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Kinetic Study on Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Phenol in a Trickle Bed Reactor
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Kinetics study on the phenol oxidation by catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) using CuO.NiO/Al2O3 as heterogeneous catalyst is presented. 4 g/l phenol solution of pH 7.3 was oxidized in a trickle bed reactor with gas flow rate of 80% stochiometric excess (S.E).. In order to verify the proposed kinetics, a series of CWAO experimental tests were done at two temperatures (140 and 160° C), oxygen partial pressures (9 and 12 bar), and weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 h-1). According to Power Law, the reaction orders are found to be approximately 1 and 0.5 with respect to phenol concentration and oxygen solubility, respectively. These values favorably compare with those cited in the literature for intrinsic kinetics, which indicates minimal mass transfer limitations in the trickle bed reacting system used in this study.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 30 2003
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Scientific interpretation of the Holy Qur’an and its impact on belief and thought
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Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of Messengers, Muhammad and his family

The good and pure and after his companions

God Almighty said: ( ) Do they not contemplate the Qur’an? If it had been from other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. God Almighty has made the well-being of people and their lives linked to faith in it. So what is the need of people today to return to the Book of their Lord so that they may return to the right path that God intended for His servants so that they may attain sustenance? Security and the good life. How could it not be, when many of the nations of the world no longer see security or stability because their leaders and politic

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design of New Hybrid Neural Controller for Nonlinear CSTR System based on Identification
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This paper proposes improving the structure of the neural controller based on the identification model for nonlinear systems. The goal of this work is to employ the structure of the Modified Elman Neural Network (MENN) model into the NARMA-L2 structure instead of Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) model in order to construct a new hybrid neural structure that can be used as an identifier model and a nonlinear controller for the SISO linear or nonlinear systems. Two learning algorithms are used to adjust the parameters weight of the hybrid neural structure with its serial-parallel configuration; the first one is supervised learning algorithm based Back Propagation Algorithm (BPA) and the second one is an intelligent algorithm n

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
Effect of Platelet-Rich Fibrin and Bone Morphogenetic Protein on Dental Implant Stability
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Abstract: Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) bioactive materials have been used to enhance healing and improve dental implant stability. This study aimed to compare the effect of rhBMP-2 and PRF bioactive materials on dental implant stability at different intervals and to evaluate the correlation of implant length and diameter with implant stability. Two bioactive materials were compared to evaluate their effect on dental implant stability. A total of 32 patients (102 dental implants) were divided into 3 groups: 24 dental implants with bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), 27 dental implants with PRF, and 51 dental implants without BMP or PRF (control group). Data were statistically analyzed

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The use of social networking sites (facebook) and its impact on social relations
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      Is the subject of Facebook of more topics that aroused interest and that it provides the features and services that allows users to direct communication and interaction and dialogue with others, and deals with the subject of research the use of Facebook and its effects left by the social relations, as the field study was conducted on a sample of 130 students from students Baghdad University of males and females in the Faculty of Political Science and Agriculture, Science and Education, Girls, and limited the sample to Facebook users exclusively to test the study hypotheses and relationships connectivity, and the results revealed the presence of a significant impact of Facebook in th

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Impact of Preparing HMA with Modified Asphalt Cement on Moisture and Temperature Susceptibility
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Many researchers tried to prevent or reduce moisture damage and its sensitivity to temperature to improving the performance of hot mix asphalt because it is decreasing the functional and structural life of fixable pavement due to the moisture damage had exposed to it.

The main objective of this study is to inspect the effect of (fly ash “3%, 6%, 12%”, hydrated lime”5%, 10%, 20%” and silica fumes”1%, 2%, 4%) referring to previous research by the net weight asphalt cement as a modified material on the moisture and temperature sensitivity of hot mix asphalt. This was done using asphalt from AL-Nasiria refinery with penetration grade 40-50, nominal maximum size (12.5) mm (surface course) of aggregate and on

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Adsorption of Fluoroquinolones Antibiotics on Activated Carbon by K2CO3 with Microwave Assisted Activation
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The preparation of low cost activated carbon from date stones and microwave method by using K2CO3 as chemical activator were investigated.

   The prepared activated carbon was used to remove fluoroquinolones antibiotics from aqueous solution. The characterizations of the activated carbon is represented by surface area, pore volume, ash content, moisture content, bulk density, and iodine number. The adsorbed fluoroquinolones antibiotics are Ciprofloxcin (CIP), Norfloxcin (NOR) and Levofloxcin (LEVO). Different variables as pH, initial concentrations and contact time were studied to show the efficieny of prepared activated carbon. The experimental adsorption data were analyzed by Lungmuir, Freundlich

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 19 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
Image Compression based on Fixed Predictor Multiresolution Thresholding of Linear Polynomial Nearlossless Techniques
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Image compression is a serious issue in computer storage and transmission,  that simply makes efficient use of redundancy embedded within an image itself; in addition, it may exploit human vision or perception limitations to reduce the imperceivable information Polynomial coding is a modern image compression technique based on modelling concept to remove the spatial redundancy embedded within the image effectively that composed of two parts, the  mathematical model and the residual. In this paper, two stages proposed technqies adopted, that starts by utilizing the lossy predictor model along with multiresolution base and thresholding techniques corresponding to first stage. Latter by incorporating the near lossless com

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Measurements of X-Ray Dose Delivered at Different Depths Applied on Water Phantom
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Background: Radiotherapy, is therapy using ionizing radiation in order to deliver an optimal dose of either particulate or electromagnetic radiation to a particular area of the body with minimal damage to normal tissues. The source of radiation may be outside the body of the patient (external beam irradiation) or it may be an isotope that has been implanted or instilled into abnormal tissue or a body cavity. Called also radiotherapy. The aim of work studies the relationship between the depth dose and the high photon xray energies (6MeV and 10MeV). Patients and methods: in our work, we studied the dose distribution in water phantom given at different depths (zero-18) cm deep at1cm intervals treated with different field size (5×5-,10×1

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Shot Peening on Fatigue Properties for Corroded and Uncorroded (CK35) Steel
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The traction property is one of the important mechanical properties, especially the rotary parts which are subjected to constant and variable loads There are many methods used to improve this property, and the shoot peening by metal balls is considered the most critical one. the study focuses on this characteristic of steel CK35 used in many engineering applications as the rotating shafts and railway This study shows that the fatigue strength is improved by14% after shoot peening with metal balls. The study includs the rehabilitation of damaged samples as a result of fatigue corrosion. The standard solution adopted was 36% MgCl­2 with a 30 days immersion period. These samples has been improved by 6% after it decreased by18% d

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Acut Effect of sodium chlorid on the crustacean Acanthocyclops bicuspidatus (Claus) (Copepoda: Cyclopoida)
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The present study deals with the effect of acute exposure of different salt concentrations of NaCl on male and female of                     IU.FOBRJMOPNARJ, which belongs to Class Copepoda, Order Cyclopoida by calculating lethal concentration killing 50% (LC50), lethal concentration killing 100% (LC100) and safe concentration (LC0).     The results showed that LC50 values were 3.80ppt, 2.75ppt and 2.29 ppt for males during 24,48 and 72 hrs. exposure respectively while LC50 values were 2.45ppt, 2.18ppt and 1.77ppt for females for the same periods of exposure.      The lethal concentration (LC100

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