Sawdust has the ability to adsorb the dyestuff from aqueous solution. It may be useful low cost adsorbent for the treatment of effluents, discharged from textile industries. The effectiveness of sawdust has been tested for the removal of color from the wastewater samples containing two dyes namely Direct Blue (DB) and Vat Yellow (VY). Effect of various parameters such as agitation time, adsorbent dose and initial concentration of each dye has been investigated in the present study. The adsorption of dyes has been tested with various adsorption isotherm models. The Langmuir isotherms model is found to be the most suitable one for the dye adsorption using sawdust and the maximum adsorption capacity is 8.706 mg/g and 6.975 mg/g for DB and VY respectively. The adsorption process is best described by second-order kinetics and the corresponding rate constants (K2) are obtained which are found to be 0.2837g/mg.min and 0.1274 g/mg.min for DB and VY respectively at the maximum concentration.
Natural Bauxite (BXT) mineral clay was modified with a cationic surfactant (hexadecy ltrimethy lammonium bromide (BXT-HDTMA)) and characterized with different techniques: FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The modified and natural bauxite (BXT) were used as adsorbents for the adsorption of 4- Chlorophenol (4-CP) from aqueous solutions. The adsorption study was carried out at different conditions and parameters: contact time, pH value, adsorbent dosage and ionic strength. The adsorption kinetic (described by a pseudo-first order and a pseudo-second order), equilibrium experimental data (analyzed by Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherm models) and thermodynamic parameters (change in s
... Show MoreElectro-kinetic remediation technology is one of the developing technologies that offer great promise for the cleanup of soils contaminated with heavy metals. A numerical model was formulated to simulate copper (Cu) transport under an electric field using one-dimensional diffusion-advection equations describing the contaminant transport driven by chemical and electrical gradients in soil during the electro-kinetic remediation as a function of time and space. This model included complex physicochemical factors affecting the transport phenomena, such as soil pH value, aqueous phase reaction, adsorption, and precipitation. One-dimensional finitedifference computer program successfully predicted meaningful values for soil pH profiles and Cu
... Show MoreThe adsorption process of reactive blue 49 (RB49) dye and reactive red 195 (RR195) dye from an aqueous solutions was explored using a novel adsorbent produced from the sunflower husks encapsulated with copper oxide nanoparticle (CSFH). Primarily, the features of a CSFH, such as surface morphology, functional groups, and structure, were characterized. It was determined that coating the sunflower husks with copper oxide nanoparticles greatly improved the surface and structural properties related to the adsorption capacity. The adsorption process was successful, with a removal efficiency of 97% for RB49 and 98% for RR195 under optimal operating conditions, contact time of 180 min, pH of 7, agitation speed of 150 rpm, initial dye concentration
... Show MoreA range of batch experiments were carried out for the estimation of the key process parameters in adsorption of Furfural from aqueous solution onto activated carbon in fixed-bed adsorber. A batch absorber model has been used to determine the external mass transfer coefficient (kf) which equal to 6.24*10-5 m/s and diffusion coefficient (Dp) which equal to 9.875*10-10 m2/s for the Furfural system. The Langmuir model gave the best fit for the data at constant temperature (30oC). The pore diffusion mathematical model using nonlinear isotherm provides a good description of the adsorption of Furfural onto activated carbon.