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Evaluation ofAaspirin, Clopidogrel or Their Combination In Hypertensive Patients

The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of aspirin, clopidogrel or their combination on different parameters in hypertensive patients.Platelets adhesion, activation, and aggregation are central to thrombus formation, which follows atherosclerotic plaque disruption and causes acute coronary syndromes. Aspirin and clopidogrel exert their antiplatelet effects by inhibiting thromboxane A2 production and adenosine diphosphate–induced platelet aggregation pathways, respectively. This study was designed to evaluate the possible effects of aspirin and clopidogrel given either alone or in combination in patients with essential hypertension on blood pressure and other parameters in addition to lipid profile using a randomized double blind, crossover clinical study.The study includes 78 hypertensive patients received aspirin 100mg, clopidogrel 75mg or their combination (75mg aspirin &75mg clopidogrel) prior randomization schedule. Systolic, diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate,respiratory rate and SPO2 were recorded at weekly intervals while, serum levels of LDL-C, HDL-C and platelets count were recorded at monthly intervals.Significant decline in SBP, DBP in all treatment groups (p<0.05) was recorded, but for pulse rate, there was significant decrease in aspirin group and combination group while for clopidogrel group there was significant increase, also we noticed significant decrease in respiratory rate with aspirin and clopidogrel but this decrease was absent with combination, LDL-C levels were significantly increased during treatment with aspirin or clopidogrel, while theircombination did not show significant changes, HDL-C levels were significantly increased during treatment with aspirin or combination, while clopidogrel didnot show significant changes. We concluded that aspirin, clopidogrel or their combination were effective in decreasing SBP & DBP in hypertensive patients.Secondly, in susceptible individual, combination is better than aspirin and clopidogrel, since no changes observed with combination on respiratory rate.Finally, according to the limits of this study, there was no significant effect of aspirin, clopidogrel or their combination on lipid profile and platelets count.

Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Community and Individual Causes of Students Failure in Al Kindy College of Medicine 2012

Bac kground:
Failure is the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, and may be viewed as the opposite of success; students always have a question "Why did I get this grade. On the contrary success leads towards new sources of earning, in fact there are a lot of interacting factors play such extrinsic and extrinsic to reach success.
Objec t i ves :
To explore internal and external factors causing students failure in medical college and to reconnoiter factors improve academic performance.
Methods: A cross-sectional study, conducted in Al Kindy College of Medicine, for the period from November 8th 2012 to May 1st 2013. Formal ethical considerations were obtained about participation and methodology. A

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optical emission spectroscopy for studying the exploding copper wire plasma parameters in distilled water

This work aims to study the exploding copper wire plasma parameters by optical emission spectroscopy. The emission spectra of the copper plasma have been recorded and analyzed The plasma electron temperature (Te), was calculated by Boltzmann plot, and the electron density (ne) calculated by using Stark broadening method for different copper wire diameter (0.18, 0.24 and 0.3 mm) and current
of 75A in distilled water. The hydrogen (Hα line) 656.279 nm was used to calculate the electron density for different wire diameters by Stark broadening. It was found that the electron density ne decrease from 22.4×1016 cm-3 to 17×1016 cm-3 with increasing wire diameter from 0.18 mm to 0.3 mm while the electron temperatures increase from 0.741 to

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Microwave Nondestructive Testing for Defect Detection in Composites Based on K-Means Clustering Algorithm

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Effect of alteration in nutritional style on liver function tests and general stool examination

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Civil And Environmental Engineering
A Soil-Pile Response under Coupled Static-Dynamic Loadings in Terms of Kinematic Interaction
Abstract<p>Although the axial aptitude and pile load transfer under static loading have been extensively documented, the dynamic axial reaction, on the other hand, requires further investigation. During a seismic event, the pile load applied may increase, while the soil load carrying capacity may decrease due to the shaking, resulting in additional settlement. The researchers concentrated their efforts on determining the cause of extensive damage to the piles after the seismic event. Such failures were linked to discontinuities in the subsoil due to abrupt differences in soil stiffness, and so actions were called kinematic impact of the earthquake on piles depending on the outcomes of laboratory</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigation of the Electron Coefficients of (Ar, He, N2, O2) Gases in the Ionosphere

In this study, the electron coefficients; Mean energy , Mobility and Drift velocity  of different gases  Ar, He, N2 and O2  in the  ionosphere have been calculated using BOLSIG+ program to check the solution results of Boltzmann equation results, and effect of reduced electric field (E/N) on electronic coefficients. The electric field has been specified in the limited range 1-100 Td. The gases were in the ionosphere layer at an altitude frame 50-2000 km. Furthermore, the mean energy and drift velocity steadily increased with increases in the electric field, while mobility was reduced. It turns out that there is a significant and obvious decrease in mobility as a result of inelastic collisions and in addition lit

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmacy Practice
Exploring job satisfaction among pharmacy professionals in the Arab world: a multi-country study
Abstract<sec> <title>Objectives

The study objectives were to (1) describe the characteristics of the pharmacy professionals and (2) explore the association between job satisfaction and factors, such as work control, work stress, workload and organization and professional commitments.


This study was a cross-sectional design. The survey items were mainly adapted from the US National Pharmacist Workforce Survey. An electronic (Qualtrics) questionnaire was posted on pharmacist social media in several A

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
2021 International Conference On Intelligent Technology, System And Service For Internet Of Everything (itss-ioe)
Application of MQ-Sensors to Indoor Air Quality Monitoring in Lab based on IoT

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
The feasibility of using styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) as modifier in Iraqi bituminous binder

The increase in the number of trucks and other heavy vehicles in Iraqi highways lead to cracking and deteriorations in the flexible highway. The use of polymermodified asphalt may solve this problem to match the required performance standards. This study investigates the effects of styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) polymer on the performance behaviour of Iraqi bitumen binder. The characteristics of bitumen binder were analysed to observe the compatibility of bitumen with SBS polymer. The bitumen binder was mixed with three different contents of SBS (4%, 4.5%, and 5%) by weight of asphalt cement. Viscosity tests were conducted on the SBS polymer-modified asphalt at 135 oC and 165 oC in addition to conventional binder tests. The prepar

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Public Bank Debt and Foreign reserve constraint in Iraq for the Period (2017-2004)


Public debt has posed a major challenge to both developing and developed countries, which has focused attention on the optimal limits (threshold of debt) and its determinants.

The study examines the effect of the Public bank debt on the foreign reserves and the work of the foreign reserve as a limitation on the process of bank debt (part of the internal debt) for the period (2017-2004), in addition to finding the type and nature of the relationship between them according to the hypotheses of the study, Public bank debt and foreign reserves.

The study was based on data from the Iraqi banking sector, which showed that Iraq has a foreign reserve in line with internat

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