Several directional wells have been drilled in Majnoon oilfield at wide variation in drilling time due to different drilling parameters applied for each well. This technical paper shows the importance of proper selection of the bit, Mud type, applied weight on Bit (WOB), Revolution per minute (RPM), and flow rate based on the previous wells drilled. Utilizing the data during drilling each section for directional wells that's significantly could improve drilling efficiency presented at a high rate of penetration (ROP). Based on the extensive study of three directional wells of 35 degree inclination (MJ-51, MJ-52, and MJ-54) found that the applied drilling parameters for MJ-54 and the bit type within associated drilling parameters to drill 36", 24", 16" and 12 1/4" hole sections is the best, although the drilling parameters in 8 1/2" hole section for MJ-51 and selected bit type are the best for future wells.
The reservoir units of Mishrif Formation in Majnoon oil field were studied by using available wireline logs (gamma ray, porosity and resistivity) and facies that derived from core and cutting samples for three wells including Mj-1, Mj-15, and Mj-20. The reservoir properties were determined and interpreted by using IP software. The results showed that unit D have the best reservoir properties due to high effective porosity, low water saturation and very low volume of shale. Furthermore, a large part of this unit was deposited in shoal environment. The other reservoir units are then graded in reservoir properties including units B, A, F & E respectively, except unit C, which is considered as a cap unit, because it consists of rest
... Show MoreIt is well known that drilling fluid is a key parameter for optimizing drilling operations, cleaning the hole, and managing the rig hydraulics and margins of surge and swab pressures. Although the experimental works represent valid and reliable results, they are expensive and time consuming. In contrast, continuous and regular determination of the rheological fluid properties can perform its essential functions during good construction. The aim of this study is to develop empirical models to estimate the drilling mud rheological properties of water-based fluids with less need for lab measurements. This study provides two predictive techniques, multiple regression analysis and artificial neural networks, to determine the rheological
... Show MoreThe optimum process conditions of the electrochemical deposition of carbon nanotubes (CNT) have been established by using developed, cheap and simple system. It has been found that temperature affects on the rate, purity and the yield of CNT obtained in this process. The electrochemical behavior of CNT deposition, kinetic and thermodynamic parameters were also discussed.
Whoever contemplates the Qur'an and recites its texts finds that the Qur'an did not invent or invent words that were unknown before it. Rather, it is the language of the Qur'an which deals with all the matters of the saying. He chose the most honorable of the materials and connected them to the meaning. And in the places of prosperity or sweetness, we find his words easy, to go into the midst of the ills for which it is The Holy Quran chose vocabulary and structures without The son of Ajeeba was one of those distinguished by high taste and linguistic sciences. This ability helped him to analyze and draw, and to explain the ills for which he influenced the singular On the other, and installed on another, and to show the efforts of Ibn Aje
... Show MoreStuck pipe is a prevalent and costly issue in drilling operations, with the potential to cost the petroleum industry billions of dollars annually. To reduce the likelihood of this issue, efforts have been made to identify the causes of stuck pipes. The main mechanisms that cause stuck pipes include drill cutting of the formation, inappropriate hole-cleaning, wellbore instability, and differential sticking forces, particularly in highly deviated wellbores. The significant consequences of a stuck pipe include an increase in well costs and Non-Productive Time (NPT), and in the worst-case scenario, the loss of a wellbore section and down-hole equipment, or the need to sidetrack, plug, or abandon the well. This paper provides a comprehensive
... Show MoreFracture pressure gradient prediction is complementary in well design and it is must be considered in selecting the safe mud weight, cement design, and determine the optimal casing seat to minimize the common drilling problems. The exact fracture pressure gradient value obtained from tests on the well while drilling such as leak-off test, formation integrity test, cement squeeze ... etc.; however, to minimize the total cost of drilling, there are several methods could be used to calculate fracture pressure gradient classified into two groups: the first one depend on Poisson’s ratio of the rocks and the second is fully empirical methods. In this research, the methods selected are Huubert and willis, Cesaroni I, Cesaroni II,
... Show MoreElectrochemical Grinding (ECG) process is a mechanically assisted electrochemical process for material processing. The process is able to successfully machine electrically conducting harder materials at faster rate with improved surface finish and dimensional control. This research studies the effect of applied current, electrolyte concentration, spindle speed and the gap between workpiece and tool on hardness and material removal rate during electrochemical grinding for stainless steel 316. The characteristic features of the electrochemical grinding process are explored through Taguchi-design-based experimental studies. The better hardness can be obtained at 10 A of the current, 150 g/l of the electrolyte concentration, 0.3 mm of gap an
... Show MoreGrass carp at a weight of 34.68 + 2 g were gradually exposed to four saline concentrations: tap water (0.1), 3, 6, 9, and 12 gm/litter, and the first concentration represented a control treatment. Fish were fed on a diet with a protein content of 30% for ten weeks. Results of the growth experiment showed that the feed conversion rate was 2.46, 3.58, 4.84, 6.77, and -8.56 in the first to fifth treatments, respectively, and the rate feed conversion efficiency was 40.65, 27. 93, 20.66, 14.77 and 11.68 %, while the protein intake was 22.38, 20.44, 18.86, 17.47 and 16.56 g in salt concentrations of 0.1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 g/L, respectively. In another experiment to study the effect of salt acc