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Reinforcement Steel Corrosion Reduction by Using Fly Ash from South Baghdad Power Plant
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Corrosion- induced damage in reinforced concrete structure such as bridges, parking garages, and buildings, and the related cost for maintaining them in a serviceable condition, is a source of major concern for the owners of these structures.
Fly ash produced from south Baghdad power plant with different concentrations (20, 25 and 30) % by weight from the cement ratio were used as a corrosion inhibitor as a weight ratio from the cement content.
The concrete batch ratio under study was (1:1.5:3) cement, sand and gravel respectively which is used in Iraq. All the raw materials used were locally manufactured.
Concrete slabs (250x250x70) mm dimensions were casted, using Poly-wood molds. Two steel bars were embedded in the central position of each slab at the mid- height (about 35 mm), with a space of 100 mm between each other.
A 16 concrete slabs were prepared (0, 20, 25 and 30) wt. % of fly ash. The specimens were partially immersed in 3.5 wt. % NaCl solution in order to predict the corrosion.
Half-cell potential test technique was used to estimate the corrosion rate which is occurred in the steel bar due to the migration of chloride ions through the concrete, depending on the ASTM C876-08.
The result shows that the potential values of steel in concrete were shifts to the positive direction with increasing the percentage of fly ash, because the reduction of porosity by the addition of fly ash which fill the pores and inhibit the chloride ions to reach to steel.
The results also show that the further increase of fly ash (30%) the possibility of carbonation is increased which result in reduction its alkalinity, thereby permitting corrosion of embedded steel.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 30 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Removal of Phenol from Water and Wastewater by Chemical Precipitation with Lime
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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
For assuming the presidency of the political power in contemporary Islamic thought
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مدة تولي رئاسة السلطة في الفكر السياسي الاسلامي المعاصر

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Modified Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2 based Environmental /Economic Power Dispatch
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A Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2 (SPEA 2) approach for solving the multi-objective Environmental / Economic Power Dispatch (EEPD) problem is presented in this paper. In the past fuel cost consumption minimization was the aim (a single objective function) of economic power dispatch problem. Since the clean air act amendments have been applied to reduce SO2 and NOX emissions from power plants, the utilities change their strategies in order to reduce pollution and atmospheric emission as well, adding emission minimization as other objective function made economic power dispatch (EPD) a multi-objective problem having conflicting objectives. SPEA2 is the improved version of SPEA with better fitness assignment, density estimation, an

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Low Power He:Ne Laser Radiation in Killing Photosensitized Helicobacter pylori in Vitro
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Four photosensitizers were used to test inhibitory effect of Helicobacter pylori bacteria using
low power helium: neon red laser radiation. Biopsies were collected from 176 patients and H. pylori were
isolated, identified and bacterial suspension was prepared. Samples of this suspension were mixed with
various low concentrations of the test sensitizer. The mixture samples were exposed to different laser
radiation doses. The samples were then inoculated and the inhibition zones were studied and compared
with their analogues of control samples. The most effective sensitizer with optimum concentration and
irradiation dose was determined. Statistical analysis of results was performed. The sensitizers' toluidine
blue and

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Power of language and carriers meaning in communication discourse: كاظم مؤنس عزيز
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It reveals speech communication whether it is legible audible or visible on a comprehensive formula inhabited open language on the modalities for reporting cases of the source say, making communication cognitive processes, is not to produce arguments as it is about the generation of the content of communication, so the contact of any kind remains practice for the cognitive action by the language in which it operates as a way agreed to their units between the poles of communication circle in the framework of a certain socio-cultural context, and that becomes the basis of the text of the message external referrals, making it feasible for multiple readings in semantic dimensions and deliberative

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Utilizing the Main Outfall Drain-Addalmage Lake System for Hydroelectric Power Generation
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The basic idea of the Main Outfall Drain, MOD, was to construct a main channel to collect saline drained water of the irrigation projects within central and southern parts of Iraq and discharge it down to the Arabian Gulf. The MOD has a navigation lock structures near Addalmage Lake at station 299.4km. This structure is designed to ensure navigation within the MOD. The water level difference upstream the cross regulator and the downstream conjugation structure is about 9m. This head difference can be used to generate electrical power by constricting a low head power plant. This study aimed to utilize the head difference in navigation lock structures for power generation. Different operation condition an

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
2018 Tenth International Conference On Advanced Computational Intelligence (icaci)
On low-level control strategies of lower extremity exoskeletons with power augmentation
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Scopus (9)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
International relations between balance of power and balance of threat (theoretical framework)
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The international order have been changed during the modern and contemporary history, and however those changing in international order doesn't go to beyond several concepts such as " balance of power";" conflict"; "power" and " threaten", which all those are depending on the fundamentals or basic terms which was called " power" or" hard power". In this time, we can say that the political relations among the effective units could be analyzed according to the concept of " balance of threaten" instead of the classic concept which had called " balance of power" that the scholars used to describe the international relations . In conclusion , the concept of " balance of threaten" has a significant importance in the studies of the internationa

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 27 2018
Journal Name
Revue Académique De La Recherche Juridique
Extent and limits of the judge's power to the contract (Comparative study)
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The contractual imbalance is perceived today by the majority of the doctrine as being one of the pitfalls to the execution of the contracts. As a result, most legislations grant judges the power to intervene to restore it. Granting the judge the power to complete the contract raises the question of the extent to which the judge can obtain such power. Is it an absolute authority that is not limited? If so, is it a broad discretion in which the judge operates in his conscience, or is it a power of limited scope by specific legal texts and conventions? This is what we will try to answer in this research.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The sustainable conflict of globalization And indicators of power rebalancingIn Islamic thought
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 Our research was launched in the study of the sustainable conflict of globalization and the rebalancing of the great powers that have made life on the earth unstable and insecure over the past and present eras, the purpose of which is to pay attention to the waste and instability that human societies are exposed to in different proportions between abstract right and continuous deviation.

The purpose of the study is to show the loss, waste and backwardness in managing and governing societies towards private interests, away from the standards of good institutional governance.

The study’s design was based on two demands, the first on the nature and eternity of

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