This study aimed at comparing the performance of vertical, horizontal and hybrid subsurface flow systems in secondary treatment for the effluent wastewater from the primary basins at Al-Rustumia wastewater treatment plant, Baghdad, Iraq. The treatments were monitored for six weeks while the testsduration were from 4 to 12 September 2018 under continuous wastewater feeding for chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solid (TSS),ammonia-nitrogen(NH4-N) and phosphate (PO4-P) in comparison with FAO and USEPA standards for effluent discharge to evaluate the suitability of treated water for irrigation purposes. Among the systems planted with Phragmites Australia, the hybrid subsurface flow system which consisted of vertical unit followed by horizontal one, considerably removed the pollutants more efficiently than the single operated systems. The planted hybrid subsurface flow wetland system was achieved the highest removal with a mean removal rate of COD,TSS, NH4-N, and PO4-Pat 99.3, 83.2,67.4 and 53% respectively and these percentages were decreased in the other systems. The results proved that the planted vertical subsurface flow unit can be removed the COD, TSS, NH4-N and PO4-Pwith values of 93, 71.1, 43.3 and 30.7%, respectively while the achieved removals by horizontal subsurface flow unit of 99, 74.3, 54.5 and 20.3%, respectively. The planted horizontal subsurface flow wetland, however, showed a good efficacy for all parameters in the treatment process except for PO4-P when it is compared with vertical system, however, there is a clear increase in the NO3-N effluent concentration for all treatment units.
I n this paper ,we 'viii consider the density questions associC;lted with the single hidden layer feed forward model. We proved that a FFNN with one hidden layer can uniformly approximate any continuous function in C(k)(where k is a compact set in R11 ) to any required accuracy.
However, if the set of basis function is dense then the ANN's can has al most one hidden layer. But if the set of basis function non-dense, then we need more hidden layers. Also, we have shown that there exist localized functions and that there is no t
... Show MoreThis study aims to evaluate the performance of the sewage treatment plant in Al- Diwaniya, one of cities in the southern part in Iraq. This evaluation could be used to facilitate effluent quality assessment or optimal process control of the plant. The influent reaching the plant is considered a medium to strong in strength with BOD5/COD ratio in the range 0.23 and 0.69 which can be considered an easily degradable sewage by the biological processes performed by the activated sludge unit. The quality of the effluent was found to be higher than the Iraqi standards for disposal to water bodies. The BOD5/COD ratios of the treated sewage varied over a wide range as low of 0.13 to 1.48 indicating operational problems in the plant. Regressio
... Show MoreThis study aims to evaluate the performance of the sewage treatment plant in Al-Diwaniya, one of cities in the southern part in Iraq. This evaluation could be used to facilitate effluent quality assessment or optimal process control of the plant. The influent reaching the plant is considered a medium to strong in strength with BOD5/COD ratio in the range 0.23 and 0.69 which can be considered an easily degradable sewage by the biological processes performed by the activated sludge unit. The quality of the effluent was found to be higher than the Iraqi standards for disposal to water bodies. The BOD5/COD ratios of the treated sewage varied over a wide range as low of 0.13 to 1.48 indicating operational problems in the plant. Regression ana
... Show MoreThe present study addresses the behavior of gases in cultivation media as an essential factor to develop the relationship between the microorganisms that are present in the same environment. This relationship was explained via mass transfer of those gases to be a reasonable driving force in changing biological trends. Stripping and dissolution of oxygen and carbon dioxide in water and dairy wastewater were investigated in this study. Bubble column bioreactor under thermal control system was constructed and used for these processes. The experimental results showed that the removal of gases from the culture media requires more time than the dissolution. For example, the volumetric mass transfer coefficient for the removal
... Show MoreA new method is characterized by simplicity, accuracy and speed for determination of Oxonuim ion in ionisable inorganic acid such as hydrochloric (0.1 - 10) ,Sulphuric ( 0.1 - 6 ),nitric ( 0.1 - 10 ), perchloric ( 0.1 - 7 ), acetic (0.1 - 100 ) and phosphoric ( 0.1 - 30 ) ( mMol.L-1 )acids. By continuous flow injection analysis. The proposed method was based on generation of bromine from the Bro-3-Br-- H3O+. Bromine reacts with fluorescein to quenches the fluorescence . A sample volume no.1 (31μl) and no.2 (35μl) were used with flow rate of 0.95 mL.min-1 using H2O line no.1as carrier stream and 1.3 mL.min-1 using fluorescein sodium salt line no.2. Linear regression of the concentration ( mMol.L-1 ) Vs quenched fluorescence gives a correla
... Show MoreThe present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of variation of influent raw water turbidity, bed composition, and filtration rate on the performance of mono (sand) and dual media (sand and anthracite) rapid gravity filters in response to the effluent filtered water turbidity and headloss development. In order to evaluate each filter pe1formance, sieve analysis was made to characterize both media and to determine the effective size and uniformity coefficient. Effluent filtered water turbidity and the headloss development was recorded with time during each experiment.
Background: Sclerotherapy is a simple treatment modality for treatment of infantile hemangioma and slow-flow vascular malformations; Polidocanol is a mild sclerosing agent that is traditionally used in treatment of varicose veins. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness, treatment outcome, and complications of polidocanol foam sclerotherapy for infantile hemangioma and slow-flow vascular malformations. Materials and methods: Between March 2013 and December 2014, seventeen patients with infantile hemangioma and slow-flow vascular malformations treated with polidocanol 1% foam sclerotherapy. Foam was prepared by Tessari’s method. Injection performed under general or local anesthesia, injections were repeated (if necessary) on mon
... Show MoreDue to the deliberate disposal of industrial waste, a great amount of petroleum hydrocarbons pollute the soil and aquatic environments. Bioremediation that depends on the microorganisms in the removal of pollutants is more efficient and cost-effective technology. In this study, five rhizobacteria were isolated from Phragmites australis roots and exposed to real wastewater from Al-Daura refinery with 70 mg/L total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) concentration. The five selected rhizobacteria were examined in a biodegradation test for seven days to remove TPH. The results showed that 80% TPH degradation as the maximum value by Sphingomonas Paucimobilis as identified with Vitek® 2 Compact (France).
High performance work systems and general industrial enterprise performance