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Impact of Tigris River Pollution on the Performance of Water Treatment Plants Efficiencies in Baghdad City
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The determination of river pollution impact on the performance of water treatment plants is achieved by two main objectives. The first is to study raw and treated water qualities and comparing them with standards and the second is to evaluate the treatment plants efficiency. The analyzed data were those water quality parameters in relation to physical, chemical and bacteriological characteristics for river water and produced water by seven water treatment plants located on Tigris River passing through Baghdad City.
The results of this study indicated that all raw water characteristic are within the surface water standards established by Iraqi and USA criteria except Bacterial Counts.
Tigris River water is of good quality to be treated at the intake of KWTP and tends to be of less quality as it flows to south of city, where it is highly polluted at intake of RWTP.
The analysis of treated water quality parameters supplied by all water treatment plants indicated that most of these characteristics are within the Iraqi criteria and WHO guide lines except for the produced in RWTP.
RWTP exceeded the water quality standards which recommended by WHO particularly Bacterial Counts and Turbidity.
The analysis showed that all water treatment plants have little effect on the in removal of the most of inorganic chemicals pollutants, the increasing Level of Sulfate, Hardness, and Total Dissolved Solid in treated water could be related to the absence of any chemical treatment units in the conventional Baghdad water treatment works, and to the increasing of the concentration of these variables in river water.
The statistical analysis had indicated that the correlation coefficient between Turbidity and Total Coliform Bacteria in river water for KWTP, EWTP and KRWTP were good, and begin to increase at other water treatment plants reaching RWTP because the water quality of the river is deteriorated as the river flow downstream in Baghdad city.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Accumulation, Bioavailability, and Health Risk of Heavy Metals in Some Plants Obtained from Abu-Ghraib Land, Baghdad, Iraq
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The study of the distribution of major oxides and heavy metals in some plants collecting and analyzing eighteen plant samples of vegetables including carrot, onion, eggplant, cucumber, and okra obtained from Abu Ghraib land located about 20 km west of Baghdad, Iraq. Eighteen plant samples of vegetables,.Heavy metals can have a severe impact if released into the environment, even in trace quantities. These can enter the food chain from aquatic and agricultural ecosystems and indirectly threaten human health.. Trace elements and oxides of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Th, U, V, and Zn were measured in plant samples using an X-Ray Fluorescence Instrument (XRF). TEs analyses of vegetables were performed in the Iraqi German Lab

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of the Effect of the North Atlantic Oscillations with Temperature and Precipitation in Baghdad City
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     The aim of this research is to study the effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on the temperature and precipitation patterns in Baghdad city. Data of the monthly means of the NAO index,the monthlymeans of temperature, and the monthly total of precipitation were analyzed for the period 1900-2008. Non-parametric tests were used to investigate the correlations between these variables. The time series of temperature and precipitation showed no trends. The results indicated that is a slight correlation between the NAO and temperature and precipitation suggesting that NAO has no major effects on the temperature and precipitation patterns in Baghdad city.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    An investigation was provided in this work for the host range of brown soft scale Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus in Baghdad Province.  Five plant species were found infected by this insect, three of these species, Citrusaurantium L. (Rutaceae); Nerium oleander L. (Apocynaceae); Ficuscarica L. (Moraceae) reported earlier, and the remaining two, Dahlia pinnata Cav. (Asteraceae) and Myrtuscommunis L. (Myrtaceae) are recordedhere for the first time as host plants for this pest.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study of Energy Gains by Orientation of Solar Collectors in Baghdad City
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Firstly, in this study, a brief updated description and applications of different solar collectors used in renewable energy systems for supplying electric and thermal energy was presented. Secondly, an attempt was made to utilize tilting orientation of solar collector for maximizing collector energy with time in respect to horizontal orientation. For energy calculation, global solar radiation was used since they are directly related.  For that purpose, field measurements of half-hourly radiation on two flat panels of tilting and horizontal orientations were carried out throughout 8-month period under local climate of Baghdad. Then, energy gain and radiation level averages were calculated based on the field radiation

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 07 2020
Journal Name
Water Environment Research
Assessment of microbial contamination levels of water in hemodialysis centers in Baghdad, Iraq
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Abstract<sec><label></label><p>Monitoring water quality in hemodialysis systems is extremely important to maintain adequate quality services for patients suffering from kidney failure. This work aims to examine and evaluate bacteriological characteristics and endotoxin contamination levels in hemodialysis water produced in dialysis centers. Forty‐eight water samples were collected and analyzed from four major hospitals in Baghdad for one year to evaluate seasonal effects. The analysis included the determination of total heterotrophic bacteria using the pour plate method, identification of bacterial isolate using the Vitek2 compact instrument, and the determination of endotoxins levels using Limulus ameboc</p></sec> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Al-fatih Journal
The impact of the use of mirrors in the level of performance of some skills epeeEmpirical researchStudents on the third stage in the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls
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يهدف البحث الى أعداد بعض تمرينات الاساسية لسلاح الشيش بأستخدام المرايا في تطوير قدرة مستوى تعلم الطالبات في المبارزة ومعرفة الفروق بين المجموعتين التجريبي والضابطة بتأثير استخدام المرايا في مستوى اداء بعض مهارات سلاح الشيش لطالبات المرحلة الثالثة , وقد أستخدمت الباحثتان المنهج التجريبي على عينة من طالبات المرحلة الثالثة , وقد بلغ عددهم (45) طالبة , وقد خرجت الباحثتين بعدة أستنتاجات وهي:- - أن المنهاج التعليمي

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of Air Pollution around Durra Refinery (Baghdad) from Emission NO2 Gas at April Month
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Nitrogen dioxide NO2 is one of the most dangerous contaminant in the air, its toxic gas that cause disturbing respiratory effects, most of it emitted from industrial sources especially from the stack of power plants and oil refineries. In this study Gaussian equations modelled by Matlab program to state the effect of pollutant NO2 gas on area around Durra refinery, this program also evaluate some elements such as wind and stability and its effect on stacks height. Data used in this study is the amount of fuel oil and fuel gas burn inside refinery at a year 2017. Hourly April month data chosen as a case study because it’s unsteady month. After evaluate emission rate of the all fuel and calculate exit velocity from

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of tax exemption in reducing environmental pollution: An applied study on brick factories in Iraq
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Air pollution is considered one of the major environmental problems that contain many challenges and difficulties facing most countries of the world, including Iraq. The problem has emerged widely with the emergence of the industrial revolution in the world and the tremendous increase in the population and the increase in the number of transportation and its development in addition to excavation, maintenance and work Construction and weather fluctuations, such as dust and sandstorms, pollution resulting from oil refining, extraction, diversion and other processes that cause pollution, and the start of the world using methods that limit the volume of environmental pollution. The most prominent of these methods is the imposition of

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation of Pump Station of Main Outfall Drain in AL Nassiriyah City
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The Main Outfall drain pumping station in Nassiriyah is an important part in operation  system of the Main Outfall Drain (MOD) where it reduces the water levels in the U/S area of its and converted through Syphon freely under the Euphrates, its consists of several parts: U/S Basin, Station Building which contains 12 pumps, and Head Basin with Syphon, This station suffers from high levels especially in D/S area due to the current situation which is represented by establishing of dyke with pipes on MOD which located at 24 km from D/S of pumping station and Al-Khamisiyah Canal which located at 2.3 km from the U/S of dyke which feeds(Al Hammar Marsh) during drought season, several scenarios were adopted in order to expl

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 25 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The role of green taxes in the reduction of environmental pollution- exploratory search- in the GCT.: The role of green taxes in the reduction of environmental pollution- exploratory search- in the GCT.
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The research aims to identify the concept of green taxes and their role in reducing environmental pollution through the poll of Abnh of taxpayers and employees of the General Authority for taxes totaling 200 individual .autam adoption of the resolution as a tool head for the collection of data and information from the sample and analyzed their responses using a statistical program (spss - 10), and calculating the percentages and the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and research found to a number of conclusions, notably the lack of legislation with the challenges and the difficulty of the existence of a measure or a standard lack of planning for the application of environmental taxes that the state taxation application between the Gene

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