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Synthesized 2nd Generation Zeolite as an Acid-Catalyst for Esterification Reaction

MCM-48 zeolites have unique properties from the surfaces and structure point of view as it’s shown in the results ,and unique and very sensitive to be prepared, have been experimentally prepared and utilized as a second-generation/ acid - catalyst for esterification reactions of oleic acid as a model oil for a free fatty acid source with Ethanol. The characterization of the catalyst used in the reaction has been identified by various methods indicating the prepared MCM-48 is highly matching the profile of common commercial MCM-48 zeolite. The XRF results show domination of SiO2 on the chemical structure with 99.1% and  agreeable with the expected from MCM-48 for it's of silica-based, and the SEM results show the cubic crystallographic space group compatible with Ia3d space group giving the hexagonal surface structure. The AFM test gave an average particle diameter of 97.51 nm and an average catalyst roughness of 0.855 nm. Esterification reaction of oleic acid with ethanol on MCM-48 has been carried in a batch reactor with 5% the prepared MCM-48 zeolite catalyst loading gives 81% of conversion after one hour at 353K

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science
Organic acid concentration thresholds for ageing of carbonate minerals: Implications for CO2 trapping/storage

Hypothesis CO2 geological storage (CGS) involves different mechanisms which can store millions of tonnes of CO2 per year in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs and deep saline aquifers. But their storage capacity is influenced by the presence of different carboxylic compounds in the reservoir. These molecules strongly affect the water wetness of the rock, which has a dramatic impact on storage capacities and containment security. However, precise understanding of how these carboxylic acids influence the rock’s CO2-wettability is lacking. Experiments We thus systematically analysed these relationships as a function of pressure, temperature, storage depth and organic acid concentrations. A particular focus was on identifying organic acid conce

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Conclusion Empirical Equations of Asymmetry Parameter for Magic Nuclei in N for()α,n Reaction of Incident Neutron Energy (14.5 MeV)

In this study, the magic nuclei is divided into two groups, one of them is light group and the other is middle group, it was calculated shell corrections for all nuclei, and also it was concluded the relationship between cross sections for nuclear reactions ()α,n and the mass number (A) for all nuclei to incident neutrons (14.5 MeV). We found empirical equations to asymmetry parameter (N-Z)/A as function of mass number and for that two groups: for A=38 to A=40 light nuclei.()0534.10263.0+−=−AAZN for A=50 to A=89 middle nuclei. ()408.00151.00001.02−+=−AAAZN for A=90 to A=144 middle nuclei. ()0711.10221

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Diyala Journal For Pure Sciences
Multipole Mixing Ratios for Gamma transitions in 56Fe populated in Reaction by using least square fitting method .

The γ- mixing ratios of γ- transitions from levels of 56Fe populated in reaction are calculated using least square fitting program for the first time in the case of pure and mixed transitions the results obtained have been compound with γ Values determined by other methods .The comparison shows that the agreement is good this confirmed the valilety of this method in calculating of values for such γ- transitions key word: γ- transition ,Multipole mixing ratios ,Least square fitting method.

Publication Date
Thu Jun 23 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Flow Injection Spectrophotometric Technique for Determining of Genistein in Pure and Supplements Formulations Through Diazotization Coupling Reaction

Genistein (GEN) is The major isoflavone found in soybeans, has a number of cardiovascular health benefits, Postmenopausal syndrome and osteoporosis. A direct flow injection analysis method for estimation of (GEN) in pure and supplements formulation . This system is based on diazotization coupling reactions between procaine penciline (PR) and genistein in basic medium, they formed yellow dyes have maximum absorption at 416 nm. Calibration curve were constructed over different GEN concentrations, linearity for GEN was 10-100 µg.mL-1 and detection limits of 1.51 ?g/mL. In the FIA technique, all analytical factors were analyzed and optimized. The established method was successfully used to determine GEN in the formulations of its supplement

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Determination of Corrosion Parameters for a Cathodic Reaction Complicated by IR Drop Effect in a Flow System

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kinetic of Disinfection reaction by Sodium Hypochlorite Solution

The present studier aims to study the kinetic of reaction at different experimental conditions depending on coliform bacteria concentration and hypochlorite ion. The effects that had been investigated were different of sodium hypochlorite doses, contact time, pH and temperature (20, 29, 37) o C. The water samples were taken from Al-Wathba water treatment plant in Risafa side of Tigris River in Baghdad. The biological tests included the most probable number (M.P.N) for indicating the concentration of coliform bacteria with different contact times and the total plate count (T.P.C) for indicating the amount of colonies for general bacteria. The iodimetry method (chemical test) was used for indicating the concentration of hypochlo

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fusion Reaction Study of some Selected Halo Systems

The challenge in studying fusion reaction when the projectile is neutron or proton rich halo nuclei is the coupling mechanism between the elastic and the breakup channel, therefore the motivation from the present calculations is to estimate the best coupling parameter to introduce the effect of coupled-channels for the calculations of the total cross section of the fusion  , the barrier distribution of the fusion   and the average angular momentum ⟨L⟩ for the systems 6He+206Pb, 8B+28Si, 11Be+209Bi, 17F+208Pb, 6He+238U, 8He+197Au and 15C+232Th using quantum mechanical approach.  A

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
J. Pharm. Sci. & Res.
Synthesis of coumarin by Pechman reaction - A Review

Phenol condensed with β-keto esters via Pechmann condensation to form derivatives of Coumarin in various reaction conditions by two ways. Present paper is comparative study of synthesis Coumarin with the yield of product , reaction time and reaction conditions.

Publication Date
Fri Mar 04 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fusion Reaction Study of some Selected Halo Systems

The challenge in studying fusion reaction when the projectile is neutron or proton rich halo nuclei is the coupling mechanism between the elastic and the breakup channel, therefore the motivation from the present calculations is to estimate the best coupling parameter to introduce the effect of coupled-channels for the calculations of the total cross section of the fusion , the barrier distribution of the fusion and the average angular momentum ⟨L⟩ for the systems 6He+206Pb, 8B+28Si, 11Be+209Bi, 17F+208Pb, 6He+238U, 8He+197Au and 15C+232Th using quantum mechanical approach. A quantum Coupled-Channel Calculations are performed using CC code. The predictions of quantum mechanical approach are comparable with the measured data that is

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Characteristic of Absorption with Reaction in Packed Column

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