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(The Libyan crisis in the Turkish and Iranian perspectives)
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The Turkish intervention in the Libyan crisis in the recent period was a trigger for more tension than a solution - as Turkey claims - as Turkey seeks to quickly set a welcome military footing in Libya to prevent the reconciliation government from falling and planning to start exploration for gas and oil in Libya to solve the Turkish energy crisis, that is, the energy exchange for security and trying to exploit the situation to establish a new gathering of proTurkish political Islam, as for the Iranian position on the Libyan crisis, it does not exceed a logistical role and provide Turkey with expertise in circumventing international sanctions and assisting it in transporting fighters and weapons to Libya, Iran has also deliberately added some ambiguity to its position on the Libyan crisis and not directly interfered with it, as well as some international and regional positions regarding the Libyan crisis and Turkey's military intervention.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Bridging the Gap between Graphemes and Phonemes in the Phonetic Transcription
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Bridging the Gap between Graphemes and Phonemes in the Phonetic Transcription

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Literary Animal and the Grotesque Survival in Ted Hughes’s “Thrushes”
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In his opus, Ted Hughes has annexed new and fresh territories of signification to the very notion of the literary animal. Building on the earlier modernist example of the Lawrencian legacy that dwells upon the question of animalism, Hughes seems to have stepped further into the terrain of the sheer struggle when, in his hands, the grotesquerie of survival and violence energizes the topos of the literary animal in his postmodern bestiary. In Hughes’s elemental poetic process this grotesquerie and violence stages the literary animal as a vital poetic device or motif that is finally restored to the primitive power of poetry. In his “Thrushes”, he thus defamiliarizes these tiny creatures’ acts of being to bring upfront into focus thi

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
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The speech communication btween the shape and content in commercial advertising
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The Main think that be kept by the speech communication as a concept traditionally being expressed on the subject or a certain idea of ​​a goal came on as needed functional addressed to recipients of benefits or likely to benefit from those rhetorical message through a speech importance and priority of the effect of not less than the effect of that letter, in science content role ends once you absorb it mentally, either in the art of design Valamadmon intellectual embodied through its interaction with the overall shape of the finished design, and often content is associated in the mind of the receiver through a letter communicative linked to the sense or the goal that meant the designer, and try to identify and explain. And meaning i

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Perceiver And the imaginer in the texts of Yusuf Al _ sayegh
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This research deals with the perceived and the imagined in the texts of Yusef Al-Sayegh, considering language as the most important source in literature and theatrical criticism, and given the importance of the subject, the researcher monitored many philosophical and psychological opinions and theories related to (the perceived and the imagined), and they were discussed and their compatibility with the Iraqi theatrical t As for the second chapter, where (the theoretical framework), it included two topics, and the first topic was about the concept of the perceived and the imagined, and the second topic was about Youssef Al-Sayegh and the structure of the theatrical text.
In the third chapter, where (research procedures), the research

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 06 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The effect of the media in forming knowledge and political awareness
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Abstract The dissemination of knowledge is no longer confined to schools and universities, not even books. For nearly two centuries, the media have become prominent in disseminating knowledge and culture, in its public and particularly political aspects. After the development of the media from newspapers and magazines to the visual media, their role has increased from the dissemination of abstract information and abstract knowledge towards the process of forming new knowledge through what it publishes and broadcasts from different programs such as drama, news and talk shows. The impact of the media has changed the overall community awareness. Half a century ago the media was not so powerful and widespread. The evolution of the 1990s made

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Institutional Structures and the Transformation of the Private Sector in Iraq
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            Requires economic work finding built institutional paint strategies and policies are formulated general economic and clarity in its stated objectives and the involvement of all economic institutions, political and stakeholders to discuss all the issues of economic, financial, monetary and analyzed for the purpose of renewal energies and determine the duties and responsibilities, leaving full freedom to the private sector in the formation of institutions to carry out his duties economic, and that the institutional structures to create the right climate for the implementation of its economic policies, which would facilitate the task of the private sector, and this h

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The The US Pressure and Sanctions Policy in Changing Iran's Conduct
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This research aims to analyze the impact of the United States policy of pressure and sanctions on changing Iran's conduct. Since the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979, the US has continuously pursued various policies towards Iran, aiming to change the regime by force or isolate it politically and economically. The main research question lies in the following: To what extent does the US pressure policy and its sanctions affect the conduct Iran?. This research discusses that the more there are economic and political alternatives to Iran, the more it will be challenging the US demands. Moreover, the more the US pursues a negotiating policy based on mutual interests, the more Iran will positively respond to American demands.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
(Love and Love) in the light of the significance of Quranic
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Thanks allah and peace be upon our prophet muhammed and upon his family and his
Love means in holy quran what comes to people s mind nowadays and what it inspired its
signi ficence is related with sensual desire and it means adore and passion .by the waythe
word (ishiq) adore wasn’t mentioned in holy quran which means that both of their bases are
farfrom each oiter in m eaning.
The significance of love means virtue while adore means the excess and desire so adore is
dis praised . as al askari said (died 395h )between love and adore.adore is the strain of desire
to get the purpose from lovers if it was ahuman who intended to make love affairs.
Today both of love and adore changed in their meani

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of Zakat in supporting and stimulating the flow of consumption and investment
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الزكاة فريضة من فرائض الإسلام وعبادة من العبادات التي اقرها الشرع الإسلامي هذه الفريضة المالية التعبدية بالإضافة الى دورها المعنوي الذي يهدف الى إرساء قواعد العدالة الاجتماعية والقضاء على مشكلة الفقر في المجتمع الاسلامي وكما ينص عليها الدين الإسلامي فان لها ابعادها ووظائفها الكثيرة التي تخدم اليات العمل الاقتصادي في مجتمع يعمل وفق نظام اقتصادي أسلامي .

ان انفاق الاموال المتحصلة من فريض

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The most prominent philosophical and rhetorical concepts in the perspective of philosophers and theologians
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     This research aims to clarify and define the most important philosophical and rhetorical concepts to which many philosophical and rhetorical issues refer، since they have an effective role in the diversity and difference of intellectual schools، which are indispensable in proving major dogmatic issues، such as the concept of (existence، being، essence، and authenticity). Existence or Essence in contrast to the consideration of the other concept)، because it is one of the complex concepts and common words that carry different connotations among thinkers.

   And from (the rule of judging something is a branch of its perception)، the researchers began to define these concepts، as evidence of the sincerity of perce

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