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Heat Transfer and Hydrodynamic in Internal Jacket Airlift Bioreactor with Microbubble Technology
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   Integration of laminar bubbling flow with heat transfer equations in a novel internal jacket airlift bioreactor using microbubbles technology was examined in the present study. The investigation was accomplished via Multiphysics modelling to calculate the gas holdup, velocity of liquid recirculation, mixing time and volume dead zone for hydrodynamic aspect. The temperature and internal energy were determined for heat transfer aspect.

   The results showed that the concentration of microbubbles in the unsparged area is greater than the chance of large bubbles with no dead zones being observed in the proposed design.  In addition the pressure, due to the recirculation velocity of liquid around the draft tube, increased the retention time of microbubbles in the same area.  

   Thus it was expected that their effect on mass and heat transfer phenomena would be positive for biological applications. For example the gas fraction volume of microbubble in the downcomer region is 0.0063, while with fine bubble diameter of 1 mm, this region was free from any bubble. Furthermore, the velocity of liquid in the center of ring diffuser would be 0.175 m/s, if the sparging system operated with bubble diameter of 100 micrometer, whilst would be 0.035 m/s with fine bubble diameter of 1 mm.

   The study also proved the importance of bubble diameter on the heat transfer in gas and liquid phases in the proposed design. Microbubbles gave greater responsiveness to stability and homogeneity in all parts of the bioreactor. Finally, this study concluded the efficiency of the proposed design with the microbubbles technology thermally and hydrodynamically.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A comparison of the Semiparametric Estimators model smoothing methods different using
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In this paper, we made comparison among different parametric ,nonparametric and semiparametric estimators for partial linear regression model users parametric represented by ols and nonparametric methods represented by cubic smoothing spline estimator and Nadaraya-Watson estimator, we study three nonparametric regression models and samples sizes  n=40,60,100,variances used σ2=0.5,1,1.5 the results  for the first model show that N.W estimator for partial linear regression model(PLM) is the best followed the cubic smoothing spline estimator for (PLM),and the results of the second and the third model show that the best estimator is C.S.S.followed by N.W estimator for (PLM) ,the

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Construction of Comprehensive Geological Model for an Iraqi Oil Reservoir
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The paper generates a geological model of a giant Middle East oil reservoir, the model constructed based on the field data of 161 wells. The main aim of the paper was to recognize the value of the reservoir to investigate the feasibility of working on the reservoir modeling prior to the final decision of the investment for further development of this oilfield. Well log, deviation survey, 2D/3D interpreted seismic structural maps, facies, and core test were utilized to construct the developed geological model based on comprehensive interpretation and correlation processes using the PETREL platform. The geological model mainly aims to estimate stock-tank oil initially in place of the reservoir. In addition, three scenarios were applie

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Fitting Scoring Rubrics for Electronic Portfolio to Partial Credit Model According to the Number of Assumed Dimensions
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The current research aims to reveal the extent to which all scoring rubrics data for the electronic work file conform to the partial estimation model according to the number of assumed dimensions. The study sample consisted of (356) female students. The study concluded that the list with the one-dimensional assumption is more appropriate than the multi-dimensional assumption, The current research recommends preparing unified correction rules for the different methods of performance evaluation in the basic courses. It also suggests the importance of conducting studies aimed at examining the appropriateness of different evaluation methods for models of response theory to the

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Deep Learning-based Predictive Model of mRNA Vaccine Deterioration: An Analysis of the Stanford COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Dataset
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The emergence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, has resulted in a global health crisis leading to widespread illness, death, and daily life disruptions. Having a vaccine for COVID-19 is crucial to controlling the spread of the virus which will help to end the pandemic and restore normalcy to society. Messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules vaccine has led the way as the swift vaccine candidate for COVID-19, but it faces key probable restrictions including spontaneous deterioration. To address mRNA degradation issues, Stanford University academics and the Eterna community sponsored a Kaggle competition.This study aims to build a deep learning (DL) model which will predict deterioration rates at each base of the mRNA

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
2019 1st International Informatics And Software Engineering Conference (ubmyk)
Radial Basis Function (RBF) Based on Multistage Autoencoders for Intrusion Detection system (IDS)
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In this paper, RBF-based multistage auto-encoders are used to detect IDS attacks. RBF has numerous applications in various actual life settings. The planned technique involves a two-part multistage auto-encoder and RBF. The multistage auto-encoder is applied to select top and sensitive features from input data. The selected features from the multistage auto-encoder is wired as input to the RBF and the RBF is trained to categorize the input data into two labels: attack or no attack. The experiment was realized using MATLAB2018 on a dataset comprising 175,341 case, each of which involves 42 features and is authenticated using 82,332 case. The developed approach here has been applied for the first time, to the knowledge of the authors, to dete

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The use of laurylamine hydrocholoride CH3(CH2)11 NH3 –Cl for secondary oil recovery
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Laurylamine hydrochloride CH3(CH2)11 NH3 – Cl has been chosen from cationic surfactants to produce secondary oil using lab. model shown in fig. (1). The relationship between interfacial tension and (temperature, salinity and solution concentration) have been studied as shown in fig. (2, 3, 4) respectively. The optimum values of these three variables are taken (those values that give the lowest interfacial tension). Saturation, permeability and porosity are measured in the lab. The primary oil recovery was displaced by water injection until no more oil can be obtained, then laurylamine chloride is injected as a secondary oil recovery. The total oil recovery is 96.6% or 88.8% of the residual oil has been recovered by this technique as shown

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقارنة بعض الطرائق الجزائية في تحليل انموذج المؤشر الواحد شبه المعلمي مع تطبيق عملي
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In this research been to use some of the semi-parametric methods the based on the different function penalty as well as the methods proposed by the researcher  because these methods work to estimate and variable selection of significant at once for single index model including (SCAD-NPLS method , the first proposal SCAD-MAVE method , the second proposal  ALASSO-MAVE method ) .As it has been using a method simulation time to compare between the semi-parametric estimation method studied , and various simulation experiments to identify the best method based on the comparison criteria (mean squares error(MSE) and average  mean squares error (AMSE)).

And the use

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 14 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Nonlinear MIMO-PID Neural Controller Design for Vehicle Lateral Dynamics model based on Modified Elman Neural Network
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This paper presents a new design of a nonlinear multi-input multi-output PID neural controller of the active brake steering force and the active front steering angle for a 2-DOF vehicle model based on modified Elman recurrent neural. The goal of this work is to achieve the stability and to improve the vehicle dynamic’s performance through achieving the desired yaw rate and reducing the lateral velocity of the vehicle in a minimum time period for preventing the vehicle from slipping out the road curvature by using two active control actions: the front steering angle and the brake steering force. Bacterial forging optimization algorithm is used to adjust the parameters weights of the proposed controller. Simulation resul

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Information security contributes directly to increase the level of trust between the government’s departments by providing an assurance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive governmental information. Many threats that are caused mainly by malicious acts can shutdown the egovernment services. Therefore the governments are urged to implement security in e-government projects.
Some modifications were proposed to the security assessment multi-layer model (Sabri model) to be more comprehensive model and more convenient for the Iraqi government. The proposed model can be used as a tool to assess the level of security readiness of government departments, a checklist for the required security measures and as a commo

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Estimation of Surface Runoff to Bahr AL-Najaf
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The estimation of the amounts of Surface runoff resulting from rainfall in the water basins is of great importance in water resources management. The study area (Bahr Al-Najaf) is located on the western edge of the plateau and the southwestern part of the city center of Najaf, with an area of 2729.4 (km2). The soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) with ArcGIS software was used to simulate the runoff coming from the three main valleys (Kharr (A and B)), Shoaib Al-Rahimawi, and Maleh), that contribute the flow to the study area. The results of the model showed that the SWAT software was successfully simulating the flow conditions based on the coefficient of determination (R2), the Nash coefficient (NS

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