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A-mechanical properties of engineered cementitious composite concrete produced from Portland limestone cement

Conventional concretes are almost unbending, and even a small amount of strain potential leaves them brittle. This lack of bendability is a major source of strain loss, and it has been the main goal behind the development of bendable concrete, often known with engineered ce ment composites, or ECC. This form of concrete has a lot more flexibility than regular concrete. Micromechanical polymer fibers are used to strengthen ECC. In most cases, ECC uses a 2% amount of thin, separated fibers. As a result, bendable concrete deforms but unlike traditional concrete, it does not crack. This study aims to include this kind of concrete, bendable concrete, which can be used to solve concrete problems. Karasta (CK) and Tasluja (CT) Portland Limestone Cements were used .The polypropylene fibers (PP) and polyvinyl alcohol acetate (PVA) were used to make four different mixes. The experiments were performed at 7, 28, 60, and 90 days after water curing. For all tests, mixes including pp fibers and PVA solution performed better than those without fibers.

Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection

A chemical study was carried out to evaluate the efficiency of the liver enzyme concertation and uric acid level and its antagonists in the serum of the professors exposed to chemicals in the laboratories of the University of Samarra and their comparison with the healthy people. The research included 25 samples of the exposed professors and 20 samples as a group of officers.

              The results of the current study showed a significant increase in the level of   AST, ALT in the serum of professors exposed to chemicals compared to healthy people. The results showed no significant increase in

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Calculation of Coefficients of Cassegrain Telescope Mirrors

In the present work, a program for calculating the coefficients of the Aplanatic Cassegrain Telescope (ACT) system, free from the effects of spherical and coma aberrations, were constructed. In addition, the two-mirrors of the optical system, as aspherical surfaces, were adopted. This means, that the two-equations of the mirrors are assumed to be polynomial function of five even terms only. The numerical method, least-squares curve fitting method to calculate the two-mirror coefficients system, was adopted. For choosing the values and ratios that give the best results, Rayleigh Criterion (Rayleigh Limit), for purpose of comparison and preference, was adopted.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Types of Violence among Adolescents

Objective(s): To assess the types of violence among adolescents in Baghdad City.
A descripƟve study which was using the assessment approach was conducted on purposive sample of 60 parents of
adolescent for identify types of adolescents violence in their families, was selected according to specific criteria for
participating in health education program towards adolescents' violence control in Baghdad city.
Methodology: A questionnaire was constructed for the purpose of the study. It was consisted of two parts; the first
part which included the parents' demographic characteristics for parents (sex, age, educational level and socioeconomic
status); the second part included types of adolescent violence that reported by par

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Preparation Of Ferrocene Derivatives Of Niobium IV

This study included the preparation of the dihalogens -1,3 metalla-2[3] ferrocenophanes
like Cp2NbS2Fc,(tBuCp)2NbS2Fc,Cp2NbSe2Fc and (tBuCp)2NbSe2Fe where (Fc=ferrocence)
These complexes has been prepared from the reaction of (R)2 NbCl2 with FCLiM2 ,
where(R=Cp,tBuCp) (M = S,Se) under refluxing in toluene,the reaction was carried under
Argon atmosphere .
These complexes were characterized by elemental microanalysis ,Masse spectra scopy,
nuclear magnetic resonance (
HNMR) and melting points .

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Investigation of alkaloids of Anabasis aphylla (Chenopodiaceae)

The aerial part of Iraqi Anabasis aphylla (Chenopodiaceae) had been investigated for its alkaloidal contents.The alkaloid anabasine [2-(3-pyridyl)-piperidine] [1] & aphyllidine were isolated from an ethanolic extract of the plant. Isolation of the alkaloid was done by column chromatography followed by preperative thin layer chromatography. Identification of the isolated alkaloid was done by different spectroscopic methods (UV,IR), refractive index & TLC using authentic sample & preparation of a salt.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Stability of Complement Degree Polynomial of Graphs

     A graph is a structure amounting to a set of objects in which some pairs of the objects are in some sense related. The objects correspond to mathematical abstractions called vertices (also called nodes or points) and each of the related pairs of vertices is called an edge (also called link or line). A directed graph is a graph in which edges have orientation. A simple graph is a graph that does not have more than one edge between any two vertices and no edge starts and ends at the same vertex.  For a simple undirected graph G with order n, and let  denotes its complement. Let δ(G), ∆(G) denotes the minimum degree and maximum degree of G respectively. The complement degree polynomial of G is the polynomial CD[G,x]= , where C

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Sections of beliefs and area of endeavor

Research summary


The researcher in theological sects finds that the controversial issues between the owners of the sects are many, filled with the books of the sects, articles and creeds, and when examining these books it became clear to us that the dispute is related, some of it is related to the meaning and some of it is related to the words and it is many, explained to us by rhetorical terminology such as guidance and delegation, Interpretation and others, and part of it is what is called the verbal disagreement, and sometimes it is by using common possible expressions of truth and falsehood, as in the saying of the Kharijites, “The judgment is only for God,” and some of it is related to something outside th

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Stress Analysis of Guide Rails of Elevators

The mechanical design of elevator elements is always performed by international standards. The engineer selects the appropriate elements of elevator according to catalogues without knowing scientific details. Therefore, a theoretical analysis is achieved at two operating conditions for guide rails (1) safety gear operation, and (2) running condition with the loads unevenly distributed on the elevator car. The guide rail is considered a continuous beam with variable supports. Then the British code is listed showing the equations used in it.

The theoretical equations showed that guide rails are never subjected to stress in simultaneous combined buckling and bending in the plane, where the bending moment is exerted. It is always a c

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2002
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

A survey of blood parasites among members of two species of Iraqi babblers Timaliidae,
Turodoides caudatus salvadori (de Fillipi, 1865) and Turdoides alterostris (Hartert, 1909)
was carried out in the middle and south of Iraq. Two species of haematozoa were recovered,
Haemoproteus turdoidus sp. nov. and Plasmodium relictum Grassi &Felleti. The description
of the new taxon is provided and discussed with pertinent literature.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Outcome of En Bloc Resection of Osteoidosteoma

Background: Osteoid osteomaa benign tumor is unusual before the age of 5 or after age 30 and is more prevalent in men. The main symptom is pain, which is typically severe and responsible for nocturnal awakenings. The conditons usually diagnosed through radiological imagine and confirmed by Histopathology.
Objectives: To assess the effectiveness and the complications that had been risen during the surgical procedure of osteoid osteoma using en bloc resection.
Methods: (10) Patients diagnosed with osteoid osteomawere treated with enbloc surgical reseaction were included in this study.the study took place at Al Yarmouk teaching hospital.the from April 2017-october 2018 and included 10 patients..(7) male, (3) females.The mean age of th

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