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(The Libyan crisis in the Turkish and Iranian perspectives)
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The Turkish intervention in the Libyan crisis in the recent period was a trigger for more tension than a solution - as Turkey claims - as Turkey seeks to quickly set a welcome military footing in Libya to prevent the reconciliation government from falling and planning to start exploration for gas and oil in Libya to solve the Turkish energy crisis, that is, the energy exchange for security and trying to exploit the situation to establish a new gathering of proTurkish political Islam, as for the Iranian position on the Libyan crisis, it does not exceed a logistical role and provide Turkey with expertise in circumventing international sanctions and assisting it in transporting fighters and weapons to Libya, Iran has also deliberately added some ambiguity to its position on the Libyan crisis and not directly interfered with it, as well as some international and regional positions regarding the Libyan crisis and Turkey's military intervention.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The human sense organs and it's significance In the great Qur'an: The human sense organs and it's significance In the great Qur'an
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Thanks for people's God who brought the great book, prays and peace for
his prophet "Mohammad" the master of missioners to all people.
Allah created human being in it's best way and give him a soul thus ,
he will be a human with faith that has movement and life and the centre of his
soul is the sense which differentiate human from other animals. This
sensation generated from different senses that made the soul.
God had given him a protected heart, talkative tounge and clear seeing
to understand with consideration, so he will prevent himself of falling in wrong
by thinking and situation that he will pass by.
The significance and probability of sensation had talken our attention in
Qur'an . Hence

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
هامات The contributions of the Kurdish scholars in the science of the Qur’an in the seventh and eighth Hijri centuries
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This research sheds light on the contributions of a group of scientific Kurdish scholars in the seventh and eighth Hijri centuries, who devoted themselves to serving science with the bad political and economic conditions at the time, and the research pointed to the flowering of science and how students travel in order to provide them with science, obtain a scientific certificate, then take up The research efforts of the scholars in the two Hijri century mentioned in the science of the Qur’an, whether in the field of recitations, intonation or interpretation, and the research ends with a conclusion in which I mentioned the most important conclusions reached in this research.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The phenomenon of building the act of the actor and the effect in the Quranic readings                          (Structural and semantic study)
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After this systematic presentation of the phenomenon of rotation of formulas, ie the construction of the verb and the verb, and the narrated narratives therein differed among the readers, it became clear to us how the difference was clear between reading and the other, and how readers have varied in their readings of the verb, As we have noted through our modest research that the phenomenon of building the verb for the actor and the effect have included the act of both past and present tense, and not limited to a specific time, and this difference in reading was not limited to a particular environment, but beyond To more than one environment This is evidenced by the readings of various readers from the environment of Kufa, Basra, Mecca,

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Emotions conflict In Balzac’s novel The Father Goriot And Stendhal’s The Red and The Black
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Au XIXe siècle, avec l’excès de la passion, le roman français commence à avoir de nouvelles figures. Il tend à être un reflet de la pensée et de la passion. Stendhal et Balzac révèlent ainsi le conflit de l’âme et donnent à leur héros l’impression que tout est permis.

                Ces protagonistes doivent, d’une part, subir des fluctuations psychologiques, et d’autre part, ces héros doivent être capables de faire face aux rancunes et aux conflits destructeurs. Les personnages stendhaliens et balzaciens finissent par croire que leur combat ne portera pas ses fruits, parce que toute passion déséquilibrée mènera, soit à la fol

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
The Overlap of Visions between the Scenographer and the Director in the Theatrical Show
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After the spread of the function of the scenographer in the modern theater, his vision has become present in most of the theatrical works and because the director is the master of the work and the owner of the vision that appears in front of the audience, the overlap between the visions of each of them was required. This research is an attempt to detect the overlap and disengagement in the work of each of them.
The research is divided into a methodological framework that included the research problem, importance, limits, and purpose, and then the definition of terms. In the theoretical framework, the research dealt with two theoretical sections that pave the way for raising ideas related to this subject: the first section (scenography

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Adultery in the Ancient near east from the standpoint of the customs and traditions and the old laws
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
The use of metal in ancient Syria in the manufacture of jewelry (ornamental tools in the third and second millennium BC and the molds used in their manufacture)
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 This research sheds light on the use of metal in the manufacture of jewelry, which is represented by ornamental tools in the period between the third and second millennium BC, in addition to the most important molds used in their manufacture. Man has been interested in metals since early ages, and was able to make tools that he uses in his daily life, especially jewelry. And the Syrian people got acquainted with the types of minerals, their characteristics, and how to deal with them. Minerals played an effective and prominent role in the economy of ancient Syria. Trade with those countries and secure their roads.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
Journal Name
The Soul and Body Dichotomy in the Performance of the Iraqi Actors
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The body of the actor and its expressive significance is an essential topic in studying acting . it is not only confined to the study of soul and body from philosophical aesthetic perspective , but also to study the conception and mechanism of such a dichotomy followed by theatre directors and theorists , who are highly concerned with the creativity of actors . The researchers believe that such a study would be of benefit for actors as well as others working in theatre .                             

     The study falls into two sections . the first deals with the phi

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Representations of the ego and the other In the Iraqi feminist novel
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The other is a problematic concept and can be achieved only by the existence of difference and differentiation between human groups in views and views, the other is out of the ego, which is different religiously, politically, socially, culturally, place and language.
We take from the Iraqi feminist novel analytical field to reflect the image of the other in the novelist world, and the models chosen for the study are: the novel granddaughter of American novelist Anaam Kjie Ji, and novel how the sky seemed close to the novelist Batoul al-Khudairi, and novel when you wake up the smell of novelist Dni Ghali, and the rope of the umbilical and the novel Shufuni Shufuni The novel by Samira Al-Manea, the novelist of the novelist Alia Mamdouh,

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The I and the Other (Lenora) in the Poetry of Joseph III
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A literary text is not void of the use of the ego and the other while speaking or in a spoken communication. Such a usage is apparently outstanding in Arabic literature, and it reflects society in all its various cultural, social and political conditions. Therefore, the ego is one of the prominent concepts on which human personality is built, and its role in the formation of society and in communicating among all human societies. Accordingly, the present paper aims to clarify the duality of the ego and the other, where the ego starts from the poet himself to expand the circle of subjectivity by including his family, society, immediate surroundings, race and his religion. The other, on the other hand, that is separated from the poet,

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