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The effect of an electronic device designed to measure the degree of bending of the knee angle in developing the skill of catch and Clearance the high ball for football goalkeepers under (15 years)
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The development taking place on the sports field at the general level and in the game of football at the private level, being the most popular game in the world, has reached very advanced stages. The use of modern aids and technology has contributed greatly to this development from the collective and individual aspects, as the goalkeeper is the most important position in the team, the use of devices gave objective readings about the goalkeeper’s ability in terms of skill and physical aspects, as the importance of the research lies in designing an electronic device to measure the degree of bending of the knee angle because of its great importance in developing the skill of catching and dimensions of the high ball for football goalkeepers. The researchers chose a sample under the age of 15 years. Being an emerging age group, we consolidate the correct motor program for the skill to reach the best performance. The research aimed to prepare exercises using the device designed to develop the skill of catching and clearance the high ball, and also to identify the rate of development of the aforementioned skill. The research assumed that there were statistically significant differences in favor of the post-test results. The research sample was determined practically by (4) goalkeepers for the Iraqi Al-Zawra'a Club, where the researchers used the experimental approach, which is the approach that suits the nature of the research. The researchers concluded that the use of assistive means and electronic devices, including the designed device, contributed significantly to developing the skill of catching and clearance of the high ball through the exercises

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Media concepts in social studies and national textbooks in public education in light of media education standards and the nature of Saudi society
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The study aimed to reveal the degree of inclusion of media concepts in the books of social and national studies in general education in light of the criteria of media education and the nature of the Saudi society. Additionally, to identify the estimations of the participants in the study of the importance of including media concepts in these books, and to build a matrix of the range and sequence of media concepts in the books of social and national studies in the grades of Saudi general education. The study followed the descriptive approach in both descriptive analysis of the textbooks and descriptive survey of the study participants who were (203) students in the schools of boys and girls in general education in Makkah. The study used t

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Efficiency of Two Concentrations from Algae Cladophora glomerata Extract on the Giardia lamblia parasite
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Giardia lamblia parasite was isolated from the diarrhea samples of patients with Giardiasis dysentery and was developed in HSP media, four mice groups have been used to find in vivo efficacy of two concentrations (128,256) mg/ml of chlorophorm extracts from Cladophora glomerata algae against Giardia lamblia parasite  as compared with (Flagyl) by measuring several biochemical markers as ( GPT and GOT) enzymes ,sodium ,potassium and iron concentration as well as counting the number of parasitic cysts in each mice groups. The results demonstrate that levels of GPTA GOT enzymes have been decreased in mice treated with algal extract. As for the concentration of the Sodium, Potassium and Iron increased in mice treat

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Scopus (4)
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Insights of Experienced Pharmacists Regarding the Iraqi health Insurance Program: A Qualitative Study(Conference Paper )#
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The aim of study was to explore pharmacist insights toward the impact of prospective implementation of the national health insurance program on patients, providers and Iraqi health system.

This was a qualitative study including semi-structured face-to-face (mostly) interviews with experienced pharmacists. The interview guide included open-ended questions about the impact of the national health insurance program on patients and healthcare providers at three levels: quality of services, costs, and frequency of visits. Potential challenges were also discussed. Interviews were conducted in four provinces from March to May 2022. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the interview findings and generate themes and subthemes.


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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Astrophysics And Space Science
The compound stream event of March 20-25, 2011 as measured by the STEREO B spacecraft
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Abstract<p>The interaction of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICME) with each other and with co-rotating interaction regions (CIR) changes their configuration, dynamics, magnetic field and plasma characteristics and can make space weather forecasting difficult. During the period of March 20–25, 2011, the Solar Terrestrial Relation Observatory (<italic>STEREO</italic> B) encountered a compound stream containing several interacting structures. Our analysis suggests that the stream consists of two ICMEs followed by an embedded ICME/CIR. The sudden appearance of the third ICME within the fast wind side of the CIR causes the proton temperature(<inline-formula><alternatives><tex-math></tex-math></alternatives></inline-formula></p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation of the Investment Projects during the Implementation Phase (Najaf province as a case study)
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The construction project is a very complicated work by its nature and requires specialized knowledge to lead it to success. The construction project is complicated socially, technically and economically in its planning, management and implementation aspects due to the fact that it has many variables and multiple stakeholders in addition to being affected by the surrounding environment. Successful projects depend on three fundamental points which are cost-time, performance and specifications. The project stakeholder's objective to achieve best specifications and the cost-time frame stipulated in the contract.

The question is, was the optimum implementation accomplished? The provision for the success of the project

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The stories of children in Iraq during the past two decades have received a number of important scientific studies. Despite tyranny of the historical study method on most of these studies, they have been and still are very important, because they have established a chronicle of this literary style that has been neglected and based not only on the academic level and serious in-depth university studies but also on the enclosed sight that doesn’t consider studied art as an innovation with its specificity and its typical technical components. While many of the public impressions and self-reflections contributed to the dominance of some of the provisions and concepts that were circulated as critical remarks and adopted by som

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Uses of Pedicled buccal Pad of Fat Flap in Reconstruction of Intra Oral Defects
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Introduction: Different surgical techniques used for closure of various oral defects. While each one of these techniques has its limitation; the buccal pad of fat used in last quarter of last century as pedicle or free graft in reconstruction of small to medium, congenital and acquired defects showed good potentials for success. The present study used the BPF as pedicled flap to reconstruct intra oral defects. The study aimed to evaluate of the success of buccal pad of fat pedicled flap in the reconstruction of intra oral defects. Outlining its indications, limitations and complications. Materials and Methods: The study included 19 patients (17 males and 2 females) with age range between (1- 70 years), all patients were treated with pedic

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 14 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Determination of Some Biochemical Parameters in Ascaridia galli in chickens Which abundant in the local markets: Determination of Some Biochemical Parameters in Ascaridia galli in chickens Which abundant in the local markets
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The current study included measuring the percent of protein in the extract of nematode Ascaridia galli that infect chickens, it was 1.157% and equivalent to 11.570 mg /L., as well as the amino acid analysis in the nematode A.galli by using a high-performance liquid chromatography technique (HPLC), as was detect five types for amino acids in this extract Leucine, Threonin, Serine, Methionine and Valine as the amount of these amino acids in the extract was as follows 132.973, 26.994, 10.453, 2.243 and 1.888 mg /L., respectively, and other amino acids which Glutamic, Histidine and Tyrosin did not exist in the nematode A.galli.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Geochemical Exploration
Geochemical exploration using surveys of spring water, hydrocarbon and gas seepage, and geobotany for determining the surface extension of Abu-Jir Fault Zone in Iraq: A new way for determining geometrical shapes of computational simulation models
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Clinical Evidence: The Prolonged Dust Exposure The Disorder In Serum Oxidant - Antioxidant Balance
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Dust can  be considered as  an  important factor in  environmental

pollution which has a direct eOect on human health. In this study ,we

attempted to eval uate serum oxidant -antiox idant balance in workers dust exposed continuously and also the effect of iron and silicon content in exposed dust on the mentioned balance .The study included tbrcc groups: A group  included 20  workers of  building block factories, B  group included 20 workers in general company of grains production and C group included 15 healthy' subjects which represented control group. !ron and  silicon  contents in  dust samples of  two  studied  regions were measured. Higher levels o

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