10+50)mgml ,as which was approach to the negative gro

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Performance Appraisal and its impact on behavioral and Attitudinal work outcomes Analytical research of the views of a sample of teaching staff at Colleges of the University of Fallujah
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The current research aims to know the extent of the impact of performance evaluation in its dimensions as an explanatory variable in the behavioural and attitudinal work outputs with its dimensions as a response variable in order to reach appropriate solutions through which the University of Fallujah seeks to achieve its goal in the process of diagnosing the axes of strength and to benefit from them in the process of strengthening the status and sobriety of the academic position of the professor and the researcher relied on The descriptive and analytical approach in carrying out this study, and data was collected from university professors, including leaders, heads of departments and divisions, who numbered (97) teachers. And fie

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Evalution of the effect of Gigaspora margarita and Glomus desriticola fungi in stimulating the resistance of the capsicum annuum L. plant towards chromium and lead
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The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of fungi Gigaspora margarita and Glomus desriticola in stimulating the resistance of the capsicum annuum L. towards the chromium and lead after 60 days, planting and using the pots in the glass house. The highest concentration of chromium and lead in the root was found in the presence of the mycorrhizal mixture (194.93, 150.40) μg / g, respectively, compared to the lowest concentration (90.69, 79.37) μg / g respectively, while the highest concentration of chromium and lead in the shoot was found in the presence of the mycorrhizal mixture (94.63, 79.33) μg / g respectively, compared with the lowest concentration in the control treatment (72.58, 60.70) μg / g respectively. The results

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 03 2020
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Correlation study of (IL-17, IL-17RA) and some biochemical parameters with patients of Iraq colorectal cancer after and before taking a dose of chemotherapy
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Colorectal cancer CRC is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in males and the second in female, so it is a common and life-threatening disease serum of 48 males and 40 females suffering from CRC disease as group one (G1) without taking a chemotherapy dose, the same patients group tow (G2) after taking the first chemotherapy dose, while group three (G3) whose patients in (G1) and (G2) after second taking a chemotherapy dose. and group four (G4) consist of (30 males and 30 females) healthy Iraqi control. Results showed a significant increase in IL-17, IL-17RA and CEA in G1, while there was a significant decrease in vitamin D concentration in G1 than other groups, also there was positive (+ ve) significant correlation between IL-17 and CE

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 22 2025
Journal Name
Wasit Journal Of Sports Sciences
The effect of RTX traning and plastic hurdles on some kinematic variables and learning the performance of the event of 100 mH for female students
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 14 2022
Journal Name
Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils,
Estimate The Amount of Amino and Fatty Acids in The Liver Tissue of Uromastyx Aegyptius Microlepis During the Periods of Hibernation (December) And Activity (May)
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Amino and fatty acids in the liver tissue of Uromastyx aegyptius microlepis during the periods of hibernation (December) and activity (May) were estimate by a high performance liquid chromatography, liver of a lizard during the activity and hibernation seasons, contained 18 amino acids, which include, 10 essential amino acids and 8 non-essential amino acids, and the liver in the male lizard contained five fatty acids during each season, the concentration rates of all the amino acids during the activity season were higher than their counterparts during the hibernation season, the total concentrations of essential and non-essential amino acids during the activity season were 19434.8 µg/ml, which was greater than the total concentrations leve

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 22 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Immunohistochemical expression of P53, as a marker of apoptosis in Hodgkin’s and Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the head and neck region
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Background: Malignant lymphomas represent about 5% of all malignancy of the head and neck region which can involve lymph nodes as well as soft tissue and bone of the maxillofacial region. Apoptosis is considered a vital component of various processes including normal cell turnover, proper development and functioning of the immune system. Inappropriate apoptosis is a factor in many human conditions including neurodegenerative diseases, ischemic damage, autoimmune disorders and many types of cancer. Expression of p53 Proteins in Hodgkin׳s and Non Hodgkin׳s lymphomas suggested that it can help in monitoring of patients and the markers may aid in controlling the progression of lymphoma and detect the degree of aggressiveness of the diseas

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