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Water Injection for Oil Recovery in Mishrif Formation for Amarah Oil Field
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The water injection of the most important technologies to increase oil production from petroleum reservoirs. In this research, we developed a model for oil tank using the software RUBIS for reservoir simulation. This model was used to make comparison in the production of oil and the reservoir pressure for two case studies where the water was not injected in the first case study but adding new vertical wells while, later, it was injected in the second case study. It represents the results of this work that if the water is not injected, the reservoir model that has been upgraded can produce only 2.9% of the original oil in the tank. This case study also represents a drop in reservoir pressure, which was not enough to support oil production. Thus, the implementation of water injection in the second case study of the average reservoir pressure may support, which led to an increase in oil production by up to 5.5% of the original oil in the tank. so that, the use of water injection is a useful way to increase oil production. Therefore, many of the issues related to this subject valuable of study where the development of new ideas and techniques.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 04 2018
Journal Name
Irrigation And Drainage
Agricultural Irrigation Pricing: Review of Theories and Practices
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Abstract<p>Water pricing and substitution of the costs of irrigation investment operation and maintenance have been controversial issues for a long time. The small charges for irrigation water are addressed, and additionally, the low level of farmers who pay the costs. In a few schemes, expense accumulation rates are close to zero, notwithstanding when water charges are well beneath the cost of operation and maintenance. Water prices are charged to farmers for two essential objectives. The first is to cover the operation and maintenance estimation with the goal that the investment is fiscally practical. Much of the time, costs will likewise need to incorporate a price for the cost of capital required to develop</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
مجلة بحوث الشرق الأوسط
دراسة مقارنة لمستوى التمکین الإداری بین مشرفی التربیة الریاضیة (الاختصاص والفنی) لمدیریات التربیة فی محافظة بغداد A Comparative Study of the Level of Administrative Empowerment between the Physical Education Supervisors (Specialization and Technical) of Education Directorate in Baghdad Governorate
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Al-fatih Journal
Development of explosive power training with weights in a way the ups and downs and its impact on the improvement of some variables Albyukinmetekih and technical performance of the skill of a leap forward on your hands vaulting modern
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Extent of the Practice of Iraqi Banks to Manage Profits Using the (LLp it) Model and Its Reflection on the Tax Base, A Case Study of A Sample of Iraqi Private Banks Listed in The Iraqi Stock Exchange
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The research aims to identify the extent to which Iraqi private banks practice profit management motivated by reducing the taxable base by increasing the provision for loan losses by relying on the LLP it model, which consists of a main independent variable (net profit before tax) and independent sub-variables (bank size, total debts to total equity, loans granted to total obligations) under the name of the variables governing the banking business. (Colmgrove-Smirnov) was used to test the normal distribution of data for all banks during the period 2017-2020, and then find the correlation between the main independent variable sub and the dependent variable by means of the correlation coefficient person, and then using the multiple

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The attitude of Imam Ibn Jarir al-Tabari to the occurrence of unanimous and its convening by statement of the majority in light of his interpretation - Jami` al-Bayan on the interpretation of the verse of the Qur’an -‘‘Applied Models’’
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The research deals with the statement of the importance of unanimous in Islamic Sharia in terms of being the third source of Islamic legislation after the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and the extent of interest of the scholars of interpretation in it, and those who took great interest in mentioning what was agreed upon in every site that necessitated mentioning its issues within, or mentioning an event that has encountered an unanimous, and in various sciences, to extract and extrapolate Sharia rules when these rules are lost in the texts, because it is based on them and derived from them. Among these distinguished scholars is Muhammad bin Jarir al-Tabari. Besides, the research discusses in

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 11 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of auditing in analyzing the relationship between the governance of investment policy and the cost of debt and its reflection on the continuity of the institution: (بحث تطبيقي في عينة من الشركات المدرجة في سوق العراق للأوراق المالية)
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The research aims to determine the effectiveness of auditing in light of the relationship between the governance of investment policy and the cost of debt in companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange. The problem of the research is to raise the question about the effect of the governance of investment policy and the cost of debt on the effectiveness of auditing and auditors. During the research, the most important of them were: the existence of an impact relationship on the effectiveness of auditing through the relationship between the governance of investment policy and the cost of debt. The companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange lack an effective proposed guide or framework dealing with the governance of investment policy desp

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Role of Certain Figures of Emphasis in the Televised Debate between Macron and Le Pen on may 3, 2017».: Le rôle de certaines figures d’insistance utilisées dans le débat télévisé entre Macron et Le Pen le 3 mai 2017
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      Political Discourse Analysis is an important linguistic study approach used by politicians to gain people support. The present paper sheds light on the figures of speech  of emphasis in the televised debate between the two presidential elections candidates, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen and the distinctive effect they add to the political discourse to win general public support as well as the presidential elections.

       The present paper provides a rudimentary definition and an analysis of the terms “discourse” and “political discourse” and traces the significant role played by politically directed televised Media and internet to support political pa

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An exploratory study of history-based test case prioritization techniques on different datasets
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In regression testing, Test case prioritization (TCP) is a technique to arrange all the available test cases. TCP techniques can improve fault detection performance which is measured by the average percentage of fault detection (APFD). History-based TCP is one of the TCP techniques that consider the history of past data to prioritize test cases. The issue of equal priority allocation to test cases is a common problem for most TCP techniques. However, this problem has not been explored in history-based TCP techniques. To solve this problem in regression testing, most of the researchers resort to random sorting of test cases. This study aims to investigate equal priority in history-based TCP techniques. The first objective is to implement

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 10 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
The Impact of Hydro-Politics on the Relation between Turkey and Iraq Since 1980
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Water one of the most important sources Which is no doubt essential for life surviving, water is vital in many sectors of life e.g. ( agriculture, industrial, power and so many things can’t be restricted on the mentioned items, water has become major problem facing the world today. Competition over water resources between nations has made it as a vital commodity and a justification for waging wars against its neighbor’s countries, there are currently 263 rivers that either cross or demarcate international political boundaries. Geographically, Europe has the largest number of international basins (69), followed by Africa (59), Asia (57), North America (40), and South America (38).The absolute numbers of international basins, as well as t

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Anbar Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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The current report dealt with the effect of pesticides on the ecosystem through their impact on soil, water, and microorganisms and their impact on human health. As well as this study dealt with the biodegradation process of pesticides and the organisms involved in this process, even some previous studies proved that Bacillus spp. And Pseudomonas sp. Bacteria is the most efficient in the biodegradation of pesticides, at the same time, other previous studies dealt with the environmental factors that affect the biodegradation process of pesticides. It proved that each of the incubation periods, pH, and temperature have different effects on biodegradation. Most of the studies indicated that the best incubation period for biodegradation is 7-8

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