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Some Generalizations by Covering properties
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In this thesis, we introduced the simply* compact spaces which are defined over simply* open set, and study relation between the simply* separation axioms and the compactness were studied and study a new types of functions known as αS^(M* )- irresolte , αS^(M* )- continuous and R S^(M* )- continuous, which are defined between two topological spaces. On the other hand we use the class of soft simply open set to define a new types of separation axioms in soft topological spaces and we introduce the concept of soft simply compactness and study it. We explain and discuss some new concepts in soft topological spaces such as soft simply separated, soft simply disjoint, soft simply division, soft simply limit point and we define soft simply connected spaces, and we presented soft simply paracompact spaces and studying some of its properties in soft topological spaces. In addition to introduce a new types of functions known as soft simply pu-continuous which are defined between two soft topological spaces. Finally, we define soft simply filter and soft simply maximal filter and give some characterizations about them. In particular, we investigate the SS^M- compact space based on SS^M- filter and SS^M- maximal filter and get some new results. It provides theoretical supports for the development of the soft topological spaces.

Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Studying some of mechanical properties (tensile, impact, hardness) and thermal conductivity of polymer blend reinforce by magnesium oxide
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah J. Sci
Some Properties of 2-Coprobabilistic Normed Space
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The primary purpose of this paper is to introduce the, 2- coprobabilistic normed space, coprobabilistic dual space of 2- coprobabilistic normed space and give some facts that are related of them

Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Conference Of Computational Methods In Sciences And Engineering Iccmse 2021
Some new properties of soft Lc-spaces
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development
Effects of Artificial Aging on Some Properties of Room-Temperature-Vulcanized Maxillofacial Silicone Elastomer Modified by Yttrium Oxide Nanoparticles
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Abstract Background: The daily usage of maxillofacial prostheses causes them to mechanically deteriorate with time. This study was aimed to evaluate the reinforcement of VST50F maxillofacial silicone by using yttrium oxide (Y2O3) nanoparticles (NPs) to resist aging and mechanical deterioration. Materials and Method: Y2O3 NPs (30–45nm) were loaded into VST50F maxillofacial silicone in two weight percentages (1 and 1.5 wt%), which were predetermined in a pilot study as the best rates for improving tear strength with minimum increase in hardness values. A total of 120 specimens were prepared and divided into the control and experimental groups (with 1 and 1.5 wt% Y2O3 addition). Each group included 40 specimens, 10 specimens for each paramet

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the effect of thermal annealing on some physical properties of thin Cu2SiO3 films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
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The Cu2SiO3 composite has been prepared from the binary compounds (Cu2O, and SiO2) with high purity by solid state reaction. The Cu2SiO3 thin films were deposited at room temperature on glass and Si substrates with thickness 400 nm by pulsed laser deposition method. X-ray analysis showed that the powder of Cu2SiO3 has a polycrystalline structure with monoclinic phase and preferred orientation along (111) direction at 2θ around 38.670o which related to CuO phase. While as deposited and annealed Cu2SiO3 films have amorphous structure. The morphological study revealed that the grains have granular and elliptical shape, with average diameter of 163.63 nm. The electrical properties which represent Hall effect were investigated. Hall coeffici

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fuzzy Real Pre-Hilbert Space and Some of Their Properties
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In this work, two different structures are proposed which is fuzzy real normed space (FRNS) and fuzzy real Pre-Hilbert space (FRPHS). The basic concept of fuzzy norm on a real linear space is first presented to construct  space, which is a FRNS with some modification of the definition introduced by G. Rano and T. Bag. The structure of fuzzy real Pre-Hilbert space (FRPHS) is then presented which is based on the structure of FRNS. Then, some of the properties and related concepts for the suggested space FRN such as -neighborhood, closure of the set  named , the necessary condition for separable, fuzzy linear manifold (FLM) are discussed. The definition for a fuzzy seminorm on  is also introduced with the prove that a fuzzy seminorm on

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
λ–Algebra with Some of Their Properties
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    The objective of this paper is, firstly, we study a new concept noted by algebra and discuss the properties of this concept. Secondly, we introduce a new concept related to the algebra such as smallest algebra. Thirdly, we introduce the notion of the restriction of algebra on a nonempty subset  of and investigate some of its basic properties. Furthermore, we present the relationships between field, monotone class, field and algebra. Finally, we introduce the concept of measure relative to the algebra and prove that every measure relative to the   is complete.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Some gas sensing properties of PbS thin films
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In this research PbS thin film have been prepared by chemical bath deposition technique (CBD).The PbS film with thickness of (1-1.5)μm was thermally treated at temperature of 100°C for 4 hours. Some Structural characteristics was studied by using X-ray diffraction (XRD)and optical microscope photograph some of chemical gas sensing measurements were carried out ,it shown that the sensitivity of (CO2) gas depend on the grain Size and deposition substrate. The grain size of PbS film deposited on on glass closed to 21.4 nm while 37.97nm for Si substrate. The result of current-voltage characterization shwon the sensitivity of prepared film deposited on Si better than film on glass.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Properties of Connectedness in Grill Topological Spaces
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 We use the idea of Grill, this study generalized a new sort of linked space like –connected –hyperconnected and investigated its features, as well as the relationship between it and previously described notation. It also developed new sorts of functions, such as hyperconnected space, and identifying their relationship, by offering numerous instance and attributes that belong to this set. This set will serve as a starting point for further research into the sets many future possibilities. Also, we use some of the theorems and observations previously studied and relate them to the grill and the Alpha group, and benefit from them in order to obtain new results in this research. We applied the concept of Connected to them and obtained

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Profiles and Geotechnical Properties for some Basra Soils
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Basra province is known for its logistic location for trading activity and oil industry. By geological point of view, Basra areas are believed to consist mainly of alternation of (clay, silty clay, clayey silt, silt and sand) type of soil. Any development of industry in this area should be affected by the occurrence of the clay soil. That is why the investigation to the soil is more than necessary. In this case, a vast testing program was carried out by the author to evaluate the various formations constituting the of some Basra soils. An attempt to characterize and discuss the nature, minerals, engineering behavior and field properties of soil samples extracted from more than one thousand and one

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