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Effect of Process Variables, Adsorption Kinetics and Equilibrium Studies of Hexavalent Chromium Removal from Aqueous Solution by Date Seeds and its Activated Carbon by ZnCl2

The adsorption of hexavalent chromium by preparing activated carbon from date seeds with zinc chloride as chemical activator and granular date seeds was studied in a batch system. The characteristics of date seeds and prepared activated carbon (ZAC) were determined and found to have a surface area 500.01 m2/g and 1050.01  m2/g , respectively and  iodine number of 485.78 mg/g and 1012.91  mg/g, respectively. The effects of PH value (2-12), initial sorbate concentration(50-450mg/L), adsorbent weight (0.004-0.036g) and contact time (30-150 min) on the adsorption process were studied . For Cr(VI) adsorption on ZAC, at 120 min time contact, pH solution 2 and 0.02  adsorbent  weight  will achieve an amount of 35.6 mg/g adsorbed  . While when use date seeds as adsorbent , conditions of 3 solution pH, 0.02 absorbent  weight , and 120 contact time gave  26.49 mg/g adsorbed amount. Using both Langmuir, Freundlich and Sips models were explain the dsorption isotherms. It declare  that the Sips model fits well with the experimental data with a maximum  Cr( VI) adsorption capacity for (ZAC) and granular date stone 233.493 and  208.055  mg/g, respectively . The kinetics data which obtained at different initial Cr(VI)  concentrations  were examined by using pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, and intra-particle diffusion models . The result gained showed that the second-order model was only describing well the empirical kinetics data of both (ZAC) and granular date seeds. It was noticed that the granular date seeds has   adsorption performance lower than the (ZAC).

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 25 2022
Journal Name
Hiv Nursing

Sliver / Sliver chloride is as old used from human but the sliver / sliver chloride nanoparticles have only recently been recogenized. They have used in medicin and agiculture. In the present study have been investigation the effecte biosynthesis Sliver / Sliver chloride nanoparticles as antibacterial by demonstrated that Ag / AgCl NPs arrest the growth of many bacterial: S.typhimurium, k. pneumonia. S. aureus, L.monocytogenes, B. Anthracis, E. coli, C. frundi, S. Pneumonia, P. Aeruginosa. The elements compestion and crystallization panal of biosynthesized nanoparticles were chracterazated by FTIR, XRD and SEM. From XRD, It is confirmed the synthesized nanoparticles contain Sliver / Sliver chloride elements. Synthesized Ag / AgCl NPs showed

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Mechanical Properties Enhancement of Conventional Glass Ionomer Cement by Adding Zirconium Oxide Micro and Nanoparticles

The aim of this work is to enhance the mechanical properties of the glass ionomer cement GIC (dental materials) by adding Zirconium Oxide ZrO2 in both micro and nano particles. GIC were mixed with (3, 5 and 7) wt% of both ZrO2 micro and nanoparticles separately. Compressive strength (CS), biaxial flexural strength (BFS), Vickers Microhardness (VH) and wear rate losses (WR) were investigated. The maximum compression strength was 122.31 MPa with 5 wt. % ZrO2 micro particle, while 3wt% nanoparticles give highest Microhardness and biaxial flexural strength of 88.8 VHN and 35.79 MPa respectively. The minimum wear rate losses were 3.776µg/m with 7 wt. % ZrO2 nanoparticle. GIC-contai

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Crossref (11)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Prevent administrative and financial corruption behaviors by activating the functions of the organizational immunity system

The current research aims at testing the relationship between organizational immunity and preventing administrative and financial corruption (AFC) in Iraq. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences program (R& SPSS) was used to analyse the associated questionnaire data. The research problem has examined how to activate the functions of the organizational immune system to enable it to face organizational risks, attempt to prevent administrative and financial corruption, and access the mechanisms by which to develop organizational immunity. A sample of 161 individuals was taken who worked in the Directorate General of Education, Karbala. Also, it was concluded to a lack of memory function for organizational immunity. In a

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Sedimentary Basin Reconstruction and Tectonic Development of Paleocene-Eocene Succession, Southern Iraq, by Geohistory Analysis

The Paleocene-Early Eocene sequence is represented by Aliji and Umm Er Radhuma formations, while the Middle-Late Eocene sequence is represented by Jaddala and Dammam formations. The Rus Formation has been described and its basin was analyzed separately because it was deposited during the regression period (Middle Eocene), which is a transitional period between these two cycles.  

This study includes analysis of the geohistory of this succession,  interpretation of the changes of the accumulation, and calculation of subsidence rates. The results were compared with the space available to explain the basin development. The study site included the boreholes of Garraf-84 and 92, Halfaya-1, Nasirya-13 and 40, and Noor-5 at th

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Scopus (5)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun May 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Thickness Influence on Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Thermal Evaporation

Zinc Oxide transparent thin films (ZnO) with different thickness from (220 to 420)nm
±15nm were prepared by thermal evaporation technique onto glass substrates at 200 with
the deposition rate of (10 2) nm sec
, X-ray diffraction patterns confirm the proper phase
formation of the material. The investigation of (XRD) indicates that the (ZnO) film is
polycrystalline type of Hexagonal and the preferred orientation along (002) plane. The Optical
properties of ZnO were determined through the optical transmission method using ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer with wavelength (300 – 1100) nm. The optical band gap values of
ZnO thin films were slightly increased from (2.9 - 3.1) eV as the film thickn

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

Soil suction is one of the most important parameters describing the moisture condition of unsaturated soils. The measurement of soil suction is crucial for applying the theories of the engineering behavior of unsaturated soils.
The filter paper method is one of the soil suction measurement techniques In this paper, five soil samples were collected from five sites within Baghdad city – al-Rasafa region. These soils have different properties and they were prepared at different degrees of saturation. For each sample, the total and matric suction were measured by the filter paper method at different degrees of saturation. Then correlations were made between the soil properties and the total and matric suction. It was concluded that the

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Spectrophotometric Determination of Nirite By The Diazotization Coupling With Aniline and 4,6 Dihydroxy-2 Mercaptopyrimidine

A direct  spectrophotometric method  has  been  developed  for  the

determination of nitrite  in aqueous  solution.  The method  is based on the  reaction  of  the nitritw  ion with an acidified  anline  solution from diazonium  cation   , which   is   subsequently  coupled   Â·with  4,6   - dihydroxy- 2- mercapto  pyrimidine to from yellow colored  and water

- soluble  intense  azo dye  with maximum  absorption at  416nm  . A

graph  of  absorbance  versus  concentration  shows   that  Bee's

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Theoretical Study for Performance Enhancement of Air Solar Collectors by Using Different Absorbers

An experimental and theoretical study has been done to investigate the thermal performance of different types of air solar collectors, In this work air solar collector with a dimensions of (120 cm x90 cm x12 cm) , was tested under climate condition of  Baghdad city with a (43° tilt angel)  by using  the absorber plate (1.45 mm thickness, 115 cm height x 84 cm width), which was manufactured from iron painted with a black matt.

The experimental test deals with five types of absorber:-

 Conventional smooth flat plate absorber , Finned absorber , Corrugated absorber plate, Iron wire mesh on absorber And matrix of porous media  on absorber .

The hourly and average efficiency of the collectors

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Electrical properties of pure NiO and NiO:Au thin films prepared by using pulsed laser deposition

The electrical properties of pure NiO and NiO:Au Films which are
deposited on glass substrate with various dopant concentrations
(1wt.%, 2wt%, 3wt.% and 4wt.%) at room temperature 450 Co
annealing temperature will be presented. The results of the hall effect
showed that all the films were p-type. The Hall mobility decreases
while both carrier concentration and conductivity increases with the
increasing of annealing temperatures and doping percentage, Thus,
indicating the behavior of semiconductor, and also the D.C
conductivity from which the activation energy decrease with the
doping concentration increase and transport mechanism of the charge
carriers can be estimated.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improve Rheological Properties of Palygorskite Water-Based Drilling Fluid by Caustic Soda and Soda Ash

In drilling fluid program, selecting the drilling fluid that will reduce the lost time is the first objective, and will be economical regardless of its cost. The amount and type of solids in drilling fluid is the primary control of the rheological and filtration properties. Palygorskite clay (attapulgite) is an active solid that has the ability to reactive with its environment and form a gel structure within a fluid and due to its stability in the presence of brines and electrolytes this type of clay is preferred for use. The aim of this study is to improve properties of Iraqi palygorskite (PAL) by adding different chemical additives such as caustic soda NaOH and soda ash Na2CO3 with a different con

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Crossref (5)