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Production of High Surface Area Activated Carbon from Grass (Imperata)
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In this work the production of activated carbon (AC) from Imperata is done by microwave assisted Potassium hydroxide (KOH) activation and using this activated carbon for the purpose of the uptake of amoxicillin (AMX) by adsorption process from aqueous solution. The effects for irradiation power (450-800W), irradiation time (6-12min) as well as impregnation ratio (0.5-1 g/g) on the AMX uptake and yield AMX uptake at an initial concentration of AMX (150 mg/g). The optimum conditions were 700 W irradiation power, 10 min time of irradiation, as well as 0.8 g/g impregnation ratio with 14.821% yield and 12.456 mg/g AMX uptake. Total volume of hole and the area of the surface (BET) are 0.3027 m³/g, and 552.7638 m²/g respectively. The properties for the activated carbon were examined via Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study of the matter density distributions of halo nuclei 6He and 16C using the binary cluster model
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The harmonic oscillator (HO) and Gaussian (GS) wave functions within the binary cluster model (BCM) have been employ to investigate the ground state neutron, proton and matter densities as well as the elastic form factors of two- neutron 6He and 16C halo nuclei. The long tail is a property that is clearly revealed in the density of the neutrons since it is found in halo orbits. The existence of a long tail in the neutron density distributions of 6He and 16C indicating that these nuclei have a neutron halo structure. Moreover, the matter rms radii and the reaction cross section (𝜎𝑅 ) of these nuclei have been calculated using the Glauber model.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Transition Metal Dopant on the Electrical Properties of ZnO-TiO2 Films Prepared by PLD Technique
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In this article, the influence of group nano transition metal oxides such as {(MnO2), (Fe2O3) and (CuO)} thin films on the (ZnO-TiO2) electric characteristics have been analyzed. The prepared films deposited on glass substrate laser Nd-YAG with wavelength (ℷ =1064 nm) ,energy of (800mJ) and number of shots (400). The density of the film was found to be (200 nm) at room temperature (RT) and annealing temperature (573K).Using DC Conductivity and Hall Effect, we obtained the electrical properties of the films. The DC Conductivity shows that that the activation energies decrease while the σRT at annealing temperature with different elements increases the formation of mixed oxides. The Hall effect, the elec

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine on Hearing Status of Young Ages (Medical College Students as a Sample)
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Many studies dealt with the consequences of  SARS CoV-2  (which cause COVID-19 infection) on the nervous system especially sensory nerves where the virus causes loss of taste and smell as it’s known, and may affect auditory nerves and be the expected cause of some hearing problems. A case-control analytic study was performed on a connivance sample of society of university students from a medical faculty. Each participant filled out a questionnaire contains demographic data and general, auditory and respiratory health condition, in addition to vaccination status. In the other side, the audio- examinations were performed on the study sample including Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) and tympanometry. Two statistical methods; chi-square and t

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Aneurysmal bone cyst of the lateral end of clavicle in a twelfth year old girl Case study
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Introduction: An aneurysmal bone cyst are enigmatic lesionof unknown cause and presentation and are difficult todistinguish from other lesions, it is a benign, but expansibletumor like lesion that generally occurs in the long bones. Ananeurysmal bone cyst arising from the flat bone like clavicleis rare .Case presentation: We report a 12-year-old girl child with ananeurysmal bone cyst of the lateral third of left clavicletreated with enblock resection. The pathologic findingsconfirmed the diagnosis of aneurysmal bone cyst. Thepatient has been followed up for one year with no evidenceof recurrence .Conclusion: En bloc resection can be curative and provide good results for this rare type of clavicle tumour.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 24 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The FSHR Polymorphisms Association With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Women of Erbil, Kurdistan in North of Iraq
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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder in women during fertilization age that reflects changing clinical symptoms. The genetic concept of PCOS is unclear and no significant genetic association with PCOS has been established. The level of Follicle stimulating hormone FSH is encoded by FSH receptor (FSHR) and abnormal FSHR affects follicle cogenesis and ovary and consist of 9 introns, 10 exons, and the region of chromosome promoter at 2p21. Sample of 93PCOS patients and 52 controls were collected from Province of Erbil in north of Iraq. Genomic DNA was extracted from the blood and genotype dissected was improved for the two population of study using PCR-RFLP with the restriction enzyme Eam1105I

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Crossref (9)
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
International News Agencies Treatment of the Great Return Marches A Case Study of Agence France Presse “AFP”
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This study examines Agence France Presse’s (AFP) media treatment of the Great Return Marches in order to identify its contents, the issues it gave attention to, its sources, attitude, techniques, objectives, the journalistic forms used in covering events and the typographic elements used to highlight them.

This descriptive study employed the survey methodology through the use of content analysis method, and the methodology of mutual relations through the use of the case study method. The data was collected by means of a content analysis form. The study was based on the Agenda Setting Theory in the analysis of the study results.
The study sample included (116) news texts from AFP collected during the period from 20/3/2018 to

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The relation between some of phenotype characteristics of corn and infection by corn stem borer Sesamia cretica.
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This study was conducted to know the effect of some phenotype characteristics of corn plant on infection by (CSB), using 13 genotypes of corn plant, planting during autumn season 1997 and 1998. The result revealed that the mean of plant height (with male flowering) was (183-219) cm, the mean of leaf No./ plant in all genotypes was (16-18) leaf but the leaf area of plant was (4350-6249) cm2, there were significant differences of phenotype characteristics between genotypes ,the percentage of infection by (CSB) was (5.9-35.9),% the result showed that the phenotype characteristics had non effect on the infection percentage by (CSB) and the correlation coefficient was not significant.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives J.
Effect of planting distance on yield and yield components of four introduced upland rice varieties underaerobic conditions
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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Tharthar-Tigris Canal on the Environmental Properties of the Tigris River Northern Baghdad, Iraq
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The present study is considered the first on this sector of the Tigris River after 2003. It is designed for two aims, the first is to demonstrate the seasonal variations in physicochemical parameters of Tharthar-Tigris Canal and Tigris River; the second is to explain the possible effects of canal on some environmental properties in the Tigris River. Water samples were being collected monthly. Six sampling sites were selected, two on Tharthar Canal and four along the Tigris River, one before the confluence as a control site and the others downstream the confluence with the canal. For a period from January to December 2020, nineteen physicochemical parameters were investigated including air and water temperature, turbidity, electrical cond

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Al Mustansiriyah Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
The influence of different concentrations of aqueous green tea extract on methotrexate induced haematological toxicity in rats
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Methotrexate (MTX), a folic acid antagonist is widely used for the treatment of a variety of tumors. In the present study, the possible protective effect of aqueous green tea extract (AGTE) in methotrexate-induced haematotoxicity was investigated.Four main groups of white Albino rats were used: control group, (MTX) group, following a single dose of MTX (20 mg/kg, i.p.) saline was administered for 5 days. (AGTE) group, was treated with 1.25% concentration of AGTE only for 12 days and the (MTX+AGTE) group, in thism group rats received different concentrations of AGTE (0.625, 1.25 and 2.5%), as their sole source of drinking water, 7days before and 5 days after MTX treatment. MTX induced significant decreases in RBC, Hb, Hct, WBC and pl

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