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Performance of Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland Systems in the Treatment of Al-Rustumia Municipal Wastewater using Continuous Loading Feed
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This study aimed at comparing the performance of vertical, horizontal and hybrid subsurface flow systems in secondary treatment for the effluent wastewater from the primary basins at Al-Rustumia wastewater treatment plant, Baghdad, Iraq. The treatments were monitored for six weeks while the testsduration were from 4 to 12 September 2018 under continuous wastewater feeding for chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solid (TSS),ammonia-nitrogen(NH4-N) and phosphate (PO4-P) in comparison with FAO and USEPA standards for effluent discharge to evaluate the suitability of treated water for irrigation purposes. Among the systems planted with Phragmites Australia, the hybrid subsurface flow system which consisted of vertical unit followed by horizontal one, considerably removed the pollutants more efficiently than the single operated systems. The planted hybrid subsurface flow wetland system was achieved the highest removal with a mean removal rate of COD,TSS, NH4-N, and PO4-Pat 99.3, 83.2,67.4 and 53% respectively and these percentages were decreased in the other systems. The results proved that the planted vertical subsurface flow unit can be removed the COD, TSS, NH4-N and PO4-Pwith values of 93, 71.1, 43.3 and 30.7%, respectively while the achieved removals by horizontal subsurface flow unit of 99, 74.3, 54.5 and 20.3%, respectively. The planted horizontal subsurface flow wetland, however, showed a good efficacy for all parameters in the treatment process except for PO4-P when it is compared with vertical system, however, there is a clear increase in the NO3-N effluent concentration for all treatment units.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
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Analysis of the relationship between the internal public debt and the public budget deficit in Iraq for the period from 2010-2020
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The study aimed to analyze the relationship between the internal public debt and the public budget deficit in Iraq during the period 2010–2020 using descriptive and analytical approaches to the data of the financial phenomenon. Furthermore, to track the development of public debt and the percentage of its contribution to the public budget of Iraq during the study period. The study showed that the origin of the debt with its benefits consumes a large proportion of oil revenues through what is deducted from these revenues to pay the principal debt with interest, which hinders the development process in the country. It has been shownthat although there was a surplus in some years of study, it was not

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 21 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The legal system of found property- An analytical study in the English law with the Islamic jurisprudence and the Iraqi civil law
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The legal system of found property is considered as a reason or method of preliminary acquisition of ownership, as well as two other reasons, that is to say, the fixture of personal chattels, and the adverse possession, resting on the principles of equity, and included within the English common law of customary origins, which is unwritten and based upon judicial precedents of the English courts, equity and later legislations. It is worth-bearing in mind that the found property is the lost property on which the finder enjoys more rights than all other people, except its original owner. It is also worth-mentioning that the treasure trove is considered as found property in the English law. and it is any object at least 300 years old when fo

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Al-rafidain University College For Sciences
“Simple Regression Analysis by using Linear Programming Technique and illustration of Absolute Residuals method with another Estimation Techniques”
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This research deals with unusual approach for analyzing the Simple Linear Regression via Linear Programming by Two - phase method, which is known in Operations Research: “O.R.”. The estimation here is found by solving optimization problem when adding artificial variables: Ri. Another method to analyze the Simple Linear Regression is introduced in this research, where the conditional Median of (y) was taken under consideration by minimizing the Sum of Absolute Residuals instead of finding the conditional Mean of (y) which depends on minimizing the Sum of Squared Residuals, that is called: “Median Regression”. Also, an Iterative Reweighted Least Squared based on the Absolute Residuals as weights is performed here as another method to

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Assessment of Genetic Distance Among Some Iraqi Date Palm Cultivares )Phoenix Dactylifera L.) Using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA
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The aim of this study to determine the genetic distance and relationship among some Iraqi date palm cultivars by using the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Molecular analysis was performed by using 10 random primers. These primers produced 176 fragment lines across 14 cultivars, Of these, 166 or 94.3% were polymorphic. The size of the amplified bands ranged between 200-2250 bp. The genetic polymorphism value of each primer was determined and ranged between 7.5-16.9%. In terms of unique banding patterns, the most characteristic banding pattern was for the Barhee cultivar with primer OP-M06 and for the Khadhrawy Mandily cultivar with primer OP-C02. Genetic distance values ranged from 0.868 to 0.125 among studied date palm

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Chemical Industry And Chemical Engineering Quarterly
Optimization of dye adsorption process for Albizia lebbeck pods as a biomass using central composite rotatable design model
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Albizia lebbeck biomass was used as an adsorbent material in the present study to remove methyl red dye from an aqueous solution. A central composite rotatable design model was used to predict the dye removal efficiency. The optimization was accomplished under a temperature and mixing control system (37?C) with different particle size of 300 and 600 ?m. Highest adsorption efficiencies were obtained at lower dye concentrations and lower weight of adsorbent. The adsorption time, more than 48 h, was found to have a negative effect on the removal efficiency due to secondary metabolites compounds. However, the adsorption time was found to have a positive effect at high dye concentrations and high adsorbent weight. The colour removal effi

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Synthesis and Characterization of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Metronidazole by using Allyl Chloride and Allyl Bromide as Monomers
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Metronidazole-MIPs were prepared by using (MDZ) as the template as well as allylchloride (AYC) or allylbromide (AYB) as monomer, used (TMPTA) tri-methylol propane tri-acrylate or ethylene glycol di-methyl acrylate (EGDMA) as cross-linker and initiator used (BP) benzyl peroxide. By using different plasticizers (di butyl Phthalate (DBPH), Nitrobenzene (NB), oleic acid (OA) and paraffin) for MDZ-MIP1 and (Di-butyl sebecate (DBS), Di-methyl acrylate (DMA), Tributylphosphate(TBP) and Tris(ethylhexyl phosphate (TEHP) ) for MDZ-MIP2. Membranes of MIPs were prepared in PVC matrix. The characterizations of each electrode were determined The Slope range from (55.083 - 43.711) mV/decade, Limit of Detection (8 X 10 -4- 2 X 10-6) and Linearity

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Proposed Security Models for Node-level and Network-level Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Machine Learning Techniques
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     As a result of the pandemic crisis and the shift to digitization, cyber-attacks are at an all-time high in the modern day despite good technological advancement. The use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is an indicator of technical advancement in most industries. For the safe transfer of data, security objectives such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability must be maintained. The security features of WSN are split into node level and network level. For the node level, a proactive strategy using deep learning /machine learning techniques is suggested. The primary benefit of this proactive approach is that it foresees the cyber-attack before it is launched, allowing for damage mitigation. A cryptography algorithm is put

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Extraction and Delineation of Pera Magroon Alluvial Fans North East Iraq Using Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS application
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Pera Magroon anticline is located within the northeastern of Iraq, covering area estimated by 958 Km2. The Landsat ETM+ false color composite imagery was produced by assigning [741] bands. It is used to distinguish alluvial fans in the southwestern limb of Pera Magroon anticline. Digital elevation models (DEM) were used for describing topographic features related to the alluvial fans, as well as, three dominations model (3D) was created from (DEM) and the Landsat ETM+ image.

 Arc GIS, hydro tool set was used to draw the drainage patterns, the area of study was covered by dendritic and parallel patterns. Contour lines across the fans form segments of ellipses reveal the pattern of tectonic act

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of PV Solar Energy Generator using MPPT Technique to Control Single Input/Multiple Outputs (DC-DC) Converter
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The paper presents the design of a system consisting of a solar panel with Single Input/Multiple Outputs (DC-DC) Buck Converter by using Simulink dialogue box tools in MATLAB software package for simulation the system. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique depending on Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm is used to control the output power of the converter and increase the efficiency of the system. The characteristics of the MSX-60 PV module is chosen in design of the system, whereas the electrical characteristics (P-V, I-V and P-I curves) for the module are achieved, that is affected by the solar radiation and temperature variations. The proposed design module has been found to be stable for any change in atmospheric tempera

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 10 2023
Journal Name
Russian Journal Of Bioorganic Chemistry
Synthesis and Characterization of New 1,3,4-Oxadiazole Ring on Creatinine Derivatives Using Iodine and Study Their Anticancer Effect
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