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Analytical Model for Detection the Tilt in Originally Oil Water Contacts
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Many carbonate reservoirs in the world show a tilted in originally oil-water contact (OOWC) which requires a special consideration in the selection of the capillary pressure curves and an understanding of reservoir fluids distribution while initializing the reservoir simulation models.
An analytical model for predicting the capillary pressure across the interface that separates two immiscible fluids was derived from reservoir pressure transient analysis. The model reflected the entire interaction between the reservoir-aquifer fluids and rock properties measured under downhole reservoir conditions.
This model retained the natural coupling of oil reservoirs with the aquifer zone and treated them as an explicit-region composite system; thus the exact solutions of diffusivity equation could be used explicitly for each region. The reservoir-aquifer zones were linked by a capillary transition zone that reflected the pressure difference across the free water level.
The principle of superposition theorem was applied to perform this link across the free water level to estimate the reflected aquifer pressure drop behavior that holds the fluid contacts in their equilibrium positions.
The results of originally oil water contact positions generated by the proposed model were compared with data obtained from a carbonate oil field; the results given by the model showed full agreement with the actual field data.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Information Systems And Change Management
Designing a knowledge management measurement for educational institutions: a qualitative research
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Small Binary Codebook Design for Image Compression Depending on Rotating Blocks
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     The searching process using a binary codebook of combined Block Truncation Coding (BTC) method and Vector Quantization (VQ), i.e. a full codebook search for each input image vector to find the best matched code word in the codebook, requires a long time.   Therefore, in this paper, after designing a small binary codebook, we adopted a new method by rotating each binary code word in this codebook into 900 to 2700 step 900 directions. Then, we systematized each code word depending on its angle  to involve four types of binary code books (i.e. Pour when , Flat when  , Vertical when, or Zigzag). The proposed scheme was used for decreasing the time of the coding procedure, with very small distortion per block, by designing s

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Assessment of Moisture Susceptibility for Asphalt Mixtures Modified by Carbon Fibers
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Moisture induced damage in asphaltic pavement might be considered as a serious defect that contributed to growth other distresses such as permanent deformation and fatigue cracking. This paper work aimed through an experimental effort to assess the behaviour of asphaltic mixtures that fabricated by incorporating several dosages of carbon fiber in regard to the resistance potential of harmful effect of moisture in pavement. Laboratory tests were performed on specimens containing fiber with different lengths and contents. These tests are: Marshall Test, the indirect tensile test and the index of retained strength. The optimum asphalt contents were determined based on the Marshall method. The preparation of asphaltic mixtures involved

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Materials Chemistry And Physics
BC2N nanotube as a promising anode for rechargeable calcium ion batteries
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Because of cost-effective production and abundant resources of calcium, Ca-ion batteries (CIBs) are an appropriate option to alternate Li-ion batteries (LIBs). A new category of anode materials for CIBs has emerged since the successful synthesis of carbon nanotubes, which are B and N doped derivatives of it. For high-performance CIBs, BC2N nanotube (BC2NNT) has been studied as promising anode materials. In order to comprehend electrochemical attributes, cycling stability, and adsorption behavior of BC2NNT, first-principles computations have been executed. Based on nuclear magnetic resonance computations, two types of hexagonal rings (B2C2N2 (I) and BC4N (II)) were specified that are non-aromatic. Ca has adsorption on B2C2N2 and BC4N with ad

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Iaes International Journal Of Artificial Intelligence
Reduced hardware requirements of deep neural network for breast cancer diagnosis
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Identifying breast cancer utilizing artificial intelligence technologies is valuable and has a great influence on the early detection of diseases. It also can save humanity by giving them a better chance to be treated in the earlier stages of cancer. During the last decade, deep neural networks (DNN) and machine learning (ML) systems have been widely used by almost every segment in medical centers due to their accurate identification and recognition of diseases, especially when trained using many datasets/samples. in this paper, a proposed two hidden layers DNN with a reduction in the number of additions and multiplications in each neuron. The number of bits and binary points of inputs and weights can be changed using the mask configuration

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design of L-Band Multiwavelength Laser for TDM/WDM PON Application
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This paper presents on the design of L-Band Multiwavelength laser for Hybrid Time Division Multiplexing/ Wavelength Division Multiplexing (TDM/WDM) Passive Optical Network (PON) application. In this design, an L-band Mulltiwavelength Laser is designed as the downstream signals for TDM/WDM PON. The downstream signals ranging from 1569.865 nm to 1581.973 nm with 100GHz spacing. The multiwavelength laser is designed using OptiSystem software and it is integrated into a TDM/WDM PON that is also designed using OptiSystem simulation software. By adapting multiwavelength fiber laser into a TDM/WDM network, a simple and low-cost downstream signal is proposed. From the simulation design, it is found that the proposed design is suitable to be used

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 04 2021
Journal Name
Iium Engineering Journal
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In the present paper, three reliable iterative methods are given and implemented to solve the 1D, 2D and 3D Fisher’s equation. Daftardar-Jafari method (DJM), Temimi-Ansari method (TAM) and Banach contraction method (BCM) are applied to get the exact and numerical solutions for Fisher's equations. The reliable iterative methods are characterized by many advantages, such as being free of derivatives, overcoming the difficulty arising when calculating the Adomian polynomial boundaries to deal with nonlinear terms in the Adomian decomposition method (ADM), does not request to calculate Lagrange multiplier as in the Variational iteration method (VIM) and there is no need to create a homotopy like in the Homotopy perturbation method (H

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 08 2022
Journal Name
Chalcogenide Letters
Synthesis and characterization of Cu2S:Al thin films for solar cell applications
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In this work Nano crystalline (Cu2S) thin films pure and doped 3% Al with a thickness of 400±20 nm was precipitated by thermic steaming technicality on glass substrate beneath a vacuum of ~ 2 × 10− 6 mbar at R.T to survey the influence of doping and annealing after doping at 573 K for one hour on its structural, electrical and visual properties. Structural properties of these movies are attainment using X-ray variation (XRD) which showed Cu2S phase with polycrystalline in nature and forming hexagonal temple ,with the distinguish trend along the (220) grade, varying crystallites size from (42.1-62.06) nm after doping and annealing. AFM investigations of these films show that increase average grain size from 105.05 nm to 146.54 nm

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Fabrication of In2O3: CdO Nanoparticles for NO2 Gas Sensor
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The physical and morphological characteristics of porous silicon (PS) synthesized via gas sensor was assessed by electrochemical etching for a Si wafer in diluted HF acid in water (1:4) at different etching times and different currents. The morphology for PS wafers by AFM show that the average pore diameter varies from 48.63 to 72.54 nm with increasing etching time from 5 to 15min and from 72.54 to 51.37nm with increasing current from 10 to 30 mA. From the study, it was found that the gas sensitivity of In2O3: CdO semiconductor, against NO2 gas, directly correlated to the nanoparticles size, and its sensitivity increases with increasing operating temperature.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
AlexNet-Based Feature Extraction for Cassava Classification: A Machine Learning Approach
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Cassava, a significant crop in Africa, Asia, and South America, is a staple food for millions. However, classifying cassava species using conventional color, texture, and shape features is inefficient, as cassava leaves exhibit similarities across different types, including toxic and non-toxic varieties. This research aims to overcome the limitations of traditional classification methods by employing deep learning techniques with pre-trained AlexNet as the feature extractor to accurately classify four types of cassava: Gajah, Manggu, Kapok, and Beracun. The dataset was collected from local farms in Lamongan Indonesia. To collect images with agricultural research experts, the dataset consists of 1,400 images, and each type of cassava has

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