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Evaluation of the Minimum Instream Flow: A Case Study of Shatt-Al Hillah River in Babylon Governorate

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Publication Date
Thu May 04 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Qualitative and Quantitative Study of the Zooplankton Community in Madinat Al-Alab Lake at Baghdad

Zooplanktons from the artificial lake of Madenat Al-Alaab at Baghdad city have been
studied, during the period from may 2009 to April 2010. In addition to some ecological
factors (Temperature, pH and Turbidity) which were ranged (10.2-28.4)°C (7.1-8.4) and (20-50) cm respectively.
The results of the present study revealed that there are 22 species of zooplankton
belonging to Cladocera, Copepoda and Rotifera. Some of the species recorded during all
months of the study period, while other have disappeared during some months. Numbers of
species recorded were varied during different groups .
The dominant species were (Cyclops vernalis, C. hyalinus, C. scutifer, Diaptomus
leptopus, Bosmina longirostris, Kerate

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 26 2022
Journal Name
Surgical Neurology International
Excellent recovery after nonmissile penetrating traumatic brain injury in a child: A case report

Nonmissile penetrating traumatic brain injuries (pTBIs) are low-velocity injuries which can be caused by a variety of inflicting tools and represent a rare entity in children. Poor outcome has been attributed with an initial admission Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of <5, asymmetrical pupil size, and specific initial computed tomography scan findings including brainstem injury.

Case Description:

We report a case of an 11-year-old boy who presented to our ER with a GCS of 6 after being assaulted on his head by a 30 cm length metallic tent hook penetrating his forehead reaching down to the central skull bas

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Application Effect of the Conflict Management Strategies On Increasing Workers Productivity at the Electricity Company (IGEC) (Field Study Irbid Governorate)

Research aimed to explore the Application Effect of the Conflict Management Strategies by the managements to solve conflict between and inside the conflicted parties within (IGEC) to increase the productivity of the workers. To collect data, 110 questioners had been distributed among managers and heads of departments of all managerial levels, 102 answered questioners regained, 5 of them were disqualify for statistical analytic, only 97 were taking in consideration   for statistical analysis presenting 93% of the retained number.

SPSS Program supported with a group of statistical tools, had been used for analysis purposes such as Kronbach Alpha test to assure the validity & stability of the t

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A comparative study of the pivotal characters in the novel "Al-Shahz" and the script "Hamoon": بررسی تطبیقی شخصیت¬های محوری در رمان «الشحّاذ» و فیلم‌نامۀ «هامون»

The novel is the revelation of the attitudes of every age. And the writers do not know the winner of their stroke to express these events، The research has been working on a descriptive-analytical approach based on the American Comparative School، Al-Shahez's novel explores the work of the nobly and the film by Hamoun by Dariush Mehrjui By relying on the main characters of these two narratives, they depict a picture of Egypt and Iran From the symbolic lines of these works. In fact, the authors of this research have tried to initiate the introduction and analysis of these two works In fact, the authors of this research have tried to initiate the introduction and analysis of these two works.

 The results of the research show that

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Optimizing Viscous Flow in Pipes Through Improved Flow Conditions and Chemical Injections

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
Revue Académique De La Recherche Juridique
Humanizing the provisions of the law: (the case of winter truce in France)

Since the law is the tool for implementing the state’s public policies, it is natural that its provisions (or at least some of them) seek to preserve human dignity as the source on which all rights and freedoms are based. One of the examples of humanizing the provisions of the law in France is what is known as the winter truce. What is this truce, what are the justifications for granting it, what is its historical origin, how did the legislative treatment of it develop, what are the similarities and differences between it and other legal periods included in French law, what is the scope of its application, and what are the effects resulting from it. These questions and others are what we will try to answer through this research.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of Structure and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Deposited by Using Thermal Evaporation Technique under Different Flow Rate of Oxygen O2

 Zinc oxide (ZnO) transparent thin films with different oxygen flow rates (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5)Litter/min. were prepared by thermal evaporation technique on glass substrate at a temperature of 200℃ with rate (10±2)nm sec-1,  The crystallinity and structure of these films were analyzed  by X-ray diffraction (XRD). It exhibits a polycrystalline hexagonal wurtzite structure and the preferred orientation along (002) plane. The Optical properties of ZnO were determined through the optical transmission method using ulta violet–Visible spectrophotometer with in wave length (300-1100)nm. The optical transmittance of the ZnO films increases from 75% to 85% with increase flow rate of O2, and the optical band gap of ZnO

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of Propolis from Kurdistan region as a new resinous sealer in root canal obturation-part I biocompatibility study

Background: Many materials were proposed as root canal obturating materials but the biocompatibility issue remains to be a critical one. Propolis has been used as a therapeutic agent since the time of Hippocrates. It is known that propolis exhibits some pharmacological activities, such as antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti inflammatory activity. Materials and methods: Eighteen albino rats were used in the study and divided randomly into three groups of 6 animals for each group. Each group was scheduled to be sacrificed at different time periods, which were three days, one week and three weeks. Propolis and ZOE sealer implants of 4mm in diameter and 0.5 gm in weight were implanted in the dorsal side of the rats. At the end of the

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Possibility of applying international AACSB accreditation standards in the faculties of business and Economics- case study in the college of management and Economics-University of Baghdad

Attention increased to the topic of academic accreditation by the university as a modern philosophy by which to improve its performance and provide high-quality education. Universities and colleges in general and Iraqi universities and colleges in particular have begun interest in accreditation and desire to get it. So starting from the pursuit of the Administration and Economics College / Baghdad University in obtaining accreditation of Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) The research is present which aims to determine the level of application (AACSB) International standards at the College of Administration and Economics / Baghdad University in preparation to get its accreditation in the future. Researc

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 26 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Epidemiological Study on the Prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus PVL Gene Among Healthy Community in Al- Karkh and Al -Rusaffa Districts Baghdad, Iraq

     Five hundred nasal swabs were taken from normal medical staff and public in the city of Baghdad. Several identification parameters were used to recognize the bacterial isolates.  S. aureus isolations form nasal swabs were identified using morphology and VITECK 2 system. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was employed to determine PVL (Panton–Valentine leukocidin ) gene in S. aureus. The data showed no significant evidence on the relationship between PVL gene presence and gender and age of  the studied groups. There was no relation between the prevalence of PVL gene in the age groups  of  21-30 years (p=0.328) and 31-40 years (p=0.682).

The results showed that 38.4% and 37.5% S. aureus isolate

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