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Evaluation Properties and PNA Analysis for Different Types of Lubricants Oils
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A study of characteristics of the lubricant oils and the physical properties is essential to know the quality of lubricant oils. The parameters that lead to classify oils have been studied in this research. Three types of multi-grades lubricant oils were applied under changing temperatures from 25 oC to 78oC to estimate the physical properties and mixture compositions. Kinematic viscosity, viscosity gravity constant and paraffin (P), naphthenes (N) and aromatics (A) (PNA) analysis are used to predict the composition of lubricants oil. Kinematic viscosity gives good behaviors and the oxidation stability for each lubricant oils. PNA analysis predicted fractions of paraffin (XP), naphthenes (XN), and aromatics (XA) for each one give us a good value for sample 3 (15W40) leads to suitable classification for this type multi-grade oils by kinematic viscosity

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Computers & Electrical Engineering
Utilizing different types of deep learning models for classification of series arc in photovoltaics systems
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
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Malaysian Journal Of Science
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The dose rate for bremsstrahlung radiation from beta particles with energy (1.710) MeV and (2.28) MeV which comes from (32P and 90Y) beta source respectively have been calculated through six materials (polyethylene, wood, aluminum, iron, tungsten and lead) for first shielding material with thickness (x=1) mm which are putting between beta sources and second shield (polyethylene, aluminum and lead) with thickness (1, 2 &4) mm have been calculated. The distance between beta source and second shield is constant (D=1) cm. This dose rate was found by program called Rad Pro Calculator (version 3.26). The results of dose rate of beta particles were plotted as a function to the atomic number (Z) for first shield materials for each

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Malaysian Journal Of Science
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The dose rate for bremsstrahlung radiation from beta particles with energy (1.710) MeV and (2.28) MeV which comes from (32P and 90Y) beta source respectively have been calculated through six materials (polyethylene, wood, aluminum, iron, tungsten and lead) for first shielding material with thickness (x=1) mm which are putting between beta sources and second shield (polyethylene, aluminum and lead) with thickness (1, 2 &4) mm have been calculated. The distance between beta source and second shield is constant (D=1) cm. This dose rate was found by program called Rad Pro Calculator (version 3.26). The results of dose rate of beta particles were plotted as a function to the atomic number (Z) for first shield materials for each

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 19 2024
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Известия Юго-Западного государственного университета. Серия: Лингвистика и педагогика
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Abstract Purpose of research: The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the concept and types of puns in the Russian and Arabic languages. The main focus is on identifying similarities and differences in the definition of a pun, as well as analyzing its various types in both languages. The purpose of the study is to understand how puns are used to achieve comic or semantic effect in different cultural contexts. Methods: The study includes an analysis of literature providing information about puns in Russian and Arabic. For comparative analysis, methods were used to compare concepts, definitions and types of puns in both languages. The phonetic, semantic and syntactic aspects of the pun are considered, and cultural f

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical, Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering
Performance Analysis of xPON Network for Different Queuing Models
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Passive optical network (PON) is a point to multipoint, bidirectional, high rate optical network for data communication. Different standards of PONs are being implemented, first of all PON was ATM PON (APON) which evolved in Broadband PON (BPON). The two major types are Ethernet PON (EPON) and Gigabit passive optical network (GPON). PON with these different standards is called xPON. To have an efficient performance for the last two standards of PON, some important issues will considered. In our work we will integrate a network with different queuing models such M/M/1 and M/M/m model. After analyzing IPACT as a DBA scheme for this integrated network, we modulate cycle time, traffic load, throughput, utilization and overall delay

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 22 2016
Journal Name
Applied Sciences
Analysis and Evaluation of Performance Gains and Tradeoffs for Massive MIMO Systems
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Relationships between the Physical and Chemical Properties of Narrow Fractions Distilled From Mixed Kirkuk and Sharki-Baghdad Crude Oils
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Mixed Kirkuk and Sharki-Baghdad crude oils were distilled into narrow fractions. The range of these narrow fractions were 10oC, starting from IBP to 350oC. The total distillates from mixed Kirkuk and Sharki-Baghdad crude oils were 58.25 vol % and 44.65 vol %, respectively.The hydrocarbons compositions (paraffin, naphthene, aromatic) in light fractions starting from IBP to 250oC were determined by using PONA analysis method. The results show that the paraffin content decreases with increasing mid percent boiling point of the fraction, while the naphthene, and aromatic increase with the increase of mid percent boiling point of mixed Kirkuk and Sharki-Baghdad crude oils. Three groups of empirical equations were developed for the prediction

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Lxxvi Международная научно-практическая конференция «Научный форум: филология, искусствоведение и культурология»
Comparative analysis of the concept and types of homonyms in Russian and Arabic
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Abstract: This article is a comparative analysis of the concept and types of homonyms in Russian and Arabic. Homonyms are lexical units that have the same sound but different meanings. The study of homonymy in different languages can help reveal the features of the semantic structure and syntactic rules of each language. The article discusses the main aspects of homonymy in Russian and Arabic, as well as a comparative analysis of the types of homonyms that exist in both languages. The study includes an analysis of the semantic meanings of homonyms, their use in context, and possible differences in syntactic features that may affect their interpretation and perception by native speakers of these languages. The purpose of the article is to id

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 23 2024
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics And Pedagogy
Acomparative Analysis of the Concept and Types of Homonyms in Russian and Arabic
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Purpose of research: The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the concept and types of puns in the Russian and Arabic languages. The main focus is on identifying similarities and differences in the definition of a pun, as well as analyzing its various types in both languages. The purpose of the study is to understand how puns are used to achieve comic or semantic effect in different cultural contexts.

Methods: The study includes an analysis of literature providing information about puns in Russian and Arabic. For comparative analysis, methods were used to compare concepts, definitions and types of puns in both languages. The phonetic, semantic and syntactic aspects of the pun are considered,

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of petrophysical Properties of Zubair formation Luhais oil field Using Well Logging Analysis and Archie Parameters
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well log analysis is used to determine the rock properties like porosity, water saturation, and shale volume. Archie parameters in Archie equation, which sometimes considered constants greatly affect the determination of water saturation, also these parameters may be used to indicate whether the rocks are fractured or not so they should be determined. This research involves well logging analysis for Zubair formation in Luhais field which involves the determination of Archie parameters instead of using them as constant.

The log interpretation proved that the formation is hydrocarbon reservoir, as it could be concluded from Rwa (high values) and water saturation values (low values), the lithology of Zubair from cro

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