The synthesis of nanoparticles (GNPs) from the reduction of HAuCl4 .3H2O by aluminum metal was obtained in aqueous solution with the use of Arabic gum as a stabilizing agent. The GNPs were characterized by TEM, AFM and Zeta potential spectroscopy. The reduction process was monitored over time by measuring ultraviolet spectra at a range of λ 520-525 nm. Also the color changes from yellow to ruby red, shape and size of GNP was studied by TEM. Shape was spherical and the size of particles was (12-17.5) nm. The best results were obtained at pH 6.
The ability of using aluminum filings which is locally solid waste was tested as a mono media in gravity rapid filter. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of variation of influent water turbidity (10, 20and 30 NTU); flow rate(30, 40, and 60 l/hr) and bed height (30and60)cm on the performance of aluminum filings filter media for 5 hours run time and compare it with the conventional sand filter. The results indicated that aluminum filings filter showed better performance than sand filter in the removal of turbidity and in the reduction of head loss. Results showed that the statistical model developed by the multiple linear regression was proved to be
valid, and it could be used to predict head loss in aluminum filings
A new tool geometry was used to achieve friction stir spot welding (FSSW) in which the shoulder was designed separately from the rotating pin, and in order to examine weldment strength through the modified tool, a lap joints of AA2024 aluminum alloy plate 1 mm thick were welded successfully by using 6 mm pin diameter and varying process parameters (rotational speeds, tool nose geometry, and depth of tool penetration in the lower welded plate). Experimental tests indicate that the maximum average tensile shear load was 3100 N at the best selected condition. Microstructure examination and micro hardness test along the spot zones were investigated as well as measuring pin penetration load. Visual inspection of the welded spot surface shows a g
... Show MoreThe optimal combination of aluminum quality, sufficient strength, high stress to weight ratio and clean finish make it a good choice in driveshafts fabrication. This study has been devoted to experimentally investigate the effect of applying laser shock peening (LSP) on the fatigue performance for 6061-T6 aluminum alloy rotary shafts. Q-switched pulsed Nd:YAG laser was used with operating parameters of 500 mJ and 600 mJ pulse energies, 12 ns pulse duration and 10 Hz pulse repetition rate. The LSP is applied at the waist of the prepared samples for the cyclic fatigue test. The results show that applying 500 mJ pulse energy yields a noticeable effect on enhancing the fatigue strength by increasing the required number of cycles to fracture the
... Show MoreCorrosion rate tests were carried out on carbon steel under concentration cells conditions of oxygen and sodium chloride. The effect of aeration in one compartment on the corrosion rate of both coupled metals was determined. In addition, the effects of time and temperatures on the corrosion rate of both coupled metals and galvanic currents between them were investigated. Corrosion potentials for the whole range of operating conditions under concentration cell conditions were also studied. The results showed that under aeration condition, the formation of concentration cell caused a considerable corrosion rate of the Carbon steel specimens coupled in different concentrations of O2 and NaCl due to the galvanic effect
... Show MoreAbstract
Corrosion-fatigue occurs by the combined actions of cyclic loading and corrosive environment. The effect of shot peening on cumulative corrosion-fatigue life of 1100-H12 Al alloy was investigated. Before fatigue testing, specimens were submerged in 3.5%NaCl solution for 71 days. Constant fatigue tests were performed with and without corrosive environment. Cumulative corrosion-fatigue tests were also carried out in order to determine the fatigue life before and after shot peening. The constant fatigue life was significantly reduced due to corrosive environment and the endurance fatigue limit was reduced by 13% compared with dry fatigue. In case of shot peening the cumul
... Show MoreIn this study, aluminum alloyAA6061-T6 was joined by a hot press process with three types of material; polyamide PA 6.6 (nylon), 1% carbon nanotube/PA6.6 and 30% carbon fiber/PA6.6 composites. Three parameters were considered in the hot pressing; temperature (180, 200 and 220°C), pressure (2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 bar) and time of pressing (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 minutes for 200ºC, and 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 and 1.25 minutes for220ºC). Applied pressure has great effect on shear strength of the joint, corresponding to bonding time and temperature. Maximum shear strength was 8.89MPa obtained for PA6.6 at bonding conditions of 4 bar, 220ºC and 0.75 minute. For 30% carbon fiber/PA6,6 shear recorded was
Lightweight materials is used in the sheet metal hydroforming process, because it can be adapted to the manufacturing of complex structural components into a single body with high structural stiffness. Sheet hydroforming has been successfully developed in industry such as in the manufacturing of the components of automotive.The aim of this study is to simulate the experimental results ( such as the amount of pressure required to hydroforming process, stresses, and strains distribution) with results of finite element analyses (FEA) (ANSYS 11) for aluminum alloy (AA5652) sheets with thickness (1.2mm) before heat treatm
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