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Eimeriosis is a major problem affecting ruminants worldwide. The disease is primarily caused by Eimeria species, which are specialized for each host and grow in the small and large intestine of animals. The losses due to subclinical infections (especially weight loss) and clinical disease (diarrhea) make the species of this genus a very significant economic concern. Therefore, this study was conducted in some areas of Wasit Province. A total of 180 fecal samples from goats, of both sexes and covering different age groups and months, were collected. All fecal samples were examined microscopically, and 75 positive fecal samples were taken for molecular examination and further analyzed using conventional PCR, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Microscopic results showed that the overall infection rate was 41.6%. The incidence of Eimeria species ranged from 5.55% to 22.22% across three different species of the genus Emeria Schneider, 1875, namely E. arloingi (Marotel, 1905), Martin, 1909 (22.22%), E. christenseni Levine, Ivens & Fritz, 1962 (13.88%), and E. hirci Chevalier, 1966 (5.55%). Regarding the PCR reaction, results from the 18S rRNA, COI gene and genetic sequencing, Confirmed that the fecal samples were positive for Eimeria Schneider, 1875 species.

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 21 2009
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Mineralogical, geochemical and geotechnical evaluation of Al-Swera soil used for the bricks industry in Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 11 2023
Journal Name
Modeling Earth Systems And Environment
Microfacies analysis and stratigraphic framework of the Albian succession in the low folded zone, Northern Iraq
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Erythrocyte Magnesium Levels in type I and type II Iraq diabetic patients effect of antidiabetic treatment
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Background: Direct measurement of intracellular magnesium using erythrocytes has been suggested as a sensitive indicator for the estimation of body magnesium store. Marked depletion in plasma and erythrocyte magnesium levels was particularly evident in diabetic patients with advanced retinopathy and poor diabetic control. While insulin has been shown to stimulate erythrocyte magnesium uptake, hyperglycemia per se suppressed intracellular magnesium in normal human red cells.
Aim of the study: To investigate the erythrocyte magnesium level in Iraqi type I and II diabetic patients, with specific emphasis on the effect of both, metabolic control and the type of antidiabetic treatments.
Methods: Sixty two diabetic patients (7 with type

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 09 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Occupational Toxicity and Health Hazards of the Healthcare Providers at Healthcare Facilities in Sulaimani City, Iraq
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Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate the occupational health hazards that face health care providers in Sulaimani City.

Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted utilizing quantitative data collection methods. It involved 159 respondents including Physicians, Pharmacists, Medical assistants, Laboratory Instructors and Nurses who worked in 8 major health facilities in Sulaimani city, Kurdistan region, Iraq.

Results: Nurses were the most susceptible group to sharp related injuries 13.84%, cuts and wounds 10.69% than the others and they were more experiencing verbal abuse in the workplace 15%. Laboratory instructors represent the most exposed group

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Chances of consolidation the financial sector in Iraq according to GATS agreement and World Trade Organization
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  This research focuses on necessary state to develop and strong the financial sector in Iraq by consider that it is allow  to achieve the financial flexibility and the enough currency to encourage the investment and economic growth , this picture will be coming by take and obligation the international criteria by general agreement on trade in services (GATS) that it is one of agreements of world trade organization (WTO). This mater doing to strong the legal and legislation environment founded international confidential , by it , the institutions and financial sector in Iraq will be more active.

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Publication Date
Sun May 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
3D Geological Modeling for Yamama Reservoir in Subba, Luhias and Ratawi Oil Fields, South of Iraq
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3D geological model for each reservoir unit comprising the Yamama Formation revealed to that the formation is composed of alternating reservoirs and barriers. In Subba and Luhais fields the formation began with barrier YB-1 and four more barriers (YB-2, YB-3, YB-4, YB-5), separated five reservoirs (YR-A, YR-B, YR-C, YR-D, YR-E) ranging in thickness from 70 to 80 m for each of them deposited by five sedimentary cycles. In the Ratawi field the formation was divided into three reservoir units (YR-A, YR-B, and YR-C) separated by two barrier units (YB-2 and YB-3), the first cycle is missing in Ratawi field.  

The study involves 1 well in Luhais field (Lu-12), 3 wells in Subba field (Su-7, Su-8, and Su-9), and 5 wells in Ratawi fi

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Age,Growth and Reproduction of Zebra Mussel, Dreissena polymorpha in Al-Musayab Thermal Power Plant, Iraq
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Some biological aspects of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha have been studied at Al-Musayab thermal power plant ,sixty km. south west of Baghdad. Data collected during the period extended from November, 2002 to October, 2003 except for the month of April The population consisted of five age groups; O, I, II, III, and IV which have 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 annuli respectively. The study also proved the validity of annuli readings for age and growth determination. The average annual growth rates for age groups O,I, II, III, and IV were 5.7, 5.5, 5.4, 5.2 and 5.4 respectively. Average calculated length for laboratory reared mussel was 2.5 mm compared to 5.4 mm in natural environment. Correlation coefficients were very high between age an

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
2D Seismic Structural and Stratigraphic Study of Kirkuk Group Formation in Amara Oil Field- Southeastern Iraq
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The Amarah Oil field structure was studied and interpreted by using 2-D seismic data obtained from the Oil  Exploration company. The study is concerned with Maysan Group Formation (Kirkuk Group) which is located in southeastern Iraq and belongs to the Tertiary Age. Two reflectors were detected based on synthetic seismograms and well logs (top and bottom Missan Group). Structural maps were derived from seismic reflection interpretations to obtain the location and direction of the sedimentary basin. Two-way time and depth maps were conducted depending on the structural interpretation of the picked reflectors to show several structural features. These included three types of closures, namely two anticlines extended in the directions of

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
((Requirements for raising the efficiency and development of rail transport in Iraq according to proposed scenarios))
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 The research concerned the study of the railway transport sector in selected countries that sought to raise the efficiency of the railway network and develop it, after realizing the importance of this vital sector, which is a link between it and the rest of the other economic sectors.

The research sought to explain the methods, methods and procedures adopted by these countries for the development of the railway sector, and to benefit from these experiments to improve the efficiency of the railway transport sector in Iraq.

The railway transport sector in Iraq suffers from the erosion of railway lines and mobile units such as locomotives, pas

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A comparative study of stylistic kriging and Co - kriging Multivariate on the barley crop in Iraq
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  This paper deals  the prediction of the process of  random spatial data of two properties, the first is called  Primary variables  and the second is called secondary  variables ,   the method  that were used in the  prediction process for this type  of data is technique Co-kriging  , the method is usually used when the number of primary variables  meant to predict for one of its elements is measured in a particular location a few (because of the cost or difficulty of obtaining them) compare with secondary variable which is the number of elements  are available and  highly correlated with primary variables, as was the&nbs

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