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Effect of Process Variables, Adsorption Kinetics and Equilibrium Studies of Hexavalent Chromium Removal from Aqueous Solution by Date Seeds and its Activated Carbon by ZnCl2
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The adsorption of hexavalent chromium by preparing activated carbon from date seeds with zinc chloride as chemical activator and granular date seeds was studied in a batch system. The characteristics of date seeds and prepared activated carbon (ZAC) were determined and found to have a surface area 500.01 m2/g and 1050.01  m2/g , respectively and  iodine number of 485.78 mg/g and 1012.91  mg/g, respectively. The effects of PH value (2-12), initial sorbate concentration(50-450mg/L), adsorbent weight (0.004-0.036g) and contact time (30-150 min) on the adsorption process were studied . For Cr(VI) adsorption on ZAC, at 120 min time contact, pH solution 2 and 0.02  adsorbent  weight  will achieve an amount of 35.6 mg/g adsorbed  . While when use date seeds as adsorbent , conditions of 3 solution pH, 0.02 absorbent  weight , and 120 contact time gave  26.49 mg/g adsorbed amount. Using both Langmuir, Freundlich and Sips models were explain the dsorption isotherms. It declare  that the Sips model fits well with the experimental data with a maximum  Cr( VI) adsorption capacity for (ZAC) and granular date stone 233.493 and  208.055  mg/g, respectively . The kinetics data which obtained at different initial Cr(VI)  concentrations  were examined by using pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, and intra-particle diffusion models . The result gained showed that the second-order model was only describing well the empirical kinetics data of both (ZAC) and granular date seeds. It was noticed that the granular date seeds has   adsorption performance lower than the (ZAC).

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Publication Date
Wed May 03 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Security of Iris Recognition and Voice Recognition Techniques
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  Recently, biometric technologies are used widely due to their improved security that decreases cases of deception and theft. The biometric technologies use physical features and characters in the identification of individuals. The most common biometric technologies are: Iris, voice, fingerprint, handwriting and hand print. In this paper, two biometric recognition technologies are analyzed and compared, which are the iris and sound recognition techniques. The iris recognition technique recognizes persons by analyzing the main patterns in the iris structure, while the sound recognition technique identifies individuals depending on their unique voice characteristics or as called voice print. The comparison results show that the resul

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 26 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis And Characterization Of Some 1,3,4 - Thiadiazole Derivatives
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  A series of N- benzoyl  - 2 – alkyl -1- ( 2- thio – 1,3,4- thiadiazole -5- yl ) , have been synthesized from DL- α– amino acids , The methyl and sulfon thio ethers of these compounds were also prepared , representative samples of the prepared compounds were characterized from their IR- spectrum and elemental analysis .

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The small provisions of his upbringing and manners
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Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad and his good and pure family. At the end of this research, we summarize some of the most important findings of our research, namely:
Raising a child properly from childhood leads to integrity in the life of the individual society, and if the young raised bad education, this education will affect itself and society negatively, so on parents and government institutions in any country to take care of children, and Islamic countries Specifically to give the child great attention; he is raised on the Koran and watered from its fountains, and armed with a weapon of morality from a young age, and to understand the biography of Mustafa (peace be upon h

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Cancer Patients’ Experiences and Understanding of Venous Thromboembolism
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Background: Venous thromboembolism (VTE), comprising deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), presents an extra challenge in the management of patients with cancer, given the increase in morbidity and mortality in having both conditions. Cancer patients are well known to have a high risk of VTE; particularly; those who have had major surgery, chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy. These groups of patients need to understand the risk factors and the prophylactic measures to prevent developing VTE. This review aims to provide an overview of the literature on cancer patients’ understanding of VTE and their experiences of cancer-associated thrombosis (CAT).

Method: A scoping review wa

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The structural and mechanical properties of ion beam
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the structrual and mechanical properties of thin Ni films of different thicknesses deposited on coring glass substrate using lonbeam sputtering(IBS) technique under vacuum torr have been studied the TEM and electron

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Electrical, thermal and optical characteristics of plasma torch
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Non thermal argon plasma needle at atmospheric pressure was constructed. The experimental set up was based on simple and low cost electric components that generate electrical field sufficiently high at the electrodes to ionize various gases which flow at atmospheric pressure. A high AC power supply was used with 9.6kV peak to peak and 33kHz frequency. The plasma was generated using two electrodes. The voltage and current discharge waveform were measured. The temperature of Ar gas plasma jet at different gas flow rate and distances from the plasma electrode was also recorded. It was found that the temperature increased with increasing frequency to reach the maximum value at 15 kHz, and that the current leading the voltage, which demonstra

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Analysis and Development of Customer Billing Telephony System
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The telecommunications industry has gone through series of development efforts to provide quality services to their consumers. Generally, telecommunication industry provides two main services such as telephony and internet which involved customer registration, billing and payment. However, the challenge confronting telecommunications industry is to meet the customer satisfaction in the billing system such as accuracy, easy to understand and unambiguous billing issue. In order to develop Customer Billing Telephony System,a user experience study is conducted to gather the user requirements. Hence, the CBTS was developed that takes into consideration user’s value experience that provides a support for managing and monitoring billing proce

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Epoxy-Graphite Composites
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This search study the effect of particle size of graphite on the mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy composites, where graphite adopted with particle sizes (45,53,75) ?m, respectively, and the percentages by weight (0,1,3,5,7,9)% for each size of this three particle sizes.Mechanical properties represented by the bending (three-point bending) and through which the conclusion is bending stress and modulus of elasticity, thermal properties were either through thermal conductivity tests.The results showed that the ratio(1%) is the maximum value of bending stress at the three particle size and the (45 ?m) is the maximum.Thermal conductivity result show is the maximum value at ratio (1%) of particle size(53 ?m)

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Sources of Threatening Educational Security: Means and Effects
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Today’s world confronts various threats from different sources. Similar to deprivation of energy, economic facilities, or political deposition, educational poisoning is one of the dangerous phenomena that result from distorting and corrupting the ethical and educational components of teaching by various material and non – material means.This paper sheds light on the concept of the educational system which is not a mere process of teaching, but rather an endless process of socialization that begins in the family and develops into religious, ethical, scientific and mythological systems, all of which form the cognitive component. It also defines the necessary means by which it is transmitted from one generation into another. The educati

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Chitosan and Keratin Hydrolysate Treatment of Archived Newsprint
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  The study is focused on the modification of the standardized newspaper with natural polymers chitosan and keratin hydrolysate applied on the paper surface from polymer solution. This modification is based particularly on the formation of the complexes between acidic surface groups on cellulose fibers and the natural polymers which improved the mechanical properties of the paper and the positive results which were observed particularly in folding endurance of the newspaper.

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