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Treating Wet Oil in Amara Oil Field Using Nanomaterial (SiO2) With Different Types of De emulsifiers
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One of the most important problems in the oil production process and when its continuous flow, is emulsified oil (w/o emulsion), which in turn causes many problems, from the production line to the extended pipelines that are then transported to the oil refining process. It was observed that the nanomaterial (SiO2) supported the separation process by adding it to the emulsion sample and showed a high separation rate with the demulsifiers (RB6000) and (sebamax) where the percentage of separation was greater than (90 and 80 )%  respectively, and less than that when dealing with (Sodium dodecyl sulfate and Diethylene glycol), the percentage of separation was (60% and 50%) respectively.

   The high proportion of (NaCl + distilled water) raises the probability of the separation efficiency as the separation was (88.5,79)% and (65.5, 55) %  for (RB6000, SebaMax)respectively with (SiO2) at 70 °C, while the results of separation were (77,85)% and (65,40)  for (RB6000, Seba Max) respectively with (SiO2) at 50 °C after 120 minutes, where the (w/o ratio) was (9:1) for the high separation results and (7:3) for the lower separation results, at a speed of (12000rpm), and with a salt concentration of (1500) ppm, and less of these results at lower volumetric and temporal conditions. The (NaCl) salt deals with the wall films separating the droplets and reduces their viscosity [1].

   As for the pH factor, it is at the value (2 and 3) represent a stable emulsion that is difficult to separate easily, but with the passage of raising the pH away from the acidic medium and near to the basic direction, a significant increase in the separation process was observed compared with the acidic medium at lower values, after 120 minutes the separation seemed to be good efficient, reaching (60 and 70) % respectively, while at the same time the emulsion reached a more efficient separation level with a pH of (  8 and 7) equal to (80 and 87.3)  %, at 50 °C with SebaMax demulsifier in presence of (SiO2), and with the same pH values, an increase was observed in the separation with the increase in temperature to (70 °C), then it returns to be a reverse emulsifier when the value exceeds (10) to (11, 12, 13).

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Role of Multi-Detector CT Angiography in Assesmente of Athrosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease
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Background:  Imaging has a critical role in the diagnosis and evaluation of cardiac diseases, beginning with chest radiography and fluoro-scopy and progressing to coronary angio-graphy, echocardiography, nuclear medicine and recently  multidetector computed tomo-graphy (MDCT) as well as magnetic resonance (MR) imaging

Objective: To highlight the role of Multi-detector CT in the evaluation of coronary artery disease and its importance of being noninvasive diagnostic technique.

Methods: A cross sectional study for 20 patients. Patients were asked to fast 6 hours prior to the examination and the patients with heart rates above 65 beats per minute were given cardio-

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Kufa For Chemical Sciences
Review Article: The Biochemical Role Of Environmental Pollution In The Etiology Of Endometriosis
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Endometriosis is an estrogen dependent inflammatory disorder plays a pivotal role in the reproductive system of the females which regarded as one of the most important gynecological disorders due to it is a key cause of infertility for women and also it has a remarkable impact on the women's life quality. Indeed, environmental pollution have an extremely importance in the etiology of endometriosis. Hence, the present article submits an abbreviated literature review to the biochemical role of environmental pollutants in the etiology and development of endometriosis. Anyway, this review article represented the major environmental pollutants: the organic pollutants of air, heavy metals, gaseous pollutants and the particulate matter. Th

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Towards completion of state construction : stations in legitimacy of contemporary Iraqi political system
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The power of the state in Iraq has been influenced by legitimacy, which may have resembled the belt of transmission, affecting the rule of law and social cohesion. The emergence of the political system may have come about as a result of balancing the competing forces within society today as a basis for collective action. The country's march in Iraq was not a result of a series of gradual transitions such as the established ones. For almost a century, there was an extraordinary succession of succession. At each of the three stages of the state there was an internal or external change. They change or disintegrate and others appear. Social and economic conditions may change or the society is exposed to external invasion or our ideas are imp

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Economics And Finance Studies
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The imperative of achieving financial stability has transcended national boundaries, necessitating heightened attention from both researchers and policymakers. Consequently, this article delves into an examination of the impact of government debt and public debt on financial development within the context of Iraq. The study employs monetary policy, interest rate, inflation, and population growth as control variables to prognosticate financial development. Utilizing data extracted from the World Development Indicators (WDI) spanning the period from 1995 to 2022, the study employs the dynamic autoregressive distributed lag (DARDL) approach to scrutinize the associations under investigation. The findings underscore a negative association betwe

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the strategic mind of human resources managers in strategic drift
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The research aims to identify the role played by the strategic mind of human resources managers in reducing the levels of strategic drift that can face the organization, as the problem of research to overlook the importance of this role in monitoring and follow-up all the changes that may face the organization during the implementation of its strategy, therefore highlights the importance Research in providing a set of solutions to the problems faced by the researched organization and as far as the research variables, the researchers have adopted the descriptive analytical approach in the applied side, as adopted the questionnaire as a main tool for data collection, which was prepared based on a number of ready me

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Study of the imperatives of promoting financial inclusion in Iraq: Opportunities and challenges
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The aim of the research is to provide an analytical study to promote financial inclusion in Iraq by clarifying the opportunities and challenges of the economic and demographic situation in Iraq, studying the structure of the financial system and introducing non-bank financial institutions operating in Iraq, and using the descriptive approach. Analytical in the study of the phenomenon of research, the research reached a number of conclusions, the most prominent of which were:

  • Iraqi society is a young society.
  • The majority of the population is 70 percent. They live almost in urban areas.
  • The coverage of bank branch networks is concentrated in only four provinces, leaving other provinces outside financial

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 15 2022
Journal Name
Nasaq Journal
Componential Analysis of Hatred Synonymy in the Lexicons of English and Standard Arabic
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ABSTRACT This paper has a three-pronged objective: offering a unitary set of semantic distinctive features to the analysis of nominal “hatred synonyms” in the lexicon of both English and Standard Arabic (SA), applying it procedurally to test its scope of functionality crosslinguistically, and singling out the closest noun synonymous equivalents among the membership of the two sets in this particular lexical semantic field in both languages. The componential analysis and the matching procedures carried have been functional in identifying ten totally matching equivalents (i.e. at 55.6%), and eight partially matching ones (i.e. at %44.4%). This result shows that while total matching equivalences do exist in the translation of certain Eng

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 03 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Role of Tibialis Posterior Tendon Transfer in Correction of Foot Drop Deformity
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Backgr ound: The transfer of the tibialis posterior tendon to the anterior aspect of the ankle not only replaces the function of the paralyzed muscles, but also removes the deforming force on the medial aspect of the foot. Objecti ves: In this study, we evaluated patients who underwent tibialis posterior tendon transfer for the treatment of foot drop, and comparison through interosseous membrane route versus anterior to lower tibia route of tibialis posterior tendon transfer, with evaluation of the results according to carayon criteria Methods: Nine patients with foot drop secondary to different causes treated with tibialis posterior tendon transfer from January 2011 to January 2012 were followed up for a mean of 12 months in Al Kindy Teach

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Kurdish Studies
The Jurisprudence of Clans in the Balance of Social Jurisprudence (Criticism and Analysis)
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It is known that the science of jurisprudence is one of the most important Islamic sciences. Because it is a science that regulates the life of man and society and provides them with happiness in this world and the hereafter, if they follow its provisions with precision and care. The importance of this topic lies in the fact that it represents an urgent social need to show the compatibility of tribal customs with social jurisprudence. The job of the jurists was and still is to clarify the legal rulings according to what the Holy Qur’an has shown, and what has been reported on the authority of the Great Prophet (6) and the pure imams (:).It is no secret to everyone that the Islamic civilization is (the civilization of jurisprudence), just

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 04 2024
Journal Name
The International Tinnitus Journal
Efficacy of Sars-Cov-2 Vaccines on Severity of Coronavirus Disease in Iraq.
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Vaccination against novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) become highly recommended. In Iraq, three vaccines are available. They are Pfizer-Biontech, Oxford-AstraZenica, and Sino harm vaccines. A cross-sectional retrospective study was performed to a total of 2399 individual who are vaccinated with one of the available vaccines. People who are infected with Covid-19 before and/or after vaccination of either studied SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were also involved in this study (1175 case). Signs and symptoms have been reported for each of confirmed positive cases of Coronavirus disease. Statistical data analyses were applied to reveal the effect of different SARS-CoV-2 vaccines on the incidence of novel coronavirus disease among Iraqi population. Also, the

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