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موقف الهند من الحرب الروسية الأوكرانية 2022
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اتخذت الهند موقفاً محايداً من الحرب الروسية الأوكرانية، لما له من أبعاد سياسية واقتصادية وعسكرية مع أطراف الصراع في الحرب، وقناعتها بعدم قدرتها على التأثير فيها. فهي تربطها علاقات استراتيجية تاريخية مع روسيا، الداعمة لها سياسياً في مجلس الأمن والوسيط ضد خصومها الصين وباكستان. لذلك الهند مقتنعة بأن أوكرانيا تُعدّ مجالاً للنفوذ الروسي الذي عمل حلف شمال الأطلسي على التوسع به رغم التحذيرات الروسية. لذا أيقنت الهند أن أفضل موقف تتخذه هو التوازن والحياد في علاقاتها مع الجميع، حتى تكون مقصد الجميع. وتجتمع الهند برؤية مشتركة مع روسيا والصين تجاه نشوء نظام عالمي مُتعدد الأقطاب. وتنبثق أبعاد مواقف الهند من الحرب الروسية الأوكرانية، من قاعدة العلاقات الاقتصادية الإستراتيجية مع روسيا والتي تخدم مصالحهما، مثل اعتماد الهند على واردات الطاقة الروسية المخفضة وبناء الموانئ والممرات والطاقة النووية...، والتي يُستبعد أن تحصل عليها من الولايات المتحدة والغرب. لكن الهند أيضاً منفتحة لتطوير علاقاتها الاقتصادية والتكنولوجية مع الولايات المتحدة والغرب خصوصاً مع عرض دمجها في شبكة جديدة من سلاسل التوريد العالمية، وضمها إلى G7 وترأسها لمجموعة G20 لعام 2023 الذي تطمح أن تطرح مشروعها العالمي للتجارة الرقمية. ويُعد التعاون العسكري الهندي الروسي حجر الزاوية للشراكة الاستراتيجية المتميزة بينهما، وتصل نسبة تسليح القوات العسكرية الهندية من 70-80% في السلاح الجوي والبري والبحري. ودعمت روسيا الهند بالتقنيات العسكرية وأخر اصدارات التحديث وفي تكنولوجيا الصواريخ التي تفوق سرعة الصوت والمفاعل النووية وتوقيع اتفاقيات منظومة S-400 وحتى S-500 الروسية وعقود تزويد الهند بالطائرات الحديثة MG29. لذا قد تتجه الهند نحو عقد عقود تسليح مع الولايات المتحدة والغرب انطلاقاً من موقفها المتوازن ما بين دول الأطراف في الصراع.

Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Saba is a semantic study of examples of pronouns
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which is much useful in the Arabic Language generally in the Holly Quran especially. It is the pronoun  I have taken in the semantic aspect from it and I have done on the surra sabba which varities  the semantical pronoun in it among the pronoun of the speaker the conscience of the addressee the absent  such the the siprat pronoun that comes in it with the explanation for its importance and its work and this is the subject of the first unit which I advanced it from the concept of the pronoun Linguistically and convention. After that I have lighten in some meanings which I have done in the surrat as a semantic , magnification , proud, reprimand and others which I ended my research I have reached the results from it

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
استخلاص وتنقية أنزيم الكايتنيز من خميرة Saccharomyces cerevisiae
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تم التحري عن انتاج انزيم الكايتنيز من خميرة Saccharomyces cerevisiae  حيث زرعت هذه الخميره في وسط سائل يحتوي على الكايتين ومواد نتروجينية مختلفة . اجريت غربلة لسلالات الخميرة المستعملة لتعين السلالة الاعلى انتاجا للانزيم . بينت النتائج ان السلالة S2 اعطت اعلى فعالية نوعية بلغت 3.5 وحدة /ملغم بروتين .

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
British Attitude towards American expansion in Caribbean
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This paper deals with the nations of British American Struggle in Caribbean. It
explains British Navy attitude of American expansion in Caribbean. Then continuation of
American expansion in the same place and Britain failure to limit it. This paper high lights the
beginning of acceptance between Britain's and United state, especially after British
submission to United States in Caribbean. Then we study the Anglo – American harmony and
the affection on the Anglo – American relation.
This paper concludes that American influences in Americans which is a truth.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
الضريبـــــــــــــة البيئيـــــــــة ودورها في الحد من التلوث البيئـــــــــــــــي
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Despite the growing interest in the subject of the environment and environmental pollution and the increasing of scientific studies to measure the environmental cost, but it still suffers shortcomings and incompleteness due to the difficulties facing the process of measuring of these costs , Due to lack of the possibility of determining the monetary value to it.

             The research began trying to develop solutions to the problem of the research , which is the actual measuring nothingness of environmental pollution for research sample plant and It’s comparison to local and international environmental pollution standards , for the purpose of adoption in the imposi

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Removal of Sulfate from Waste Water by Activated Carbon
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Activated carbon was Produced from coconut shell and was used for removing sulfate from industrial waste water in batch Processes. The influence of various parameter were studied such as pH (4.5 – 9.) , agitation time (0 – 120)min and adsorbent dose (2 – 10) gm.

The Langmuir and frandlich adsorption capacity models were been investigated where showed there are fitting with langmmuir model with squre regression value ( 0.76). The percent of removal of  sulfate (22% - 38%) at (PH=7) in the isotherm experiment increased  with adsorbent mass increasing. The maximum removal value of sulfate at  different pH experiments is (43%) at pH=7.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ruling on combining prayers without excuse when needed
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Jurisprudence is one of the most honorable sciences in value, and the greatest of them in reward. Through it, the rulings of religion are known. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: ((Whoever God desires good, He gives him understanding of religion)), and through it, the legal rulings and what is related to them are known from what is permissible and forbidden.
And prayer is the believer’s ascent to his Lord, with which the heart is at peace and the soul is at ease. If he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was overwhelmed by an issue or something became difficult for him, he would panic in prayer and be reassured by it. It was necessary for the students of knowledge to investigate its aspects and its secrets

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Whoever Abu Dawood said about him is weak in his Sunan
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The research was limited to those whom Imam Abu Dawood

described in his Sunan as weak, so this research does not include

narrators who carried descriptions indicating weakness such as

ignorance or others, nor does it include hadiths that the Imam

described as weak.

The number of narrators whom Imam Abu Dawood described as

weak has reached six narrators, and my methodology was to

mention the words of Imam Abu Dawood, then transfer the

sayings of other advanced scholars, as well as the sayings of

Imam Abu Dawood in his other books, if any, to show the extent

of compatibility between these sayings.

I have reached the following resul

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Training Needs for Teachers from the Educational Professional Development Center
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The research aims to characterize the strategic plan of the Educational Professional Development Center, to reveal the most important training needs for teachers from this center, to reveal the extent to which this center meets those needs, and to identify the differences between teacher responses about the degree of importance, availability of those needs according to variables of sex, specialization, and years of experience. This descriptive study adopted a questionnaire applied to (256) teachers in the K.S.A. The results of the study showed that all training needs ranged in the degree of importance from large to very large and that the most important were the skills associated with communicating with members of the learning community.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
protect the environment from destruction in light of the verses of the Quran (Subjective Study)
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Environment suffered in recent years a large corrupting by human; and because of his ignorance of the dimensions of Caliphate in the ground and ignore what it means gearing. The gearing is that the son of Adam, which will benefit the board of Allah Almighty to him in the land of the causes of life, without exaggeration or negligence and without prejudice to the cosmic Balnoames enacted by the Almighty Creator, has urged verses of the Quran Muslim to preserve and protect the environment which is a religious duty, as it showed a great verses he is the author and the splendor and beauty of workmanship and manufacturer greatness of the Almighty, who created all things beautiful.
Koran played a major role in the consolidation of environmen

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
 The choices of Ibn Muqasim (354 AH) from the Qur’anic readings
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This research examines aspects of Imam Al-Qurtubi's efforts in matters related to the topics of faith that he dealt with in his interpretation (the provisions of the provisions of the Qur’an); and it has been shown that Imam Al-Qurtubi in most of the doctrinal issues dealt with in his interpretation approximates the doctrine of the Sunnis of Ash'aris, Maturids and people of impact. He had responses to some of the teams, such as stereoscopic, karami, and Mu'tazilite, reinforcing the responses with transfer and mental evidence.
    It was found that Imam Al-Qurtubi says that there is an increase in faith and a decrease in it, that the increase is through actions (so obedience increases and decreases in sin) and that the

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