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Experimental Work to Study the Behavior of Proppant Inside the Hydraulic Fractures and the Plugging Time
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Experiments were conducted to study the behavior of the solid particles (proppant) inside the hydraulic fracture during the formation stimulation, and study the effect of the proppant concentration on the hydraulic fracturing process, which lead to bridge and screen-out conditions inside the fractures across the fracture width that restricts fracturing fluid to flow into the hydraulic fracture. The research also studies the effect of the ratio between the fracture size and the average particles diameter “proppant", on fracture bridging. In this study two ratios were considered β= 2 and 3 ,where β=Dt / Dp where: Dt= hydraulic fracture size (width) and Dp=Average particles diameter.

This work presents experimental work to study the behavior of these particles (proppant) inside the hydraulic fractures by measuring the plugging time for different particles concentration for different conditions. The experimental data recorded for different particle concentration and one flowing forces (gravity) inside the hydraulic fracture. Most recorded experimental data obtained were analyzed by using SPSS software.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
Journal Name
The Place in the work of artists Nuri Alrawi and Saad Altai (Comparison Study)
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The Transformation of environments surrounding human which called (place), formed an intermediate compresser in forming awareness pictures, human knowledge, culture and thought features, and changing the systems and contexts of human societies, which led to a change the rhythm of life as a whole. So according to that the place will be encodes according to these data for psychological connotations, lead to human sense of harmony with the place in different manner format, here the search problem lies when trying to detect how Iraqi artist deliberating with the place concept, wondering how to investing place in the contemporary Iraqi drawing within its reference dimension, and showing mechanisms from comparative study for the works of two a

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2006
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Use of Spiral Computerized Tomography in the Diagnosis of Middle –Third Facial Fractures as Compared to Plain Radiography
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Background: Trauma is one of the most common
clinical problems that confront the maxillofacial
surgeon and radiologist alike. Middle third facial
fractures are diagnosed primarily on the bases of
clinical examination and plain radiographs than can
result in much preoperative speculation.
Objective: To assess the advantages of spiral
computerized tomography over conventional
radiography in the pre-surgical evaluation of middle
third facial fractures.
Methods: Thirty patients with thirty-eight facial
fractures were studied, all patients were examined
clinically, by plain radiography and then by spiral CT.
Results: Of the 38 middle-third fractures, 16
(42.1%) were zygomatic fractures, 8 (21.1%) were

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The Degree of Commitment of Social Workers Who Work in the ‎Ministry of Social Development to the Professional Principles of ‎the Social Work Profession under the Corona Pandemic
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The study aimed to identify the degree of commitment of social workers working in the Ministry of Social Development to the professional principles of the social work profession in light of the Corona pandemic, and the sample consisted of (135) specialists. The study reached several results: the most important one is  the degree of commitment of social workers working in the Ministry of Social Development to the professional principles of social service was great. The other result is the absence of statistically significant differences according to the variables of sex and place of residence. Moreover, the results also showed the absence of statistically significant differences in the principles of ( Acceptance o

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
An Experimental Study of Capillary Tubes Behavior With R-12 and R-134a
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Experimental work has been performed on three capillary tubes of different lengths and diameters using R-12 and R-134a. The test also studies the effect of discharge and speed of evaporator fan. The results clearly showed that refrigerant type and discharge significantly influence the temperature drop across the capillary tube. While the speed of evaporator fan has small effect. Experimental results showed that the temperature gradient for the two refrigerants are the same, but after approximatly one meter the temperature gradient of R-134a  is steeper than R-12.


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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study the Impact Behavior of the Prosthetic Lower Limb Lamination Materials Due to Low Velocity Impactor
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This work involves three parts ,  first part  is manufacturing different types of laminated below knee prosthetic socket materials with different classical laminated materials used in Baghdad center for prosthetic and orthotic (4perlon layers+2carbon fiber layer+4 perlon layers) , two suggested laminated materials(3perlon layers+2carbon fiber layer+3 perlon layers) and (3perlon layers+1carbon fiber layer+3 perlon layers) ) in order to choose perfect laminated socket . The second part tests (Impact test) the laminated materials specimens used in socket manufacturing in order to get the impact properties for each socket materials groups using an experimental rig designed especially for this purpose. The interface pressure between

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
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The right to property is a constitutional restriction on the work of the tax legislator
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The study aims to reach a common point that achieves a balance between two interests, which are generally in conflict with the public interest and the interest of the individual owner of private property, by extrapolating the provisions of the constitutional judiciary that include the protection of private property, and this protection extends to every right of financial value and is not limited to a specific type, but It included everything that can be estimated with money, as ownership is no longer an advantage for the owner, but rather has become a right for him and a social function. The tax is imposed on what is derived from it, but if there is a need to prejudice it, the conditions, limits and restrictions expressly stipulated in the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Forced State Fair Workers "Trades and professions" To work from the perspective of the Islamic economy
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The origin of occupations and trades producing goods and services necessary for the members of society
When people are designated to perform this task, in which case the state of change is included in the imposition of adequate labor rights, and may change from imposing sufficient to imposing the eye
Does the state have the right to compel "tradesmen and professions" to do their jobs?
Therefore, this research came to address the legitimacy of this from the perspective of the Islamic economy.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Anbar Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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A hydraulic platform was manufactured to serve palm trees and to enhance palm tree services, with a height of 12 meters, by the General Company for Hydraulic Industries, one of the Ministry of Industry's formations. This platform was tested in the field after being manufactured according to a randomized complete block design using split-split plots with three factors. The first factor represented the shape of the orchard land, with two levels (flat land and uneven land), serving as the main plots. The second factor had three levels representing palm tree heights (4, 8, and 12 meters), which served as the sub-plots. The third factor was the palm tree services, represented at three levels (pruning, pollination, and harvesting), with each trea

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Building and rationing test to measure the kinetic response to the movement of the player defender basketball junior time
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The researchers believe the problem of searching the scarcity or limited tests of time kinetic response led to scarcity or limited availability of experimental research in exercises codified within the training curriculum for the junior class, and therefore has been weakening this physical variable as an important episode in the development of the players physical capacities as well as the lack of measure for this variable within the defensive skills in general and the skill of the player movement defender in particular, and it represents the goal of research in the treatment of the above through the construction and rationing test to measure the kinetic response to the movement of the player defender basketball junior time. Chosen as the r

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 29 2020
Journal Name
Energy & Fuels
Stable Dispersion of Coal Fines during Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback in Coal Seam Gas Reservoirs—An Experimental Study
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In subterranean coal seam gas (CSG) reservoirs, massive amounts of small-sized coal fines are released during the production and development stages, especially during hydraulic fracturing stimulation. These coal fines inevitably cause mechanical pump failure and permeability damage due to aggregation and subsequent pore-throat blockage. This aggregation behavior is thus of key importance in CSG production and needs to be minimized. Consequently, such coal fines dispersions need to be stabilized, which can be achieved by the formulation of improved fracturing fluids. Here, we thus systematically investigated the effectiveness of two additives (ethanol, 0.5 wt % and SDBS, 0.001 and 0.01 wt %) on dispersion stability for a wide range of condit

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