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Multiphase Flow Behavior Prediction and Optimal Correlation Selection for Vertical Lift Performance in Faihaa Oil Field, Iraq
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In the petroleum industry, multiphase flow dynamics within the tubing string have gained significant attention due to associated challenges. Accurately predicting pressure drops and wellbore pressures is crucial for the effective modeling of vertical lift performance (VLP). This study focuses on predicting the multiphase flow behavior in four wells located in the Faihaa oil field in southern Iraq, utilizing PIPESIM software. The process of selecting the most appropriate multiphase correlation was performed by utilizing production test data to construct a comprehensive survey data catalog. Subsequently, the results were compared with the correlations available within the PIPESIM software. The outcomes reveal that the Hagedorn and Brown (HB) correlation provides the most accurate correlation for calculating pressure in FH-1 and FH-3 while the Beggs and Brill original (BBO) correlation proves to be the optimal fit for wells FH-2 and Gomez mechanistic model for FH-4. These correlations show the lowest root mean square (RMS) values of 11.5, 7.56, 8.889, and 6.622 for the four wells, respectively, accompanied by the lowest error ratios of 0.00692%, 0.00033%, 0.00787%, and 0.0011%, respectively. Conversely, Beggs and Brill original (BBO) correlation yields less accurate results in predicting pressure drop for FH-1 compared with other correlations. Similarly, correlations, such as Orkiszewski for FH-2, Duns and Ros for FH-3, and ANSARI for FH-4, also display less accuracy level. Notably, the study also identifies that single-phase flow dominates within the tubing string until a depth of 6000 feet in most wells, beyond which slug flow emerges, introducing significant production challenges. As a result, the study recommends carefully selecting optimal operational conditions encompassing variables such as wellhead pressure, tubing dimensions, and other pertinent parameters. This approach is crucial to prevent the onset of slug flow regime and thus mitigate associated production challenges.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Applied Soft Computing
A new evolutionary based routing protocol for clustered heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Swarm And Evolutionary Computation
Energy-aware evolutionary routing protocol for dynamic clustering of wireless sensor networks
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems
Real-Time Intersection-Based Segment Aware Routing Algorithm for Urban Vehicular Networks
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High vehicular mobility causes frequent changes in the density of vehicles, discontinuity in inter-vehicle communication, and constraints for routing protocols in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). The routing must avoid forwarding packets through segments with low network density and high scale of network disconnections that may result in packet loss, delays, and increased communication overhead in route recovery. Therefore, both traffic and segment status must be considered. This paper presents real-time intersection-based segment aware routing (RTISAR), an intersection-based segment aware algorithm for geographic routing in VANETs. This routing algorithm provides an optimal route for forwarding the data packets toward their destination

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 23 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hazard Rate Estimation Using Varying Kernel Function for Censored Data Type I
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     In this research, several estimators concerning the estimation are introduced. These estimators are closely related to the hazard function by using one of the nonparametric methods namely the kernel function for censored data type with varying bandwidth and kernel boundary. Two types of bandwidth are used:  local bandwidth and global bandwidth. Moreover, four types of boundary kernel are used namely: Rectangle, Epanechnikov, Biquadratic and Triquadratic and the proposed function was employed with all kernel functions. Two different simulation techniques are also used for two experiments to compare these estimators. In most of the cases, the results have proved that the local bandwidth is the best for all the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Measurement of Photon Buildup Factor for Samples of Iraqi Carbon Black Material
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The buildup factor was measured after irradiating Iraq carbon black powder using each of and sources respectively, using mixing ratios 40% & 50% for thickness range . The results showed that the buildup factor depends on energy and has limited dependence on the mixing ratio. The QIFT program succeeded accenting for the experimental results even for expected values more than 4 m.f.p outside the thickness range.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Voltage Profile Enhancing Using HVDC for 132KV Power System: Kurdistan Case Study
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Nowadays power systems are huge networks that consist of electrical energy sources, static and lumped load components, connected over long distances by A.C. transmission lines. Voltage improvement is an important aspect of the power system. If the issue is not dealt with properly, may lead to voltage collapse.  In this paper, HVDC links/bipolar connections were inserted in a power system in order to improve the voltage profile. The load flow was simulated by Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP.16) program in which Newton- Raphson method is used. The load flow simulation studies show a significant enhancement of the power system performance after applying HVDC links on Kurdistan power systems. Th

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studies on solution – growth thin films of CdS : Zn for photovoltaic application
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Structural, optical, and electrical properties of thin films of CdS : Zn prepared by the solution – growth technique are reported as a function of zinc concentration. CdS are window layers influencing the photovoltaic response of CIS solar cells. The zinc doping concentration was varied from 0.05 to 0.5 wt %, zinc doping apparently increase the band gap and lowers the resistivity. All beneficial optical properties of chemically deposited CdS thin films for application as window material in heterojunction optoelectronic devices are retained. Heat treatment in air at 400 °C for 1h modify crystalline structure, optical, and electrical properties of solution growth deposited CdS : Zn films.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Derivation of Embedded Diagonally Implicit Methods for Directly Solving Fourth-order ODEs
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EDIRKTO, an Implicit Type Runge-Kutta  Method of Diagonally Embedded pairs, is a novel approach presented in the paper that may be used to solve 4th-order ordinary differential equations of the form . There are two pairs of EDIRKTO, with three stages each: EDIRKTO4(3) and EDIRKTO5(4). The derivation techniques of the method indicate that the higher-order pair is more accurate, while the lower-order pair provides superior error estimates. Next, using these pairs as a basis, we developed variable step codes and applied them to a series of -order ODE problems. The numerical outcomes demonstrated how much more effective their approach is in reducing the quantity of function evaluations needed to resolve fourth-order ODE issues.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Automated method for buried object detecting using ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey
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  Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a nondestructive geophysical technique that uses electromagnetic waves to evaluate subsurface information. A GPR unit emits a short pulse of electromagnetic energy and is able to determine the presence or absence of a target by examining the reflected energy from that pulse. GPR is geophysical approach that use band of the radio spectrum. In this research the function of GPR has been summarized as survey different buried objects such as (Iron, Plastic(PVC), Aluminum) in specified depth about (0.5m) using antenna of 250 MHZ, the response of the each object can be recognized as its shapes, this recognition have been performed using image processi

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Simulation of Batch Reactive Distillation for Biodiesel Production from Oleic Acid Esterification
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The present work concerns with simulating unsteady state equilibrium model for production of methyl oleate (biodiesel) from reaction of oleic acid with methanol using sulfuric acid as a catalyst in batch reactive distillation. MESHR equations of equilibrium model were solved using MATLAB (R2010a). The validity of simulation model was tested by comparing the simulation results with a data available in literature. UNIQUAC liquid phase activity coefficient model is the most appropriate model to describe the non-ideality of OLAC-MEOH-MEOL-H2O system. The chemical reactions rates results from EQ model indicating the rates are controlled by chemical kinetics. Several variables was studied such as molar ratio of methanol to oleic acid 4:1, 6:1

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